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Just Getting Started

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    Just Getting Started

    Hi FreeFly, Love Rumi, though not always easy to understand. We crawl because we do not yet understand that we have wings. We will catch on, no doubt!!
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Just Getting Started

      Hi Tess, another Rumi for you for the New Year..

      The rose's rarest essence lives in the thorns.

      Time to get to know the essence
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



        Just Getting Started

        Very new here also

        First day on here also. 39 yr old male from South Georgia. Been drinking for about 7 years now..mostly at night before bed. I'm so sick of being so sick and tired. I give it up for four days here and two days here, but I always start again. My face is always red And I have pressure under my right ribs that doesn't go away. I've had several test for this but it all comes back normal. I'm sure it all has to do with the AL ...If I could just give my body a good break!...sux! I do work out and keep my outer body in good shape. My inner-body is suffering. enough of the same ol same ol. This site looks great so I thought I would hang out a little while if that's ok..?


          Just Getting Started

          Hi there HereIGo and a very big :welcome: from me. What a great time to jump on board. May your 2013 be a happy and sober one. Stick around :l
          You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



            Just Getting Started

            Just Getting Started

            Hi HereIGoAgain. Thank you for your message. I've been drinking for about five years. I'm sick of being sick too. Like you, I quit drinking for a few days here and there, but I start again. And those "few days" are very long days because I'm hounded by cravings -- it seems I can think of little else other than alcohol. I've ruined my health. Actually, I've destroyed life as I knew it. But there has to be a way out of this horrible nightmare -- others have found sobriety and recovered their sanity. We can too!! I'm going to read everything I can on this site and make a plan for recovery. But first, I've got to learn little things, like how to change My Mood. I'm probably not going to feel "Angelic" every day and all of the time.
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Just Getting Started

              belles;1435624 wrote: I don't feel amazing but thank you!!! I am trying not to look at it as a battle but a gift of a chance to live my life a better,happier way. it has really helped me to change my mindset so far... I expect it to get tougher but I'm ready and determined. I've been noticing that people with long term success really focus on the positive rather than what they are giving up. we can do it too! :h
              How right you are Belles! I know I could change my focus and feel sorry for myself, like everyone, there is stuff in my life that is HARD.

              Listen to those with years under their belts and be grateful to be free of this monkey. I remember to always say I QUIT alcohol, as ' giving up' tells your psyche you are depriving yourself. Language is important, especially when you are talking to yourself! :H
              I am giving myself back my life, a life I deprived myself of by drinking.

              To you new folk you will succeed if you change your mind. Always listen to advice from those who have succeeded for longer periods, they KNOW the pitfalls cos they have probably fallen in them!

              Good luck to you all and :welcome: to MWO


                Just Getting Started

                "I AM GIVING MYSELF BACK MY LIFE, A LIFE I DEPRIVED MYSELF OF BY DRINKING." I like that!! Thank you, kuya. It is 12:33 a.m. in my little corner of the world, and I am sober. Hooray!!
                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                The man pulling radishes
                pointed the way
                with a radish. ISSA


                  Just Getting Started

                  Tess and all - I hope you rang in a lovely New Years! I was so happy to be sober last night. And I was also so tired of being sick and tired!! I think I'm just glad to have realized I have the option to live my life as a happy sober person instead.

                  Happy New Year - we can choose to make this the best year yet!
                  Life is better without Alcohol. 5/26/13


                    Just Getting Started

                    Hi Tess and Fly. I'm glad I found this site.

                    Sounds like I'm at the early stages like you. I did manage to make it new yrs with out a drink....I wish you all the luck. For some reason I don't crave AL during the day..only at night near bed time. I guess because it makes me go to sleep, But I usually feel bad in the morning...go figure. Thanks for the replies.... I'm shooting for another AL free night!


                      Just Getting Started

                      done day 1 now on 2 good so far
                      thankyou everyone


                        Just Getting Started

                        Newbies Nest

                        Tess-2;1435456 wrote: Recently found this site. Happy to be here. Tend to be a bit of a loner, but realize that I need support to walk away from the bottle. Been addicted for five years, and have lost so much. Determined to make 2013 better. I need to become familiar with MWO. Looking for daily accountability, maybe? I am amazed by all of you!! :new:
                        Hey Jen, I went back and found my first post on 12/31/12. A lot can happen in a month or two! Your day will come to support others. I wanted to give support right from the start. Once in a while I attempt to support others but I usually fall flat. Flat on my face. Fact is, I need to heal, to allow others to help me, to learn from those who have gone before me - before I am going to be of much help to anyone. So go ahead and be "selfish." That is: take care of yourself. Let others tend to your wounds. I highly recommend it. In the beginning of our sobriety it's like being in the Intensive Care Unit: we do not provide care for the nurses. We are barely hanging on. You, Jen, will walk out of the ICU, head lifted high, and will be a role model for others. Trust this precious process... laster:
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Just Getting Started

                          HEY Tess and HereIGO Again

                          Welcome to the best place ever! MWO is my place for support and encouragement and
                          it can be yours too!

                          All of us have fought the same battle and faced the same demons. Some of us take medications that help, as seen in the meds thread. I take antabuse and it has saved my life.

                          PLease come here often for check-in,chat,ideas and motivation,whatever you need.

                          Happy Sunday


                            Just Getting Started

                            You have found a great place to help you get and stay AF. I am on day 7 today and could not have done it with out this site and the caring people on here.
                            Stick close to the site post every time you feel like drinking or get discouraged. I promise you someone will have something to say to make you realize you want to stay AF

                            rednose :welcome::welcome:
                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Just Getting Started

                              Hi Tess, welcome, I'm working hard for a dry 2013. Day 35 and feeling good. Having some anxiety issues but whereas usually reach for the bottle I'm working through it all sober and head on.
                              Wishing you luck on your journey. Happy you've joined us x
                              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                              Day by day

