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Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

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    Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

    Hi Everyone - first off, I want to thank everyone on this site. I just registered today, but I spent the last couple of days reading the threads on here and they have been really helpful!

    I am on day two of my tapering process and am hoping some of you can help me make sure I do it right. Also, by posting I am holding myself accountable to all of you and hopefully my story will help others the same way all of your stories are helping me.

    First off, some history. I have been an evening drinker, occasional day drinker (especially on weekends) for my entire adult life. I have always seemed to metabolize alcohol well and I was a very functional alcoholic and quite successful business wise. I cannot remember a single day over the past many years that I did not consume at least a few bottles of beer, glasses of wine, or some sort of liquor. Even if I didn't drink all day, I would always consume a couple of glasses of wine and probably a glass of scotch so I could get to sleep. But for the most part, my average consumption has always been 8-12 units a day - mostly beer (probably 6-8 bottles), and a couple of glasses (or a bottle some days) of wine, mixed in with a gin and tonic or two or a scotch and soda or two.

    Over the past few months though I have been pretty stressed out, and I have been drinking quite a bit heavier - averaging closer to 14-16 units a day, still mostly beer, but still mixing in the wine and liquor, starting earlier in the day, 2-3 times a week starting with a bloody mary or screwdriver first thing in the morning. My "refreshing" drink on my drinking days was a weak scotch and soda - I'd put about an ounce of scotch into a large (24oz) tumbler and fill it with club soda. But even though it was a weak drink, every drink I consumed on some of these days contained alcohol.

    I have never gotten into a drinking related accident, never a DUI, I don't believe it has ever affected my work or social life (although it probably has to some extent - I feel that once I am completely sober if I was able to do well when I was drinking that much, watch out for what I am going to be able to accomplish sober!). But here's the wake up call...

    I didn't really notice it much at first, but now that I look back, starting around the second week of December (about 3 weeks ago), I started feeling fatigued at different times of the day and I was crankier... Not every day, but just overall not feeling as well. Of course, I had been drinking heavy for a few months leading up to this time. I kept up the drinking, but by the last week (between Christmas and New Years) I was getting severe fatigue and decided not to go to several parties, including major celebrations for New Years - I stayed home, had several drinks and went to bed around 10pm. I got up around 3am, had a few more drinks and went back to bed and slept until 8am and got up and had a bloody mary...

    It was about this point that I realized that something must be wrong with me... Why was I feeling tired all the time? I started looking stuff up online and my symptoms were similar to alcoholic liver disease. Then I remembered that I had gotten a physical about 8 months ago and the blood tests had shown slightly high results on the liver function tests and the doctor had pushed on my liver and said it was a little soft and I should reduce my alcohol intake... So my liver isn't exactly hurting, but I pushed on it and it is definitely enlarged, somewhat soft and now I realize that there is pressure in the general area especially when I am sitting down and lean forward.

    I started reading up on alcoholic liver disease and it frankly scared the pants off me. If I am having liver issues and keep drinking the was I was, especially with starting to have symptoms that something was wrong, I am going to end up dead.

    There is no question that my body was telling me something. I really hope that it is nothing more than the first stage - fatty liver. Once it goes on to alcoholic hepatitis things can start getting bad quickly, but I don't seem to have any of the more severe symptoms such as fever, throwing up blood, off colored bowel movements or urine, etc. But no matter what the stage it is at, the #1 treatment for all of them is to quit drinking.

    My plan at this point is to taper off over the next 5-6 days to complete abstinence and then wait a week to 10 days to go see a doctor and get blood tests run. From what I have read, cutting back and then not drinking for even as little as a couple of weeks can make an amazing change to your liver that will show in the liver function tests. (*** CAN ANYONE COMMENT ON THIS PLEASE ***) I feel like if I went right now and got the tests that they would be off the charts due to the amount I had been drinking and how long I had been drinking and the doctor may insist on a liver biopsy, which I would prefer to avoid if necessary. If I taper for 5-6 days and then quit for 7-10 days should my liver function be fairly close to back to normal, or only show slightly elevated? Does anyone have any experience with this?

    Also, on tapering... Since I guessed my baseline alcohol intake was around 14 units a day (if not a couple more), I decided to use the HAMS taper recommendation of taking off two a day, so my schedule would look like this:
    Jan 2nd - 12 units
    3rd - 10 units
    4th - 8 units
    5th - 6 units
    6th - 4 units
    7th - 2 units
    8th - 0 units...

