Hoping you can help... I have a 5 year history of severe panic and axiety attacks which led to self medicating by heavy drinking.. The last 5 years included benzo addiction, thanks to doctors, addictions to anti depressants, betablockers, painkillers etc.. All to try and ease my anxiety and panic attacks..
The good news is, right now i'm almost 3 months alcohol free, no longer take anti depressants, benzos etc. I now take baclofen at 100mg a day, with just a Vit B compound and Thiamine..
My alcohol cravings are virtually gone, but I am still getting some anxiety and panic attacks, some of which were pretty severe especially over xmas and new year.. Do I need to increase my dose... anyone had similar experiences..
After 5 years of abuse my body is smashed and wrecked, I'm really interested in any supps, vits etc that can help as sure my body is defficient in so many areas, and theres so much stuff on the internet that I dont know where to start..
Anything that you have experience of helping take away the anxiety and panic attcks would be great..
In summary..looking for people like me who can help shed some light on all this, help with Baclofen dosage and advice, supplements/vitamins to take ...
Please help and the more replies the better.. Look forward to hearing from you all..
A Fellow sufferer..:new::thanks: