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Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

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    Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

    Day four - doing good!

    So... By far my favorite drink that I crave(d) was beer...

    I am sure this has been discussed before, but what is the general consensus on non-alcoholic beer?

    Is it recommended or not recommended to keep some around? If I get a craving I could probably just put back a couple of o'douls and the taste would satisfy me I think. Or will this just lead me down the wrong path?

    What has been the experience around here?

    Thanks again for everyone's support!

    Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

    It has indeed been discussed many times, but no problem bringing it back up. There is obviously two sides to the opinion.

    I am in the camp that says its totally ok, and TBO I believe its a large part of what has kept me AF. I also think Ive had a paradigm shift for beer.......moving from wanting to get wasted, to, just enjoying the taste.

    I can get some intense cravings once in a while and the AF beer has helped out a lot. I know it has .5% percent of AL but Im not drinking 500 of them in a sitting.......

    Wish you luck whatever path you choose, I say go for it
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

      I can only speak for myself here. I've used NA wine and beer in the past, some really good stuff too and this time round the block I've avoided it like the plague.

      I was an alcoholic trying to fit in with non-alcholics but I'm an alcoholic. Why should I have to conform to the norm, if you get my drift.

      Sure if you're using it because you like the taste, great, but make sure that it's not a substitute for the real thing.

      Anyway off to see how you're tapering is doing.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

        Got to agree with both..when I started I kept some af cider and beer in the house as a just in case.Now I have one every now and again...specific ones, because I like the taste, others are just crap,It doesnt phase me in the slightest though to have a cup o tea insteadAs long as it doesnt become a substitute then dont see any harm well done on day 4
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

          Thank you all. I think I am going to take Nelz advice. I have too many associative things with beer... Like after working in the yard or things like that I have always grabbed a beer afterward. I -think- it was more of a habit thing than an alcohol thing, but either way it produces a craving for me when there is a strong associative behavior... I haven't been able to get a buzz off just one (or even two or three) beers for years, so I think it's more just the taste of a job well done, and a non-alcoholic beer should provide the same sense of reward, I -think-... I'm going to give it a shot.


            Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

            Hey Ready4 this


            For me in the past I did like Buckler's NA beer-but I ended up drinking.

            It's been a while though, since now I'm on antabuse. But as far as taste I liked the Buckler's. It can be hard to get in some areas.


              Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

              Hi Ann,

              I doubt I can find Buckler's here. I live on an island and our beer selection is pretty slim. After Nelz comment though I went to the market and found some Becks NA and picked up some of those. I stuck one in the freezer and went on a bike ride and when I got back it was already part frozen! Lol, I guess NA beer freezes a lot faster than regular beer since there is no AL content. ;-). Anyhow, I thawed it out and am drinking it now. As far as a beer goes its a little more hopsy like an IPA than I like, but if it didn't say non-alcoholic on it, I wouldn't know the difference... I'm going to have to keep my eyes pealed for some other NA brands...

              After this I'm on to a big glass of lemon water. :-)


                Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

                I think most of the NA's are pretty good, my favorite is the O'doulls Amber flavored, the regular Oduoulls tastes too much like tea.

                So if you can find that, give it a try
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  Non Alcoholic Beer - good or bad idea?

                  Ann Carolina;1438658 wrote: Hi

                  For me in the past I did like Buckler's NA beer-but I ended up drinking.

                  It's been a while though, since now I'm on antabuse. But as far as taste I liked the Buckler's. It can be hard to get in some areas.
                  AF beer lead to real beer for me. Antabuse is a great saftey net cause then alcohol can't happen!
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
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