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Just registered ... my first post

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    Just registered ... my first post

    Sometimes I think when we are drinking that we hate ourselves so much that we think all our loved ones hate us too. They are sometimes more willing to forgive us than we are to forgive ourselves. Always remember they love us and support us. And then remember to love and support yourself.

    You're a brave girl. We love you.
    Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


      Just registered ... my first post

      Hi Mags,

      Wow...what a powerful post. Thank you!! You are so right about when we are drinking we hate ourselves. I have been filled with such self hate, resentment, anger...naturally thinking everyone else hates me to. I am glad to have a great husband and very glad to have found all of you.

      Off to nice to NOT wake up with the usual hangover. Feeling fuzzy and a little shaky but I'm going to stay sober for the next 24 minute at a time.

      Hope everyone has a nice day and thank you again.



        Just registered ... my first post

        Good morning MS,
        welcome to MWO. You have hit the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. There is so much support here for you. Just post, read the book and read all the posts, old and new. You will find that your story is a common one that you share with all of us. We are all more alike than we are different.

        So, again, welcome and you can do this.
        Love Lori
        *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


          Just registered ... my first post

          Keep it up!

          :goodjob: AF 1 day. I know how hard that is!! Don't you dare belittle it. :l
          Reach deep, find your will power.


            Just registered ... my first post

            Well done Laci,

            I'm proud of you love xxx


              Just registered ... my first post

              Hey Laci,

              Welcome - so happy you found us!

              Congratulations - the worst bit is probably over!
              Making that decision to sort ourselves out - really is the hardest part of this.
              The rest is just chipping away at it - a minute at a time (sometimes a second at a time) until it starts to get easier - and believe me - it DOES get easier!! The first few days are the toughest.

              But when the going gets tough - the tough log on here!

              All the best - if you need someone to talk to, there is always someone on here!

              take care

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Just registered ... my first post

                Hello I am 2 days AF! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!! (I promise I won't belittle that Marcel) Long time since I have gone for 6 hours without a drink or ten let alone 48 hours.

                Hi Satori...thanks for the warm welcome! I'm so happy I found all of you also. I feel 85 percent better than I did yesterday (except for a funny little brain is probably going "where is the vodka!") It is all good though. That decision to sort it out is a tough one. You really hit the nail on the head there. I would not have thought when I was drinking so heavily on Monday night that whatever circumstances were about to occur would bring me back to sobriety & I would be sitting here tonight sober and feeling pretty good. I will trust you when you say it does get better. I had one slight moment after work when I had to stop at the 7-11...just a bit of a tweak but when I walked in the thought was to get what I went in for (not alcohol) and head on back out to my car and home. And this is what I did. I feel a sense of freedom...does that make any sense????

                Well, I'll be logging on here a lot because I know things will go up and down but I'm tough! I am doing it right now...this second and I have the support of all you wonderful people.

                Off to make dinner (wierd cooking without getting sloshed) so I will sign in before work tomorrow to say good morning to all. Until then everyone have a nice evening/afternoon/morning & thank you for helping me stay sober today!

                Good Night,

                (Hugs to you Betty!)


                  Just registered ... my first post

                  Lori, thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I seem to be achieving every other day AF since my original post. I am a little disappointed with how long it has taken to receive the CD's and book (I paid for express shipping), since I keep using that as an excuse for waiting to stay sober on a daily basis. I am a scientist and have convinced myself that reading the book is critical for developing the proper objective mindset ... clearly just an excuse to delay abstinence. However, the good news is that I'm drinking less when I do imbibe.

                  Thanks again for your unconditional support.


                    Just registered ... my first post

                    MS, Mags and Laci

                    This is quite a journey - a wonderful journey. We all feel like hell in the beginning and that quickly turns to euphoria and then reality sets in. After some A.F. time reality is the fun / painful/rewarding part because we start to engage in normal life and overcome the challenges that we have been avoiding due to our "numbing out" life at all that comes with it. We also start to realize we are waking up without hangovers, we are becoming more productive at work, becoming better parents and spouses at home, the bounty is incomparable.

                    None of us here came to this site because we had one too many wines at a dinner party. This is a site where you can connect to people who have already walked in your shoes. We have been embarassed, humiliated and shamed. And yet, there is something in each and every one of us in our absolute core that wants to make it better and not cave in and become non-functioning alcoholics/problem drinkers.

                    Welcome aboard and please read and post - but also do the things that created this site by RJ, by reading the book, listening to the CD's and taking the supplements. RJ did not come to these conclusions easily, she did years of research.

                    Enlightened by MWO


                      Just registered ... my first post

                      MS, Mags and Laci,
                      A belated welcome to you all.
                      Hilary's just said everything I was thinking, and so much better than I could say it.
                      This is a great place.I love it here.


                        Just registered ... my first post

                        Hi MS Mags and Laci

                        Also, welcome. This is the most wonderful place. It has changed my life in a matter of weeks. I warn you tho... say goodbye to your free time...!

                        Kate x


                          Just registered ... my first post

                          free time?

                          Kate you certainly have that right about your free time, but hey! what a way to go!!!!
                          I hope everyone has a skillionth as much fun as I am having on this site. It's way better than drinking.
                          Reach deep, find your will power.


                            Just registered ... my first post

                            Hi Kate & Marcel...oh yes...adios to free time! I am having a great time here to Marcel...this is definitely better than drinking. (and no bloody hangover to suffer...that in itself is worth it)

                            Off to work...everyone have a great day!

                            (day 3 af...woo hoo!)


                              Just registered ... my first post

                              So glad to see you here. I did my time with AA also until it didn't work anymore. This is not surrender. It is victory. We're all here fighting the battle along side you and we are all winning together.

                              Keep posting.
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                                Just registered ... my first post

                                This thread is sure full of hope and optimism! It is wonderful to have you all here!!! Sorry, I 'm a bit late on the howdy! But welcome to you all none the less!!!!
                                Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:

