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Just registered ... my first post

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    Just registered ... my first post

    Hey Mags...yup...AA just doesn't do it for me either. God knows I tried and tried. I do take away a lot of things with me that I learned from the program but I like your idea about this being a victory rather than a surrender. We are all battling it and it is great to have this site to come and get support and not be judged at all. I always felt under pressure at AA and who needs more pressure than we already have!

    Thought about a drink tonight on the way home but didn't do it. Replaced those thoughts with happy thoughts and concentrated on how good I feel already and why do I want to drink tonight and wake up so sick....blah! Staying sober today was a much better choice!

    This thread sure is full of much hope and optimisim and I look forward to coming home each evening, hopping on here and reading everyone's posts. It gives me such strength and happiness. I needed it after the afternoon at work with some rather obnoxious co-workers...ggrrr...some people are so rude and intentionally want to push your buttons. Had to take a walk around the building around 2:00 just to breath and center myself. It worked! Gorgeous weather and a little exercise calmed me right down.

    Everyone have a happy evening.

    (AF Day 3...Yahoo!)


      Just registered ... my first post

      I want to delve into this "gorgeous weather" idea. You are in Nevada, where I assume gorgeous weather means 80 something degrees and dry. I am in the northeast and had gorgeous weather yesterday - 20 something degrees and a bit of snow falling - standing on top of a mountain with my skis on and looking down saying "How the hell am I gonna make it down this mountain?" But I did it - more than once. The thrill was wonderful.

      That's how I see staying sober now. Standing at the top of the mountain saying how in the hell am I going to do this. But you do it one little step, one little turn of the skis at a time. Because you have no other choice now. You are very close to falling sometimes and lose your balance and say to yourself - oh no, this is it - I'm going to hit the snow hard. But somehow you recover in the nick of time and stay on your feet. And you make it down in one piece. And then what do you do? You go back up there and do it again. And again and again. The thrill is there. It's scary and its dangerous and its all very good.

      Never be afraid. You are doing this and it gives you strength every day.
      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


        Just registered ... my first post

        Hey Mags...yes, gorgeous weather in Nevada but I am TOTALLY envious of where you live. Being a Canuck and being raised in the (bbbbrrrrrrrrrrr) cold weather I sure as heck miss it...ummm on second thought...I will take the 80 degree weather we have here right now. I am envious of your snow though. lol. Snow is pretty. I would have a real hard time getting up to go to work at 4:30 each morning if the temps were 10 degrees though. I do remember those times...bed is so much more comforting than scraping ice off of the windshield. If I had my choice, in all honesty, I would live in a state that had four seasons with cold and snow and leaves changing colors and humidity and spring showers! I miss it all. We hit triple digits in the summer months here and sometimes it is hard to even go outside. I am sure Morrison would agree with me!

        Yup...Las Vegas is quite the place for good weather. However I would love to hop on a pair of skiis and look down that mountain with you. What a great analogy. We are standing at the top saying how the hell can we do this...we will start off on the "bunny hill" and then get a little better despite falling a few times...but we will make it. You really hit home tonight for me and I thank you for this. Sending big hugs to you Mags...and to all my new friends here. I am leaving for California tonight and won't have access to a computer until Sunday...will miss everyone!

        Have a great Friday/Saturday to everyone here...have fun and enjoy the weekend. See you Sunday and thank you for helping me stay sober today.

        Laci (A newbie who is AF for 4 Days!!!!!!!!!!! second at a time)


          Just registered ... my first post

          Hello MWO Family and Friends....sneaking a peek off of my sister's computer from CA...Yikes...I'm not suppose to go on her computer. Oh well...she is a good sister and she and her husband support my sobriety.

          Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Miss everyone and will be back to Las Vegas tomorrow so will sign in and say hi.

          (Specials hugs to Betty Boop...she's a living doll!)