    Well, my biggest concern about withdrawl is not being able to sleep - I have always gone to bed with a decent buzz, if not completely drunk. I have always had problems going to sleep as my mind seems to race, even as a kid (long before I ever had a drink). So I became dependent on alcohol to get to sleep. After reading all the withdrawl stories I also have concerns about how my body is going to react to quitting after drinking for over 20 years.

    So yesterday (day one) - I hope I didn't screw this up, but I only had 4.5 units. I had a beer in the mid morning, then tea and sodas until 4pm, had another beer which I drank slowly (took over an hour to finish), then a large glass of water, a glass of wine before dinner, a glass of wine after dinner, and then a glass of wine before bed, which I left half of it siting on the nightstand and threw it out this morning.

    Today is day two - it is almost 2pm my time and I have yet to have a drink today - I feel pretty good, the pressure from my liver seems a little less today (and the liver pressure is something that I am hyperaware of right now - it doesn't hurt and I'd guess if I weren't concerned about it I probably wouldn't even notice it).

    So here is my main question - since everyone says that days 2 and 3 are the worst for withdrawl symptoms, did I screw up already by dropping to 4.5 units too fast? Should I alter my entire taper schedule based on the fact that I only had 4.5 units yesterday? Am I more likely to have issues sleeping tonight or other problems?

    I had been kind of planning on saving my drinks for mostly before bedtime to help get to sleep, but is this really a good idea? If I am tapering, should I be drinking the drinks throughout the day, even if I usually drank mostly at night?

    As far as a report on day one, I went to bed soberer than I have in as long as I can remember and I did have trouble going to sleep. I read for around 2 hours and then was tired enough to try to go to sleep, so I turned off the light and tried. I must have dozed off and then woken up suddenly due to some noise or perceived noise at least 6-8 times before actually falling into a deeper sleep. It wasn't terrible, but it was similar in nature to what others have talked about in their posts. It is obviously a sign that my brain is having to figure out how to cope with not having as much alcohol in my system when I go to bed...

    So, there is my story... I will keep posting on my progress. This is the first time I have ever tried to quit, and maybe I am being naive, but I really don't think I am going to have a problem quitting, simply because I actually want to quit and let my body recover and live a healthier lifestyle... But we'll see.

    If anyone can answer some of my questions above all comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks - R4T

    Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

    I am no expert but I did tapering alittle quicker than this but that seems like a good plan. Not sure drinking ever helped me sleep though? I'm pretty sure that most people have problems with sleep when they quit. I sure did, every time. Congratulations on making the decision to stop. I did that over 3 months ago and my life has improved tremendously! I'm excited about the future now. You can do this and we are here to help. Welcome aboard!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

      :welcome: R4T,

      The thing to remember when we're sleeping after alcohol is that it's not real sleep. We just fairly anaesthetised and I'm not going to lie to you and say you won't have problems for a couple of weeks. Sorry to e a bit vague but mine seemed to last for months and months but I was so grateful to alcohol free (AF) it was the least of my problems.

      That taper looks a good one to me, but please if you find you're feeling real withdrawals get in touch with a health official.

      Now to the liver it's a very forgiving organ should right itself around 6/10 weeks AF. I know it sounds like an absolute lifetime but stand it against the length of time we've been drinking and it's a drop in the ocean. Oh and believe me all your other organs will say thank you too.

      I'm glad you've found us. Keep checking in, so we can watch for progress.

      J x
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

        Hi R4T and welcome to MWO!

        Congrats on finding MWO, reading, starting to post, and beginning a healthier lifestyle. at first it seems really hard, but it IS doable, and the freedom is wonderful.

        I used nearly every idea and supplement recommended by Roberta Jewell, in her book which you can download from this site.

        I had been a heavy drinker for most of my adult life (privately, at home, BEFORE parties, etc) when a CT scan for unrelated issues in Oct. 2010 showed I had a fatty liver. I tried cutting down, as you are doing, with eventually a few AF days here and there, and in July 2011 a followup scan showed a COMPLETELY NORMAL LIVER.

        My LFTs were normal all along, are much lower now. My rosacea is almost entirely gone.

        IMO, the milk thistle helped immediately, I theorize by supporting liver function so that my cardiovascular function improved and my facial redness would diminish. the hypnosis CDs, also available on this site, helped me to change my self-concept of "I MUST drink alcohol in order to EXIST."

