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Damn I want a drink.

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    Damn I want a drink.

    Damn I want a drink. I have so much shit going on in my life it is hard to cope without a drink. Mother in Nursing home dying, Relationship falling apart, Business is way down,
    The lis just seems to go on and on. It seems the only place I can find relief is in the bottle.
    God there has to be another way but I have yet to find it.

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Damn I want a drink.

    Trust me on this one...Nothing is so bad that a drink won't make it WORSE!!!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Damn I want a drink.

      Oh Red, don't do it. It will only make matters worse. Stay on here and post your a$$ off!!!!


        Damn I want a drink.

        Red nose .... It is ONLY the drink making you want a drink. All the things you mention are JUST LIFE.
        I have a mother losing her mind to dementia, how would me drinking change that?

        Cry, jog, scream, eat, read, sleep, phone a friend, take a bath, clean the anything except swallow poison.

        Have WILL pass


          Damn I want a drink.

          HEY RED

          THey are right! Get through the crap of life without alcohol

          I love what Kuya said-don't swallow poison. I never thought of it that way and I love that.

          It gets better! Hang in there


            Damn I want a drink.

            Rednose - hang in there mate. As kuya said (and it sounds harsh but it's true) all the things you mention are life - NO drink will remove, ease, appease, or make better any of these...

            But with some courage and time and a clear head you will see how you are making it better without the need of a bottle. Hang in there.


              Damn I want a drink.

              rednose,i feel that way sometimes too,its like i need to escape reality for a bit,but in the end the same shits still there,plus its harder to deal with cuz youll feel like shit! stay strong
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Damn I want a drink.

                Many people deal with shit in their lives every day without getting drunk. Don't use it as an excuse. This is all a part of the path to sobriety. We've all used alcohol to keep us from having to deal with the hard parts of life. But it's time to take ownership. You can do it.


                  Damn I want a drink.

                  Its just the drink playing games. If you drink, your mom will still be dying, your business and relationships will still be down, and now on top of it all, now your drunk/having a raging hangover and realize the drink didn't do crap for you and now your back to day 1.

                  Its not worth it. Hang in there and I am praying for you and your family.
                  I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                  Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                  Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                    Damn I want a drink.

                    DriftyAlison0;1445287 wrote: Its just the drink playing games. If you drink, your mom will still be dying, your business and relationships will still be down, and now on top of it all, now your drunk/having a raging hangover and realize the drink didn't do crap for you and now your back to day 1.

                    Its not worth it. Hang in there and I am praying for you and your family.
                    Great post!!!
                    Live in the "NOW". :h



                      Damn I want a drink.

                      [QUOTE=DriftyAlison0;1445287]Its just the drink playing games. If you drink, your mom will still be dying, your business and relationships will still be down, and now on top of it all, now your drunk/having a raging hangover and realize the drink didn't do crap for you and now your back to day 1.

                      This struck a note with me too....I will have to remember this......I was so close to pouring a glass of wine after a rough afternoon today. Just wanted the relax and escape mode to kick in and wine always did that for me. Fought through it again though, and know that it's bedtime, I'm glad I did. Will be even happier in the morning when I can start day 17 instead of day 1!

                      This shows how reading the posts here help us get through some rough spots!:thanks:


                        Damn I want a drink.

                        rednose;1445181 wrote: Damn I want a drink. I have so much shit going on in my life it is hard to cope without a drink. Mother in Nursing home dying, Relationship falling apart, Business is way down,
                        The lis just seems to go on and on. It seems the only place I can find relief is in the bottle.
                        God there has to be another way but I have yet to find it.

                        Hi Red,
                        I'm just one State up from you here in Wa but we are in the Same State...very much indeed

                        Want to fricken drink...Saw some struggles over in the. #%^*#%#^^*+ thread which made me feel less alone.

                        Drifty's right though... even if we drink your mom will still be in the nursing home and that piece of Shit will still be sucking parents into her school.... The few hours of oblivion will stop our forward motion...I hate saying that because I really do want to drink but at this point just have to push through...

                        Let's just ...drink chocolate...or mint tea....or diet Pepsi....and then head off to bed...after Star Trek of course

                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Damn I want a drink.

                          Eat a sandwich or something instead. It saved my butt more than once the first month.


                            Damn I want a drink.

                            Drifty hit it out of the park with that answer........sage advice

                            Its all about distracting and changing your AL brain, to allow your normal brain to take back over.
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              Damn I want a drink.

                              Hey Rednose, I hope you managed to avoid the drink. And sending many hugs for your mum and other problems x
                              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                              Day by day

