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Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

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    Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

    hi guys well here I am again on day 1 feeling very run down and emotional, I've been feeling like I've been sinking so time to kick this for good. could really do with some support

    Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

    Hello Fallen, sorry you're feeling so down. Our start dates are similar and long term sobriety still eludes me. I want to change that in 2013 so I'm with you - really is time to kick this very bad habit for good. You know you'll feel much better with a few days AF so hang in there and try not to let the 'bad' thoughts overwhelm you today. Be kind to yourself today. Settle in with a movie or something. Sending hugs your way :l:l:l
    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



      Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

      hi freefly thanks for your kind words, your right sometimes my negative thoughts make me feel a lot worse than it actually is. I just feel so emotional as I know I've got to kick this habit for good this time. the trouble is I hardly get to spend time with my partner as I work in the day time and he works nights, I tend to drink when I'm bored or lonely. most of my friends are big drinkers so this weekend is really going to be hard as I won't want to be around people who are drinking, but hate being lonely. do u ever feel like that and if so what do you do about it?


        Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

        Hi Fallen, yes I empathise with all you're feeling. I do now know that alcohol is the source of my depressive feelings and yes, loneliness was my trigger and they all go hand in hand. I'm mostly AF these days but sometimes that little part of me wants to give it another whirl for some reason and the outcome is always the same. I know not to entertain the hungover thoughts anymore and that it will pass, but very sick of tired in wasting those days now and I think the balance is finally tipping. Kryia yoga has been a massive help for me (breathing/meditation) as has physical exercise. The people around me have changed too. I'm still in touch with old friends but choose to spend my time with non-drinkers - it really helps and is much more fun! Big hug :l
        You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



          Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

          most definately agree with you, alcohol is a depressive and when I don't drink I feel in control and so full of life. the good thing about today being day one for me is that I have a friend who has decided to stop drinking, we don't often see each other but txt quite often so it will be nice to have that additional support. I like to also use this site as I have admitted to myself I have a problem but no one else really knows so I find it refreshing I can be honest here


            Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

            Ditto Fallen, no-one in my 'real' world knows I've had a struggle. I was a home drinker so no-one knew I had a problem but I've told a few recently that I'm not drinking but no eyebrows raised as I haven't made a big deal about it - just having a cleanse, which is true. I'm glad you have a friend for support. I no longer have the lonely feelings. I enjoy my time alone and with people who enhance my life when choosing company. MWO's been a massive life saver and would love to complete the job at hand now. We can do this!
            You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



              Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

              it's awful how alcohol can make u feel so down and ashamed that you can't tell the people closest to you. I think I'm going to take the plunge and confide in a couple, will see how I feel about it in a few days as my heads all over the place at the minute. I used to speak to an alcohol worker and I found that really helped me, but that's when I used to work part time I wouldn't dare have the time off work now with it being a new job.


                Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                You won't need to take the time off anymore with 2013 being AF Catch you tomorrow - bet you'll feel so much better even then :l
                You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                  Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                  thanks for the support I'm sure ur right, speak to you tomorrow


                    Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                    Off to watch a movie now - yes see you tomorrow. Sleep well
                    You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                      Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                      im with you fallen,i knew the holidays would be rough,but sheesh oh well,its done,so are we o.k?
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                        thanks for the support I'm sure ur right, speak to you tomorrow


                          Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                          hi pauly I know the holidays were one crazy ride. are u on day one also?


                            Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                            you too


                              Daunting day 1 again, who's with me?

                              HEY ANGEL

                              Congrstulstions on your recognition of your alcohol issues and your determination to get away from them.
                              Please just remember that the one day at a time idea is probably the best way to go. A bunch of here are sort of pledging to hae 2013 be a calendar year sober-all year long.
                              And that is daunting, and I can tell you that my plan for this is exactly that-ONE DAY AT A TIME. It would be my first sober year in nearly a lifetime-40 years or so.

                              You don't need to jump on the year bandwagon; take it slowly. Treat yourself well. Use all the tools you can. Not being bossy-just suggestions. As for telling people-that is your decision and you probably can predict reactions based on how well you know them.

                              I'm like FreeFly-right now I cannot be around drinkers. I can;t and I don't want to. I want to do productive things and get healthy.

                              Hang in there and stick around. We are all in this crazy boat rowing as hard as we can to stay afloat.
                              TAKE CARE