        And, the calms forte helped me to sleep, as did obliging myself to rise early and never sleep in.

        So, at least for me, the liver has proven to be quite capable of repairing itself, and yours probably will be, too!

        good luck on your journey! Farfalla P
        . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery


          Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

          Hi R4T and welcome!

          I just want to share some of my experience. First, I had to quit cold turkey because once I had the first drink, all bets were off. If you can taper and actually stop, my hat goes off to you! I consulted my doctor and she was able to give me medication to prevent serious withdrawals.

          Second, I normally recommend that people don't self-diagnose on the internet. If I tried, I could convince myself that I have some crazy swamp disease. I don't mean to make light of this, but the only true answer you will get about your liver is through a blood amount of Googling will change the state of your will only cause you undue stress. Get it checked if you are that concerned.

          Third, and final (about time you made an excellent point. When we drink we don't actually sleep, we go into different stages of unconsciousness. I wasn't actually waking up in my drinking days...I was "coming to"....big difference. It's no wonder that when you quit causing your body to choose between being alive or awake (which is what we do when we drink to pass out), it's gonna have a hard time falling asleep naturally. Give it with other things, it will all sort out eventually once you get the poison out of your system.

          Please keep posting and let us know how you're doing!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

            Thanks Everyone!

            Thanks for the comments and answers!

            So the end of day two is coming to a close. I am glad that I am not working right now, I am able to treat this as an illness, as I guess it is, more or less and just kind of hang out and read. I had planned on going on a bike ride this afternoon, but got on some phone calls and when I was done I didn't feel like it. In a mostly good mood all day. Around 4pm I started to get a little tiny bit shaky and a bit of a headache so I decided to drink my first beer of the day. (Remember, I am tapering and today I am allowed 10 units). The beer did actually make me feel better and afterward I had a large tumbler of Sprite followed by a large tumbler of Club Soda. I still have a little bit of a headache, not sure if taking some advil is a good idea or not while I am kicking this. I suspect that it is probably fine, and I may take some if my headache doesn't go away before bedtime.

            I had glass of wine with dinner (unit #2), but funny thing... I don't really feel all that much like drinking, but I am very concerned about having withdrawal symptoms. Yesterday (day 1) I had allotted myself 12 units and only drank 4.5 units. I made the decision and announced to my wife at dinner that I was going to stay up and pretty much make myself drink two more glasses of wine before bedtime. BTW, my wife is incredibly supportive, I am not sure that she really understands since she is younger and has not been drinking as long as I have and seems to be able to go cold turkey whenever she feels like it no problem... Ever since we have been together she has always been able to skip one or more days of drinking and definitely doesn't have the continuous and heavy history that I have. Many nights she would go to bed and I'd stay up and have another 6-8 drinks before bed. Some nights she would stay up and drink one-for-one with me... In any case, she is incredibly supportive and keeps telling me that she is proud of me for doing this - that support really helps.

            So anyway... I am drinking my second glass of wine (3rd unit total today) while writing this and will take a shower and get ready for bed, grab a book and drink a third glass (4th unit) before going to sleep.

            Interestingly though, I really feel like I could just skip the last glass of wine, but I also don't want to subject my body to too much too soon. The whole reason I decided to detox through tapering was due to all the warnings I have read about quitting too fast after drinking hard for a long time...

            What are your thoughts on this? Am I being smart by drinking that last drink or being stupid since I could have skipped it?


              Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

              I would say do what your body and your mind tells you. Don't force alcohol down your throat if you don't want to drink it. I know when I have been detoxing I have had allotted amounts of alcohol to drink but at some points in time, I would rather support the move toward moderation/abstinence rather than drink to the quota and maybe risk a little more of a withdrawal. I know when I forced the drink down, I ended up getting sick (which I never did when drinking regularly). Do what you think is best for you. Try to help out your liver while you are tapering down: Liver Health ABC's Artichokes, Beets, and Curcuma (Tumeric 1/2 tsp) daily. Also try some natural stress relief such as Calms Forte and perhaps some adrenal support. I use all that stuff. I haven't been on the program all that long. And I had a very similar "ah-hah" moment. Bon Chance!
              :earth: Tree23


                Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                Hi Ready4This,

                Would like to wish you well on your journey

                I cant give advice re tapering sorry. My withdrawals may not have been so bad as i had been taking supplements long before quitting and also had some diazepam. My first day AF was spent in my house just taking it easy, drinking plenty of water, eating what i fancied, reading here, watching tv, had bath etc.. I expected to have some uncomfortable feelings for the first few days and found that the mere fact i expected them and accepted them as they happened helped me through them. That was thanks to reading here.

