For all of you who enjoy crocheting but who would also like to add a little "green" to the activity you can made plastic grocery bags into your yarn and make reusable shopping bags, purses, backpacks, bracelets etc! It is a wonderful environmentally friendly sustainable (well reusable) art and people pay big bucks for the crocheted bags. I learned in my environmental youth group. If any of you are interested I'd be happy to give you some directions. Its super easy! It's how I learned to crochet! Good job getting a hobby that is relaxing and also rewarding! But don't forget about that physical activity! I just started Aqua Zumba and it is a blast. Not too strenuous, but fun and people can't really see you making a fool of yourself because 75% of your body is underwater! Great endorphin release! YaY AF!
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For all of you who enjoy crocheting but who would also like to add a little "green" to the activity you can made plastic grocery bags into your yarn and make reusable shopping bags, purses, backpacks, bracelets etc! It is a wonderful environmentally friendly sustainable (well reusable) art and people pay big bucks for the crocheted bags. I learned in my environmental youth group. If any of you are interested I'd be happy to give you some directions. Its super easy! It's how I learned to crochet! Good job getting a hobby that is relaxing and also rewarding! But don't forget about that physical activity! I just started Aqua Zumba and it is a blast. Not too strenuous, but fun and people can't really see you making a fool of yourself because 75% of your body is underwater! Great endorphin release! YaY AF!:earth: Tree23
Fail, fail, double fail and then fail again i hate myself and my lack of willpower, signed myself off the counselling and on trak service as due to flu and bugs (me, my son and his grandparents) I was having to cancel my appt's all the time and they don't like that (not surprised as i felt i was wasting their time) also didn't feel it was helping as I really do feel it is all at my door, only me can stop me drinking! been having my habitual one to two bottles of wine a night and feeling horrible on it, ,skin is bad, dark shadows under my eyes, wrinkly 40-something skin and a general bad moodI really want to break the cycle but I don;t know where to start, I don't really have any friends or family I would/could turn to about it and my hubby is so sick of my half attempts I would love a AL buddy who would be prepared for me to text and email to rant on to and who could offer support in my early AF days so if anyone feels they could put up with me please send me a pm thanks x
Taking it ODAT
Mauri, I hate to say this...but a quit buddy, while nice, is NOT the total answer. I know you've had them before. I participated in many threads you had with all sorts of support. It took me a long time to finally get this, and it didn't happen until I stopped bullshitting myself and blaming other people/events/occurrances for my failures. Nobody can make you stop or help you stop until YOU are ready to stop. I hear your pleas for help, but this is something you have to own. This is up to you. You can fight this the rest of your life...or you can get serious and beat it. You DO know where to start, I've seen you. I have seen you string the days together and you are a different person. I'm sorry this isn't what you want to hear, but this is a support forum, and sometimes that takes a kick in the shorts. You've been at this a long time, you know what doesn't work. And you know what does.
Are you ready to admit AL dependence?
Are you ready to take a leap of faith?
Are you ready to admit that you can not drink at all?
Are you ready to own this problem and do something about it? If not, then you are not going to succeed in my opinion. It takes more than HOPE, it takes a plan.
Yes, you DO know how to make a plan...if you need refreshing, check out the Tool Box, the link is in my signature line.
Are you ready? Byrdie