This is nerve wrecking but it's time for me to come out of the shadows and say hello and thankyou for being there.
I first found this site near 3 years ago in despair after experiencing panic attacks linked to alcohol abuse. At that time, I lurked and read and learned so much and managed about 5 months sober, I didnt have the guts to actually register and participate.
That time I had AF was my happiest in a long time, however, I let my guard down started sipping again and ended back at square one. Deep down I knew where I could get help but fear held me back.
Eventually, after yet another bad session, I joined site and began lurking and lurking some more! For this i feel guilty, that I am gaining insight and strength from many of ye wise folk, Lav, Mario, Molly, JC, Chill, the 2 RCs, K9, Kuya and so many more. THANK YOU x
It has taken so long to build up the courage to post but this time i need to be more accountable and proactive in beating this bloody beast.
Im 34, full-time nurse, mortgage and car, no husband or dependants, loving Father and brothers, great friends, not a bad person but have major drink problem and I dont like myself very much. Drink is killing me in every way. I want to live a happy and fulfilled life and learn to maybe like myself someday. I cant do that and drink.
Thanks to you all I am now day 7 AF
