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2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

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    2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

    Thanks for sharing Ellie; I like it! I enjoy some of Lincoln Park's music. I had a listen to it on youtube. It's good!
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

      February 16, 2013...Find the positive

      Dealing with difficulties – how to find positive sides in them

      When things don’t go the way we planned, it is very easy to start dwelling on negative emotions. We are not able to see anything positive in a situation and this just generates more bad feelings, because we focus on the negative side of things only.

      If we would just stop for a second, we would realize that in most cases, there is also the positive side of things – even in miserable events. Once we understand this, (minor) setbacks won’t ruin our day the same way as they did before.

      Obviously, there are situations when it is very difficult to see anything positive in it. When I think of my past, this could be for example a death of a close relative.

      In the middle of the grief and sorrow, it is very hard to have any positive thoughts. You should just let the time pass and let it heal the wounds. On the other hand, you should feel grateful that you had a chance to know that person and appreciate the time you spent together.

      7 benefits of seeing positive sides in negative events

      There are many benefits of seeing the positive side of things in difficulties we encounter.

      1. There are more options available

      When you have a positive outlook on things, you start to see possibilities that are impossible to realize for a person with a negative mindset.

      Negative person just thinks that there is nothing that can be done related to that situation. However, a positive persons sees options that encourage him/her to move on.

      2. You are in control of your life

      This is one of the biggest reasons to seek for positive sides in everyday events: You realize that you are in control of your life and you don’t feel like you are a victim, floating around aimlessly.

      You give up on being helpless and you are seeking solutions to problems instead of worrying.

      3. You don’t worry about something which you can’t control

      Even if you feel that you are in control of things, you also realize that it is useless to worry about something that you can’t control.

      You also understand that this is a waste of your energy and you can focus on something more helpful instead.

      4. You are able to see the bigger picture

      Are you focusing on a single negative point that takes all your attention or are you still seeing the whole picture?

      When you see events the positive way, you acknowledge that some negative events are just a small piece of the big picture and they belong to the journey when reaching your goals.

      5. You get stuff done

      When you worry and see only the negative side of things, you stop taking action. This in turn stops your efforts to move closer to your goals.

      On the other hand, when taking action – no matter what the situation is – you get stuff done, move forward and don’t let the setback control you (and halt your progress completely).

      6. You know that setbacks are temporary

      Even when the situation seems to be bad and in normal circumstances you would start worrying about it, you realize that this is only a temporary situation.

      Although things may not be good right now, the situation will change at some point.

      7. You learn and appreciate a valuable lesson

      When a person has a positive view of things, he/she knows that in every difficulty there is also a lesson to be learned.

      A person with a positive outlook is always looking for ways to learn from difficulties. This in turn means that the person can improve him/herself and the actions he/she takes the next time.

      “A person with a positive outlook is always looking for ways to learn from difficulties.
      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

        February 17, 2013...Creating a new life

        How to Tackle Resistance to Make Meaningful Life Changes

        ?Kites rise highest against the wind, not with it.? ~Winston Churchill

        A little over two years ago, in December of 2009, I wrote these hopeless words in my journal:

        ?All around me, I?m noticing people perpetuate patterns they claim to hate or end up in situations they?ve always dreaded. And I can?t seem to break free. When I take steps to make a new life or forge a new path, barriers pop up left and right. I don?t know what to do differently.?

        At the time, it felt as if my repeated attempts at changing the trajectory of my life toward joy and expansion were constantly thwarted by some covert forces intent on keeping me down.

        I felt as if I was fated to feel unfulfilled and discontent for the rest of my life. I felt like maybe everyone was fated to repeat maladaptive patterns and self-sabotaging mistakes.

        My, how things have changed.

        Since then, I?ve taken significant steps toward major changes in my life, all bringing me closer to a joyful life based on my ?anchors,? or values. My life continues to open up and I am presented with new opportunities daily.

        But there is still resistance. Nay-sayers. Obstacles to this change that I previously thought were unmanageable. In the past when these obstacles came up, I would shrink back into my old life thinking, ?I knew I couldn?t do that.?

        In the present, I harness all of my strength and resources and confront these obstacles head-on. I know that there will always be resistance to change. But that doesn?t mean it?s not worthwhile.