                In my own experience re sleeping, i find the more i worry re not sleeping the less sleep i will get.
                Times when i cant sleep i just lay with eyes closed and imagine/mediatate, listen to relaxation cd, pray (to who or whotever you want). When i tell myself its ok your not sleeping at present 'forget about sleep' more often than not i will fall asleep! Likewise when i worry cause im not sleeping thats when i wont sleep. Hope that makes some kind of sense! I believe some form of exercise during day will also aid sleep. I occasionally take calms forte and 5HTP which are supposed to aid sleep also.

                Re taking that last glass of wine, i would agree with Tree, listen to your body and mind.

                Apologies if this doesnt help you, each one of us have to find our own way, but certainly being here will help us to do that )

                Best wishes


                  Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                  Day Three

                  Day Three - Everything is as expected. I feel worse today than I did yesterday. But I am sticking with my plan, in fact well below it and I think I am going to be able to taper much faster than my original plan. I stuck with 4 units yesterday rather than my allotted 10.

                  I had a lot of trouble going to sleep last night, but the problem was more due to constipation and feeling gassy I think - is this a normal aspect to quitting alcohol (the constipation I mean) or is this just completely unrelated?

                  I went to bed at 9:30 or so and read until 11:30 and then tried to go to sleep. My stomach kept bothering me so I got up around midnight and was up until after 1am without luck. Seriously considered having a couple of drinks to help me get to sleep - not sure if this was as much a craving as it was just habit, but in any case I decided not to have a drink and went back to bed instead. Tossed and turned for a while, but did end up getting a little sleep. Feel tired today. Drank some prune juice, hopefully everything comes out okay! ;-)

                  I think I am going to shoot for only two glasses of wine tonight - but if I feel like a third i'll have it. Still way ahead of my taper schedule.


                    Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                    But for the most part, my average consumption has always been 8-12 units a day - mostly beer (probably 6-8 bottles), and a couple of glasses (or a bottle some days) of wine, mixed in with a gin and tonic or two or a scotch and soda or two.

                    Hi Rft, Well done for catching it in the bud, if you'd continued you could have had serious physical dependency problems and would have Delirium Tremus if you'd stopped or tapered too fast. I've had that and the hallucinations are very scary. I'm at the end of tapering from 42 units and it's taken me months but well worth it.

                    Just a wee thing and it doesn't really matter as you're on top of things but depending on the size of bottle of beer the units above could be about 30 units not 8-12. Don't know where you're from but in Britain the units are marked on the bottle but are not easily visible.

                    Keep going and good luck.

                    It's not what you drink, it's how much!


                      Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                      Ah, I get it, you mean drink's not units.
                      It's not what you drink, it's how much!


                        Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                        Hi Lasha - yes, well a 12oz beer is one unit right? That's what I drank, but not sure about how much alcohol I was pouring in drinks, so it could have been more.

                        But I am feeling fine, no major issues other than having a hell of a time going to sleep at night.

                        My next challenge is going to be my first AF day... It's been years and years... But the tapering is definitely the way to go.



                          Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                          Wish someone had mentioned the constipation thing to me. Took me completely by surprise. Turned out I was forgetting to drink fluid, never forgot to drink my red wine/vodka/white wine but I think I was downing just a couple of coffees a day.

                          Keep up the fluid (non-alcoholic of course ) and it shouldn't last long.

                          I'm so looking forward to your 1st AF day.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                            Hi R4T and belated :welcome:

                            Ditto all that's been said here. I think you are going to be quite successful as you are already very mindful and detailed.

                            One thing I noticed in your posts is (and you could already be doing this) is not much WATER being drunk.
                            I see you are drinking Sprite and Club soda in the Taper schedule but not much H2O in there.

                            WATER is a huge part of getting AF and many of us put lots of lemon in it to help with the detox. Remember that we are so dehydrated from the daily AL our insides must look like the Sands of Time by the time we least mine did

                            So glad you found us. Stay close:l
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              Questions on Tapering off Alcohol Liver Problems

                              Thanks Jackie and Kradle!

                              Yes, I'll start adding more water with lemon juice.

                              I stopped by GNC today and bought some Milk Thistle for my liver. They are 200mg and the directions are to take one to three capsules a day. Any advice on dosage and/or any side effects of taking it?

