Brand new here. I need some advice, I guess. I'm looking to reduce my drinking to get my insomnia and weight under control. I don't currently think I need to quit altogether but I will be re-evaluating as I go along. My issues are insomnia (can't sleep unless I've a few drinks) and what call 'the yips' (shakes) during the day. I have occasional anxiety but it's not bad at the moment. Plus I'd like to lose ~30 pounds
I've never done anything humiliating (at least due to alcohol, yuk yuk). It doesn't have much effect other than I'm concerned for my health - great job, great marriage, wonderful family, etc.
A big problem is that I work from home and my husband makes mead as a hobby, so I'm constantly alone with alcohol (and mead has a high alcohol content).
Anyway, I haven't browsed a lot of content here, but I'm looking forward to learning as much as I can from you all.