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Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

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    Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

    Rough Day!!!

    Day 13 ? booze free ? JUST

    Hi Gang, my mrs has just gone OS normally I would love that as it meant a huge binge!
    Graving todays are huge, it is 45 degrees in Sydney today so perfect drinking weather. I have gone to extreme methods today to keep me off the booze, I have locked my keys in my house on purpose so I cant get inside to get my keys to drive to the bottle shop and it is to far to talk!

    So I am having a camp out in my back yard my parents have spare keys but they are away until tomorrow so no matter how bad my cravings are I physically cannot get my hands on a drink. I think it was the only way I was going to survive today!

    I truly hope everyone is kicking their goals butts!
    If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


      Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

      What a brilliant idea Martye. When I'm determined not to drink I won't let myself go to the shop and then by 7 when cravings bad the kids are in bed and I can't leave them so that solves that!
      You are doing amazingly well your determination is an inspiration. The exercise is definitely going to change your life too. Good luck and keep going.
      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
      Day by day


        Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

        You hang in there Marty, life just keeps betting better! I have discovered so many things out there, we don't need alcohol, we just want it...LIFE IS GREAT! Nuture yourself, treat yourself as you would your best friend, with love respect and kindness.


          Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

          Day 14 ? 2 Weeks booze free

          Evening team, after my little camp out adventure last night today was much easier. I went to my parents? house and the norm is dad and I down a couple of beers and talk shit for hours.

          Tonight instead we did some wood turning and made some pretty good wooden bowls from some old timber. It was a real bonding time with my dad. I thought having booze with my dad was bonding ?. How wrong was I?

          My dad was so proud and happy to be able to teach me one of his passions and I really enjoyed just spending a few hours learning a new skill. Something I would not dare do when I was on the booze as that would waste precious drinking time.

          The bonding with the old man tonight was better than the years when we used to have beers and chat; it was an interesting and a learning experience.

          I am slowly starting to learn that a sober life is actually better than a drunken one. We had a cup of tea after and looked at we had made and felt proud. Without alcohol you really have conversations that have meaning, trust and love, with the booze let?s face it you just talk shit!

          Time for me to put a movie on and enjoy another sober night!

          I truly hope everyone is kicking the goals in the butt!
          Cheers as always
          If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


            Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

            Day 15 ? Booze Free

            Evening gang! Day 15 still with no booze! Today I had a party at a pub, I drank and drank and drank and drank so much water

            When people asked while I was not drinking I said ?because I am an alcoholic? some people were strange but most people shook my hand or gave me a hug. So I survived my first pub party with no booze which is great news!

            The cricket is on tonight and the aussies have a chance of taking the win, it is very strange to me to watch a cricket game without booze but that is what I am doing.

            When you are open to people about your ?problems? I am amazed at the support I receive, get a few sms?s and emails most days making sure I am ok, and I know I have friends that would drop everything to come and help if need be.

            I have made a promise with a few good friends that if I ever decide to have a drink I don?t take that first sip until I phone them so it is good to have this support network in place!

            As usual I hope everyone is kicking there demons in the butt!
            If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


              Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

              Marty, I will say it are quite a yer honesty.....truth is liberating, can't do that in my job cos would lose my clients, but would if I could.


                Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                Way to go Martye! I'm on day 20 for the first time ever, and it does just keep getting better (other than the sleep issues I have).
                I have a very good friend living outside of Sydney, and have a large wood salad bowl from an Aussie artist that I love and cherish. Wonderful that you are learning the skill of producing wood bowls.....each one is unique. Maybe you've found a new AF hobby in that.
                45C.....that is crazy! Any relief in sight?
                It is minus 15 with the wind chill here.....winds gusting up to I'm staying inside for the opposite reason!


                  Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                  Martye, you are doing so so well. Your smashing it ;0) lovely story about you and your dad too. I got n a terrible state with booze 6 years ago, I was living in London, but a friend drove me down to my parents on the south coast and they dried me out! Dad and I used to walk by the sea and talk its something I always try and remember when I fall off the wagon. Anyway 20 days for me and feeling positive, yours and all others on this site keep me motivated
                  AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                  Day by day


                    Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                    Day 16 ? Booze free!