        I?ve identified the two primary barriers to change, and some strategies for managing both.

        Read on to begin charting a new course for your life.
        Internal Factors

        It?s true: We are creatures of habit. Our brain creates neural pathways from repetitive thoughts and behaviors in an attempt to be efficient and make those things easier. And after some time, they become our default way of functioning.

        We live on ?auto-pilot? in some cases. Even with an intention to change, we find ourselves repeating the same behaviors and experiencing the same thoughts. When these thoughts are based in doubt and fear, they are even harder to change. On some level, they are serving a protective function for us.

        But to have an amazing life, it?s necessary to take risks. To appeal to your hesitant side, make these calculated risks. Plan your change in a rational way and challenge the internal messages that tell you why it?s not possible. Biologically, we seek homeostasis, so it?s helpful to coax your brain into change gradually and rationally.

        For example, say you currently work in a job you find stressful and unsatisfying. You are not sufficiently compensated. You want something else for your life.

        Here are some ways your brain may trick you into staying complacent, and some ways you can ?talk back? to outsmart yourself and support your change goals:

        The Homeostatic Message:

        ?This economy is dreadful. You are lucky you even have a job!?

        The Change Response:

        ?I am lucky to have a job! It?s a great jumping-off point for the work that will be more rewarding.?

        The Homeostatic Message:

        ?No one is going to pay you more than you make now. You should just be satisfied with that.?

        The Change Response:

        ?Thousands of people make far more than I do and work far less. I have something to offer the world, and I can be adequately compensated for my gifts.?

        Responding to your fears and doubts in a way that challenges their validity can go a long way in helping you create change. Practice this technique regularly.

        Additionally, take time to outline why you want to change, steps you may take to change, supports you may call on, resources that may be available.

        Make this change your priority and do a little something toward it each and every day.

        The ideas listed above are some good ways to convince yourself that this change is feasible.

        But what about other people? That brings us to the second barrier to change:
        External Factors

        There are so many external factors that inhibit change, including geography, family situation, and finances. But for the purpose of this article, let?s consider the detractors. The nay-sayers. The people in your life who would prefer you stay just as you are.

        Why is it that people have a hard time endorsing your goal of change?

        Because they seek homeostasis, too.

        It is more comfortable for them if you remain your same, predictable self.

        I suppose sometimes people may try to sabotage others out of fear or jealousy or other malicious intentions. But I think most of the time we contend with people close to us?parents, friends, spouses?who just prefer to maintain the status quo.

        Your change, growth, and shift will inevitably require them to do some changing, too, as they?ll have to respond differently to you. And this is uncomfortable for others.

        Interestingly, using the above example of wanting a new job, these people may literally say the same things your homeostatic brain says. You could respond rationally, as above, and explain why their logic is flawed. But in most cases, that won?t suffice. They?re probably not interested in hearing your logic, and it most likely won?t help them endorse your change.

        Ironically, you can?t change them.

        So what can you do?

        How should you handle the people who, well-meaning or otherwise, attempt to sabotage your efforts to create a better life for yourself?

        Do you just cease your efforts and retreat back into the life you longed to change?


        Here are a few ways to bolster yourself against the inevitable backlash of people who are resistant to your change:
        1. Get very clear on your own values and motivations for this change.

        If you feel confident about it, you?ll be less susceptible to others? opinions.
        2. Prepare a comeback.

        It could be matter-of-fact, humorous, or whatever fits best for you. Anticipate the common reaction (i.e.: ?In this economy, you?re lucky to have a job!?), and prepare a response that will shut the conversation down and make it clear you?re not open to negotiating about your intention (?I know! I am so lucky to have a job. How?s your job going??).
        3. Seek out supporters.

        Find people, websites, groups, and resources that say you can make the change you intend. Read success stories, solicit pep talks, share your short-term goals?create a change-based community of like-minded people.
        4. Filter your updates.

        You know that old saying, ?You can?t get bread at the hardware store?? Some people may never support your progress. Consider saving your progress updates for people who are more supportive. If you give detractors less opportunity to offer their feedback, it?s less you?ll have to contend with.
        5. Be a resource.

