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Time to say hello

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    Time to say hello

    Hi and welcome, Sweetpea! Congratulations on your 7 days! So much of your story sounds familiar. It's an awful contradiction that people like us who are probably "designed" to be AF have to go through the hell of having an alcohol problem. Just like you, I had about a 4 month period of AF time during my drinking. It was my mental island, I always thought about how happy I was. I'm glad you're here with us. You can have the AF life you want and stop living that contradiction, knowing our true potential in our hearts, but living a blotted, faded out copy of a copy of ourselves.
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Time to say hello

      sweetpea29;1437743 wrote: Oh my its Lav )

      Tis an honour to 'meet' you. You seem so wise and together.
      Don't forget to say Hi to that beatiful chicken in her avatar...that's Stella and she gets mad if you don't at least acknowledge her. LOL

      And yes, our Lav is one wise and together lady. Her and Byrdie were the first to greet me when I joined this site 100 years ago (okay

      How are you today Sweetpea???
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Time to say hello

        Hi Pinecone and K9,

        Have had problems getting onto site today.

        K9 read your story about your daughter over in the nest, how sweet. She sure is lucky to have you as her Mum. I lost my own Mum at 25 and often think back to when i was a teenager and a total bitch to her, i now appreciate how hard she worked to ensure myself and brothers had the best possible life and wish i could thank her for that.

        Well, my mood has kinda nose-dived since this morning. I have house to myself as my lodger is away, this would be a time i would most definately be retreating into my cocoon with a few bottles of red. Im feeling tired and emotional and overwhelmed to be honest. Ive been isolating myself from friends and family as i just cant face putting-on a front at present.
        I wont drink as i wont leave house again tonight. Plan to make some dinner, have a nice bath and maybe watch tv/read here and try to get to bed early.


          Time to say hello

          Hi Sweetpea!

          The emotional ups and down are to be expected...completely normal. Sounds like you have a good plan in place for tonight. A hearty dinner, a long hot bath and a good book saved me MANY times! You CAN do this. Remember, you'll never wake up in the morning wishing you had gotten drunk the night before!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Time to say hello

            Thanks K9,
            That's so true, i have alot of things i need to do tomorrow and if i were to drink tonight they will not get done! I will wake up tomorrow glad that i didnt drink

            Thanks so much for your support


              Time to say hello

              Hi Sweetpea.

              Just thought I'd better come over and and my hellos and :welcome:

              Glad you've found us and 7 days AF. What a wonderful start.:goodjob:

              Try and remember that we've batter our poor bodies with alcohol for years so it will take some time to get back to normal. Wish there was an absolute time scale that we could advise but we're all different.

              Just shout out if you are puzzled about anything even if you think it's trivial someone will have the answer. Don't be shy.

              J x

              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Time to say hello

                Hi sweetpea, I'm in the uk too, Hampshire by the sea ;0).
                K9 visualising is what I do, I find it works when I'm doing long periods, my goal is to keep this visualising real and in my mind for as long as it takes to stay AF.
                There is a thread called 'you know your an alcoholic when.....' somewhere it's great to right down hings that make you cringe even if they are still raw.
                Good luck sweetpea stick close xx
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  Time to say hello

                  Here's the link:


                  I have a few cringe-worthy stories in there myself.
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Time to say hello



                      Time to say hello

                      Hi all,

                      Pleased to 'meet' you Mootsbill and bettygirl. Ive thanked Jackie for her kind welcome over in the army thread.
                      Thanks for the tips re visualising Moots and K9 for link to that thread. Will have a look at it. Trying to go through the toolbox at present. Need to build on my mental strength as i feel that i could easily end-up back at square one and i really dont wanna go back there again. Been there done that far too many times!