                    What a day, plenty of stress at work that would normally mean booze time. Who would have thought taking 10 minutes out to do some deep breathing took the stress away, and it is much cheaper than booze!

                    I had crossfit tonight so I can?t walk.

                    One thing that I am noticing is that I am actually a nice caring person. Being pissed every day you lose yourself and everything that was once good in you is gone. Coming off the booze you start to find yourself again, exciting stuff!

                    Cravings are ok today although I still drive past my old local and think about going in although I never will.

                    I actually received a call from my favourite bar tender today checking if I was still alive, I told him I was off the booze for ever, he was not happy as the more drunk I got the more I tipped him!

                    He also said if he sees me in the pub again he will have security escort me out so I can reach my goals!

                    As always I hope everyone is kicking their demons butts!
                    If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                      Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                      Hey Marty I love reading your blog. You are doing so well, I really admire you! So many of your initial fears are the same as mine! I wonder how you would answer them now? Gonna follow you!


                        Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                        Day 17 ? I slipped! ??. Nah just joking, day 17 and still no booze!

                        I work in a fairly high profile high pressure sales role for a massive IT security company, a lot of that involves taking clients out to lunches and racking up a huge bill on the corporate credit card.

                        It is expected that I drink with them so I simply tricked them I asked the bar tender for a coke in a small glass so it looked like bourbon and coke. It was amazing to see my potential client get pissed and all the information he let slip I can actually still remember so it will make the sale easier LOL

                        In my 2+ weeks booze free my sales have been going up, I can assure you this is because of the no booze. More motivation to work harder and smarter and getting clients pissed (their choice I don?t force it on them) and getting all the info I need

                        I have a large presentation to do to approx. 200 people at the start of next month. Normally I would down about 6 schooners beforehand as I thought it helped! I can assure you this presentation will be my best yet as I am confident in my ability. Take off the chains of alcohol and it is amazing what you can and will achieve!

                        One reason I don?t drink now is I want to know when I'm having a good time. Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim.

                        I have to say Alcoholism isn't a spectator sport. Eventually the whole family gets to play and this rings very true with me. First the man takes a drink; then the drink takes a drink; then the drink takes the man.

                        Again I hope everyone is kicking there demons in the butt!
                        If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                          Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                          Way to go Martye...2 weeks and so many positive results from being AF. My hubby was never a big drinker....usually orders a Coke. I can understand now his success with clients.....he too used to take them out drinking. That was back in the day.....not a lot of business dinners anymore. Lunches yes, but he finds here (Canada) there isn't as much drinking as back in the 80s and 90s. Smarter generation.....or too worried about losing their jobs.
                          Your presentation will probably knock them out of the park!


                            Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                            Yay for Martye.......keep trucking....I've got money on you being a winner (kidding.....but I would!).


                              Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker


                              Truly inspirational Martye! I will continue to read your posts to help me overcome my social drinking phobia. (Or shalll I say not drinking socially phobia ).

                              Live in the "NOW". :h



                                Day One and onward: The Diary of a chronic Aussie Drinker

                                Day Booze free - 18 days!

                                Pretty stressful and a fairly depressing day. Not sure why just one of those day. I thought about having a drink then I thought how stupid would it be to have a depressant when feeling depressed! That?s that crazy!

                                It is all about responsibility! It is all up to you and your attitude toward the poison! I can't convince you to put the drink down if you're an alcoholic; you have to want to do that. I can't convince you to stop eating the cookies when you're a diabetic. You have to do that. And that takes responsibility.

                                I heard a quote today that I quite like ?Scientists announced that they have located the gene for alcoholism. Scientists say they found it at a party, talking way too loudly.?

                                I always drank, from when it was legal for me to drink. And there was never a time for me when the goal wasn't to get as hammered as I could possibly afford to. I never understood social drinking, that's always seemed to me like kissing your sister.

                                Well another day booze free for me and I am learning so much about other people and about myself. It is hard to find yourself again when you actually have not ?met? yourself for 15+ years but it is possible.

                                Everyone better be kicking their demons in the butt else I will come and kick them in the butt!

                                Chees and love,
                                If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.