        When people begin to notice that extra pep in your step, they?ll want a little of this ?change? thing for themselves! If you sense someone is flirting with their own change, offer your story and share what has worked for you. Don?t push, and do accept their resistance. Change is a slow process, but if someone is ready to take the first step, you could very well serve as their catalyst.
        6. Push through it.

        There may be times when it feels impossible. When so many forces are stacked up against you, and you can?t possibly forge a new path in life. This is exactly when you keep going.

        This is the stress point beyond which true lasting change occurs. Do reconsider your goals and make sure they?re still in line with your core beliefs. And if so, just keep going.

        You can create a new life for yourself and serve as an inspiration to others.

        "Life isn't about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw~
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

          February 18, 2013...It's a Beautiful Day; don't let it get away!

          It's a Beautiful Day; don't let it get away.

          U2-Beautiful Day Lyrics - YouTube

          The heart is a bloom
          Shoots up through the stony ground
          There's no room
          No space to rent in this town

          You're out of luck
          And the reason that you had to care
          The traffic is stuck
          And you're not moving anywhere

          You thought you'd found a friend
          To take you out of this place
          Someone you could lend a hand
          In return for grace

          It's a beautiful day
          Sky falls, you feel like
          It's a beautiful day
          Don't let it get away

          You're on the road
          But you've got no destination
          You're in the mud
          In the maze of her imagination

          You're lovin' this town
          Even if that doesn't ring true
          You've been all over
          And it's been all over you

          It's a beautiful day
          Don't let it get away
          It's a beautiful day

          Touch me
          Take me to that other place
          Teach me
          I know I'm not a hopeless case

          See the world in green and blue
          See China right in front of you
          See the canyons broken by cloud
          See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
          See the Bedouin fires at night
          See the oil fields at first light
          And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
          After the flood all the colors came out

          It was a beautiful day
          Don't let it get away
          Beautiful day

          Touch me
          Take me to that other place
          Reach me
          I know I'm not a hopeless case

          What you don't have you don't need it now
          What you don't know you can feel it somehow
          What you don't have you don't need it now
          Don't need it now
          Was a beautiful day

          Carpe Diem
          (Seize The Day)

          I'm almost to my first mile marker, day 30. It's a beautiful day; don't let it get away!
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

            February 19th

            The Teacup Story

            There was a couple who took a trip to England to shop in a beautiful antique store to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. They both liked antiques and pottery, and especially teacups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they asked ?May we see that? We?ve never seen a cup quite so beautiful.?

            As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke, ?You don?t understand. I have not always been a teacup. There was a time when I was just a lump of red clay. My master took me and rolled me, pounded and patted me over and over and I yelled out, ?Don?t do that. I don?t like it! Let me alone.? But he only smiled, and gently said, ?Not yet!?? ?Then WHAM! I was placed on a spinning wheel and suddenly I was spun around and around and around. ?Stop it! I?m getting so dizzy! I?m going to be sick,? I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, quietly, ?Not yet.??

            ?He spun me and poked and prodded and bent me out of shape to suit himself and then? Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I yelled and knocked and pounded at the door. Help! Get me out of here! I could see him through the opening and I could read his lips as he shook his head from side to side, ?Not yet.??

            ?When I thought I couldn?t bear it another minute, the door opened. He carefully took me out and put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. Oh, that felt so good! Ah, this is much better, I thought. But, after I cooled he picked me up and he brushed and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. ?Oh, please, Stop it, Stop it!? I cried. He only shook his head and said. ?Not yet!??

            ?Then suddenly he put me back into the oven. Only it was not like the first one. This was twice as hot and I just knew I would suffocate. I begged. I pleaded. I screamed. I cried. I was convinced I would never make it. I was ready to give up. Just then the door opened and he took me out and again placed me on the shelf, where I cooled and waited ??- and waited, wondering ?What?s he going to do to me next?? An hour later he handed me a mirror and said ?Look at yourself.? ?And I did. I said, ?That?s not me, that couldn?t be me. It?s beautiful. I?m beautiful!??

            Quietly he spoke: ?I want you to remember,? then he said, ?I know it hurt to be rolled and pounded and patted, but had I just left you alone, you?d have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I know it hurt and it was hot and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn?t put you there, you would have cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all over, but if I hadn?t done that, you never would have hardened. You would not have had any color in your life. If I hadn?t put you back in that second oven, you wouldn?t have survived for long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. Now you are what I had in mind when I first began with you.?

