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Challenges don't always come from negative things...

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    Challenges don't always come from negative things...

    I feel like I have had a pretty easy time with my Taper toward being AF here in a few days. I am on day 3 of my taper and I am having my first real challenge.

    I sold my house today. I moved 5 months ago and never expected to see the house again. The house unfortunately has lost a lot of its value due to its location. I have been trying to rent or sell it with virtually no showings. I had put a considerable amount down on the house (enough to buy a smaller home outright!) and I knew that was already lost.

    Between the upkeep on the house and the mortgage payment and virtually no showings I gave up about a month ago and decided to stop paying the mortgage and let the bank take it over...

    Yesterday I had a showing and today I got an offer and was able to negotiate a price where not only it would pay off the mortgage, but I will get to walk away with a nice chunk of cash! What a difference 48 hours makes. Yesterday morning i was going to lose my house to the bank and today I have a signed contract, a large earnest money deposit and they want to move in sooner so they gave me a rent check for the next two months while we wait for closing!!!

    It was a whirlwind of a day with offers and counter-offers and then once it was all done my scanner didn't want to work so I had to mess with that for over an hour to get the signed docs back, but it's all done!

    I feel wiped out. Between not sleeping well due to cutting back AH and the events of the day, I just want to sit back and have a few cold ones.

    My taper schedule (which turns out allowed more than it should and I have been tapering much quicker) allows for 8 drinks today, but I only had 4.5 on day one and 4 on day two and I really don't want to go in the reverse direction, even if I am below my taper schedule...

    I have already had two beers (it is 8:45 here) and I am fine with having the same as yesterday, meaning two more, but I am challenged... I am pacing in circles drinking water and smoking just trying to figure out how soon I can have my next one. The last two days were easier, I just kind of drank what I felt like and paced myself and didn't have any big events to affect me...

    Anyhow, that's where I am at.

    Challenges don't always come from negative things...

    its weird huh?even good events send us into a tailspin.i was 17 days back in oct.i got a huge check ive been expecting for awhile,the amount and the exictement of fjnally getting it threw me and i wanted just a couple to chill,man i drank so much yuck! but it is weird,and how to control that adrenaline rush,good or bad?
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Challenges don't always come from negative things...

      It's true that any swing in mood whether very good, or very bad can lead to AL craving. I know it does for me. I even used to crave AL after a good workout, lol. It released endorphins I guess and as soon as I got happy, guess what I wanted: a drink! It's good to recognize how you're feeling, Ready. The only way to still feel good about your good fortune today, tomorrow, is to not overindulge tonight. Congrats on the sell of your house! I know that is a huge relief!

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Challenges don't always come from negative things...

        It is so helpful to be able to share in this forum. Thank you for sharing your stories.

        I talked my very supportive wife into watching a rerun of SNL. Killed an hour and now I'm more relaxed. I stretched a glass of wine through it and still had a little left at the end. I'm going to pour myself one more glass of wine for a total of 4 units today (tie with yesterday, still well below my goal) and call it a night.

        Tomorrow I am going to shoot for 3... I feel pretty good about making it through a day like today and stay on track. Maybe I'll try crawling in bed halfway through the glass and try to leave some in the glass, just so I can do a little better than yesterday. :-)


          Challenges don't always come from negative things...

          paulywogg;1438241 wrote: its weird huh?even good events send us into a tailspin.i was 17 days back in oct.i got a huge check ive been expecting for awhile,the amount and the exictement of fjnally getting it threw me and i wanted just a couple to chill,man i drank so much yuck! but it is weird,and how to control that adrenaline rush,good or bad?

          Hi Pauly, Hi Ready,

          I had this exact same thing happen several months ago. Different details but same experience... I recognized it as EMOTIONAL EXTREMES- Either one will derail you. Real Happy about something or Real upset... Doesn't matter AT ALL

          It's the extreme
          we are responding to. Sorry I can't find that post and the others that followed.

          Anyway, the challenge is avoid the extremes or at least recognize them when they happen and stay in the middle of the road. At least for now
          They are a TERRIBLE trigger :upset:...

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            Challenges don't always come from negative things...

            the main thing about getting sober (for me) is learning how to deal with life on life's terms, without using anything to dull my emotions or reactions to events, good or bad. it's a learning process.

            congrats on the sale!

