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How do I do this?

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    How do I do this?

    I am terrified. I am a bottle of wine drinker who never drank on a weekday until after work. Wine only. Although I am sure that it impared my work life, I rarely missed work work. Until yesterday, my work and my drinking life did not meet. Thursday, I can into town for a conference, met up with some associates at the bar. Had two drinks, went to my and washed 20mil of Valium down with 1/2 a bottle of wine. When I did not show up the next morning in the lobby, they had security open my room where they found me ready for the meeting (dressed) but a mess. They drove me to the hospital and I came to in the ER. They waited all day for the hospital to release me. My question is, they were so great about how they handled this situation, I just do not know how I can go on at work. I am a high-ranking person and fear that I have tarnished my excellent reputation forever. Perhaps I have. How do I handle this? What do, if anything, do I say. They were all hugs and support as I walked out of hospital. Now it's my turn and take the high road. Anyone have any advice? BTW: Starting Topa today.:new:

    How do I do this?

    Welcome!!! Coming here is a great first step. Many have had success with the topa, but the other aspects of the program are VERY helpful as well in not only replenishing the body with vitamins and amino acids we have "washed out" from drinking too much, but they also help with the cravings. The CDs are also a great tool. Stick around here for support. This makes all of the difference in the world as well. Sorry you had a rough time of it the last couple of days but sounds like you are on the road to change!!! Best of luck. :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      How do I do this?

      I can understand your embarrassment. I had a similar experience. I am also an exec. I "explained" it as a drug interaction -- unexpected interaction with alcohol, that I didn't sorry, thanks for taking care of me. I have to get to my doctor and understand what happened....etc. One time, I think they will get over. As long as it doesnt happen again. My incident was about eight months ago and they do seem to have let it go as an isolated unfortunate collision between a prescription drug and a couple of glasses of wine...because they'd never seen it before or since. get help. That was the "event" that pushed me to start to dig myself out of my drinking hole. I wish I could say it was the last one, but it was the last work one. Topa did help me. I have been now 37 days AF! Feel free to private message me. I am heading off on international business in just an hour but will be checking email when I get to Paris. I hope this is a start................

      Welcome and we're glad you are here. There is much support and forgiveness here. Join us on the journey.....:welcome:


        How do I do this?

        ...and I agree with Lush -- ALL the parts of the program make it effective. I have done not only the topa, but the cds, supplements, exercise, nutrition, etc. The total approach has sure seemed to help me.


          How do I do this?

          Welcome Ready,
          Glad you found this community. Keep posting and reading it will really help you out. There are many supportive people here. Topa worked for me and really helped decrease the cravings and I also took/take the supplements which help immensly. I would suggest getting the book and reading it through there are so many great ideas and such great advice.

          Best of luck to you.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            How do I do this?

            Oh you poor thing, you have been through it haven't you. It sounds like your work mates really care about you. Don't worry about what they think of you, they are just concerned and want you to be well. you are now asking for help, which is so positive and strong. Everyone is allowed to fall down and they do, its the getting up that is hard. But you can do it and you have all the support from us here on MWO. B


              How do I do this?

              You do it one day at a time - and remember who you are and how you got to the top analyze it and take the good - use this to get through it, you have that position because you have worked for it, people will remember you as you were and as you are, not one little indiscretion. You are special and you can do anything, this just takes sometime ? again you will and can do it.
              Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                How do I do this?

                Hi Ready~

                Ditto to all of the above. Welcome and glad you found us.
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  How do I do this?


                  Hi Ready,

                  What a tough situation you're facing, but I think you also need to think about it being difficult for them too - they were probably pretty scared for you. As Sri says, give some solid explanation which may help prevent the spread of rumours and the uncertainty that people may feel - I imagine that if your colleagues see you as in control of the situation then they will find it easier to move on...?

                  Best of luck with it and glad you've joined us here - we've all needed that wake-up call to make this life-changing decision, so keep confident in your other abilities - you wouldn't have got to the position you're in without many outstanding qualities and without gaining the respect of many people - and focus now on this one element of your life that obviously needs addressing - this is a great place to start!
                  :rays: Arial

                  Last first day - 15th April 2012
                  Days 1-7 DONE
                  Days 8-14 DONE
                  Days 15-21 DONE
                  30 days DONE
                  60 days
                  100 days


                    How do I do this?

                    I've Been There

                    This is my first day on MWO and your story sounds very familiar to me. It's why I'm here tonight. I also have a prestigious position and have been highly respected at work. Until my alcoholism showed itself on the job and I was removed from the classroom and brought home in a security car. My job was then threatened and my union lawyer negotiated a way for me to keep it with strict policing that I do not drink. It was the most humiliating and hurtful experience I can remember. When I finally went back to work, I felt everyone was thinking horrible things about me and hated me. That was 1 1/2 years ago. Things slowly got better and now I realize they really just cared about me. I think you will find that your colleagues treated you so well because they care about you. And though it may not feel that way at first, in time you will learn that they are not judging you - but truly care about you and want to help you.

                    It hurts to be humilianted in front of co-workers. It hurts very badly. The best thing to do is to have faith that they care for you and have the courage to get a handle on the drinking thing.

                    Good luck.
                    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                      How do I do this?

                      Scared but Able

                      I have made it through the weekend. I want to thank everyone who sent messages of encouragement and especially the specific advice on what exactly to do. One night more and I have to face my office head on. I am terrified. I hope that to be understanding, professional, and myself can get me through this.


                        How do I do this?

                        You'll sail through it with grace - I know you will. That first step through the door will be terrifying, but once you do it, you will be fine. Your friends really do care deeply about you and want you to do well - always remember that. Just be normal and professional.

                        I've been through the exact same thing. I know you can do it and do it well. Once that first day is over, you will feel relieved and confident.

                        My thoughts and prayers will be with you - but you won't need them. You'll do just great!
                        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                          How do I do this?

                          Thank you for your honesty and sharing your experience as it is such a tough thing to do. I have also been there and have used up a list of 'excuses' as to why I didn't make it to major meetings, missed flights w/ my boss, late to work and on and on... Somehow I have managed to just ignore the warning signs in the past, chalking it up to stress, so the fact that you are facing this one is incredibly brave and certainly the RIGHT step on your new path...

                          I will be working w/ you to face mine as you face yours tomorrow. Know that more people than you think (even in your office) have been where you are and have compassion and sympathy for what you are going through. 90% of people drink they say and you can bet a good portion of those have tripped up just as we have now and again. You are not alone and you are headed in the right direction as you choose to face it rather than run. Take incredible pride in that and know you will be an inspiration to others. You already are to us!

                          sometimes a stubbed toe just means an angel is tapping you on the shoulder. fall back and be caught. you are supported.


                            How do I do this?

                            First Day Back to Work - Fired!

                            I was fired. Ouch & Yikes! Not going to use it as an excuse to drink, but I am in pain.


                              How do I do this?

                              Ready that is awful news!!!!

                              My thoughts are with you, sending love & hugs your way..... I know that they wont help but be strong.

                              :h :l :h :l