            ? Author Unknown
            AF 6 years
            NF 7 years

            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


              2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

              PERFECT! (but you know this ) x
              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                Slaythefear;1465534 wrote: PERFECT! (but you know this ) x
                AF 6 years
                NF 7 years

                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                  2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                  February 20th

                  Be good to your future

                  Be good to your future. Live with purpose, integrity and discipline in the present.

                  Now is the perfect time to avoid future regrets. Now is the ideal time to create massive future value.

                  Today, you have great leverage over how your life will be tomorrow. Use that leverage in such a way that you?ll look back on your choices with gratitude and satisfaction.

                  What you do right now has a significant influence far into the future. Feel that awesome power and exercise it wisely.

                  Never forget that all your actions have very real consequences. Today you can choose the actions that bring the best, most desirable consequences.

                  Be good to yourself by being good to your future. Use your choices right now to choose a future that?s just the way you?d like it to be.

                  ? Ralph Marston
                  AF 6 years
                  NF 7 years

                  A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                    2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                    I like the above!!!!!!!

                    Newbie's Nest

                    Tool Box
                    AF 9.1.2013


                      2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                      February 21, 2013...Take Action

                      Beat Procrastination End Today Saying Woo Hoo

                      Procrastination is a top self sabotaging behavior. Yet most procrastinators take action, just not in the area they procrastinate in. To help change your life, get new results, and gain the most value from your day implement the five practical tips below, and end the day with no regrets.

                      1- Get Your Head in the Game- The mind, an astonishing asset, can be the greatest obstacle. Become acutely aware of your perceptions, thought patterns, and self-talk, and whether they are supporting or stopping you. Here is what you might find and how to shift:

                      ? Fear- Stay present. Get the focus off you and onto who you are helping or what you want. Prepare. Believe in yourself. Take action to gain confidence and experience. Let go of expectations. Forge through fear just to do it! Feel good about that! Choose to not let fear hold you back any longer.

                      ? Overwhelm- What part can you delegate? Break it down. Get details out of your head and into a system. Begin with one small step you are sure you can do. Commit only 15 minutes. Start with one small area. Begin! Set it up to succeed one small step at a time.

                      ? Unsure of what to do- Call someone experienced. Research on and off line. Don't hold back. People enjoy helping others. Get the help you need.

                      ? You don't like doing it or it is someone else's goal- Delegate, commit 15 minutes to begin, or do it first in the morning. Get it behind you! Focus on how great you will feel when it is done.

                      Set yourself up to succeed. That entails getting your head in the game to move you into action. Put an end to beating yourself up. Be encouraging. Allow your brain to be your own best success coach!

                      2- Know Your Primary Actions- What are the three most important actions you can take today to create a high quality life, business, career, etc? What completion will make you say 'Woo Hoo" at the end of the day? Get clear on what will make a difference. It is about taking action towards what you want. As you do you gain knowledge, expertise, connections, and find passion. Keep primary actions fore front knowing at the end of the day you want to feel good! Aim for no regrets!

                      3- Focus on Completing One Task at a Time in a Set Time Limit- Avoid multi-tasking. Efficiency rises with 100% focus on the goal. Imagine a gymnast, surgeon, pilot, or crossing guard multitasking. Maintain focus on what you want to accomplish in a set time. EX: Allow 15 minutes to check your e-mail so you don't waste an hour. It takes practice learning how long tasks/ projects take but you will see improvement immediately when you aim.

                      4- Be in Action- Action leads to knowledge, experience, and success. Practice pays off. Learning to swim takes getting in the water. Learning to speak to a group takes standing up in front of them. Many end up feeling worse when they avoid making a new contact. Discomfort is a sign that you are ready for a new adventure. It's a good thing! Get excited! Make the call. Do it! The more you do the more you gain expertise, meet intriguing people, have more exciting experiences, and see doors open for you.

                      5- Extreme Self Care- Pay attention to your body. Nourish it. Give yourself permission to take breaks to rejuvenate. Rest when needed and get a good night's sleep. Notice the difference between self care and procrastination. You will accomplish more by rejuvenating than trying to push through when exhausted.

                      Take Action Now to Feel Great Tonight:
                      ~ Knock out a Toleration- Set a timer for 15 minutes and clean out one area that has been irritating you.
                      ~ Decide the 3 most important actions you can take today, then follow through.
                      ~ What focus will motivate you into action when procrastination sets in? Say it and feel it.
                      EX: 'I want to say Woo Hoo at the end of the day.' 'I want new results.' 'I want a high quality life."
                      ~ Complete something right now that you have been putting off. You will feel great to get it behind you!
                      ~ Get a support structure in place to connect with: a friend, small group, a coach, a class, etc.

                      Continue in action! We all are capable of so much more. You are an amazing person who is fully capable of ending each day saying "Woo Hoo! I did it! I knew I could!" So just begin? starting now!
                      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                        2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                        Great post slay....

                        Newbie's Nest

                        Tool Box
                        AF 9.1.2013


                          2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                          February 22nd

                          What makes bliss

                          If you can describe the reason why in words, it?s not the deepest reason why. There?s another more profound reason beyond it.

                          Your mind can be very logical and objective. Your true purpose is neither logical nor objective.

                          What lives at the heart of you, requires no explanation or justification. What nourishes and sustains your deepest purpose, is for you to feel it, and feel it often.

                          Feel that inner purpose from which you cannot ever be apart. Give it new life in every moment by allowing it expression through the way you live.

                          Life is not about doing only what makes sense. Also do what makes bliss.

                          Let your spirit go beyond what your mind can comprehend. In that place, it is all beauty, all love, all fulfillment, always.

                          ? Ralph Marston
                          AF 6 years
                          NF 7 years

                          A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                            2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                            February 26th

                            A Grand Adventure

                            Don?t back away from life just because it gets difficult. Instead, jump into it more fully.

                            Don?t slow down just because the road upward becomes steep. Speed up and get that extra momentum to carry you forward.

                            There?s no good reason to let the challenges get you down. Choose instead to be energized and motivated by them.

                            Life is a grand adventure. You wouldn?t want it to come too easily.

                            You have all sorts of wonderful skills and abilities. Relish the opportunities to put them to the test and to make them even stronger.

                            Live with passion and purpose and the resolve to handle whatever may come your way. Never stop discovering how much more you?re able to do.

                            ? Ralph Marston
                            AF 6 years
                            NF 7 years

                            A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                              2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                              February 27th

                              Over and Over

                              The actions, thoughts and words that become a permanent part of you are the ones you choose to repeat over and over again. Doing something once will certainly bring some kind of result, and doing it repeatedly will multiply its power many times over.

                              You cannot lift a thousand pounds all at once. Yet you can lift one pound a thousand times.

                              In the repetition of your thoughts and actions, there is great power. Choose to make complete and purposeful use of that power.

                              Add immense leverage to what you do by doing it again and again. Give great strength to your actions by persistently repeating them.

                              Nothing of value is ever accomplished in an instant. No skill is ever fully developed in a single day.

                              Take the time to make the effort over and over again. That time and those efforts will bring great rewards.

                              ? Ralph Marston
                              AF 6 years
                              NF 7 years

                              A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


                                2013 Daily Encouragement Thread

                                February 28th

                                The Thoughts You Choose

                                In your thoughts you can go anywhere and do anything that you can imagine. No person or circumstance can prevent you from having the thoughts you wish to explore.

                                Even when the worst that could happen has indeed come to pass, in your thoughts you can turn it around. Even if everything seems to be working against you, you still can think of ways for it all to be working in your favor.

                                Your thoughts can take you back in time and forward too. Thoughts can take you to the top of the highest mountain and into the middle of the deepest forest. Your thoughts can linger contemplatively in a particular place, or travel instantly to the other side of the universe. The only limit upon your thoughts is what you choose to think.

                                And whatever thoughts you choose to have are the very thoughts that will direct your life. They?ll determine how you perceive whatever comes your way, and they?ll be responsible for what you do about it.

                                Always you are able to choose your thoughts, in every kind of situation. So choose the ones that will lead you to exactly where you want to go.

                                ? Ralph Marston
                                AF 6 years
                                NF 7 years

                                A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step

