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My 30 Day Accountability Thread

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    My 30 Day Accountability Thread

    This is getting beyond a joke. I just have no accountability and no control so this is my thread to rectify that.

    I spend 4 days a week with my boyfriend and I look forward to them so much, apart from seeing him obviously, because they are the days I don't have to drink! How screwed up is THAT thinking??? I really hate drinking. The other three days are just hell - I have all great plans to go straight to the gym from work and how often does that happen? That would be never. It's not even the hangovers that get me, although they are bad enough, the lack of sleep is an absolute killer though. That and the constant thoughts that I really AM killing myself... Apart from what the alcohol is doing to my poor body, I also smoke when I drink, which is less than 20 a week but it's still 20 too many. The two addictions have been reinforced for too long.

    My bf is coming tonight and that means 3 happy AF days to get a head start on this. I'm going to tell him too as I need all the accountability I can get. He thinks I stopped a couple of years ago when we both stopped smoking, well I did, for 6 weeks... I didn't say anything because I wanted him to be able to give up smoking, which he has, so I think any danger of him restarting is long past and he is only an occasional drinker. I've hated lying to him but in my defence it was for the best of intentions.

    Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays are my danger days when I'm on my own and accountable to no one - hence this thread. I'm going to post here everyday and if that means if I do even think about drinking I will have to come here and write my intention down first and I don't intend to do that.

    So here we go. Day 1.


    My 30 Day Accountability Thread

    Well, you made it six weeks AF before, that means you can do it again!

    30 days is an absolutely great goal, but its kinda far away. I always suggest that people set a series of goals to get to 30. Try shooting for day one, then day 7, and "then" 30.

    Those smaller goals are easier to get to and provide some traction in getting to your goal....its just like everything else...once you see results, they start building on themselves.

    Go get em!
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      My 30 Day Accountability Thread

      Good luck to you in this endeavor. Being accountable is a big part of going AF. There is also a thread "Anyone Up For 30 days AF?" on the NEED HELP ASAP thread, and I do post there. Small group of great people, although I am kind of the newbie in the group.

      "One day at a time."


        My 30 Day Accountability Thread

        Hi Red:
        You are so on the money!

        Accountability is everything. It is so easy to get into the WTF thinking when we are alone or we have had some success. I've been struggling with that recently. I know that when I feel overwhelmed and I have a drink then I don't want to come here because I know that I am accountable here and I hate to violate that....

        So I'm here with you too. Accountable!! :l
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          My 30 Day Accountability Thread

          We're here for you Red....let's do this!
          Today is day 1 for you of being alcohol free, and day 5 for me of being smoke-free...let's hang in there together ok?
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            My 30 Day Accountability Thread

            Good luck red, I too won't to make 30 days. Day 18 for me and feeling great x
            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
            Day by day


              My 30 Day Accountability Thread

              You can do it. I know you can and I think you have a wise plan in place.
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                i'm also aiming for 30days af 19 now ....still good


                  My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                  Thanks for all the well wishes and encouragement guys and well done Mootsbill and Merry on your journey to 30 days too. I will be sticking close behind you.

                  Nelz I know you are right - I have done 6 weeks before so I can do it again - this is giving me added encouragement. In terms of small aims to begin with, well tbh, I have a running battle with regards to what to tell myself, if that makes any kind of sense at all! I went with 30 days rather than 7 though because I think at 30 I should see some kind of positive change. Whereas I regularly can and do go 4-5 days so for at 7 it would be too easy to go WTF and lose all the benefit. I'm looking on 30 days as an experiment (I have a science background) where I can properly evaluate the 'results'. then of course I shall be aiming for my 6 weeks record but I'm not going to think about that yet...

                  Kradle123;1446123 wrote:

                  Accountability is everything. It is so easy to get into the WTF thinking when we are alone or we have had some success. I've been struggling with that recently. I know that when I feel overwhelmed and I have a drink then I don't want to come here because I know that I am accountable here and I hate to violate that....

                  So I'm here with you too. Accountable!! :l
                  This is exactly how I've been Kradle, WTF, it's a very noticeable pattern and I think my downfall so it has to be tackled head on. And then like you, I don't want to come here cos I feel like I've failed, again. No more though. We are accountable! :l

                  Three Dog Night, thanks, I will check your 30 day thread out. I never really go in the 'Help Wanted' section as I tend to think of it as being for severe withdrawals etc. I will check it out later though, thanks.

                  So, Day 2 for me. I am going to do this.



                    My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                    Hippyman;1446428 wrote: You can do it. I know you can and I think you have a wise plan in place.
                    Thanks Hippy


                      My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                      K9Lover;1446224 wrote: We're here for you Red....let's do this!
                      Today is day 1 for you of being alcohol free, and day 5 for me of being smoke-free...let's hang in there together ok?
                      Thanks K9 and congratulations on giving up the cigs - smoking is so horrible and I don't want anymore to do with it either. I can't believe I used to be a proper 20 day smoker (albeit many years ago) and it was ever considered in anyway socially acceptable. Even in the mid-eighties we used to smoke in offices, I even had an ashtray on my desk, ughh! Anyway, very well done


                        My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                        Day 3 and feeling much better mentally than I did yesterday although still not managing to sleep through. I know that will come though. Thinking about how to get through tomorrow and have decided to take only my lunch money to work so I CAN'T stop for Al on the way home. That way when the 3pm voices start and the ongoing argument in my head of "gym v al" begins again, the possibility of Al will already be off the table

                        Anyways, that's tomorrow and I know I only need to focus on today but Monday has been my downfall for too long now... Not any more though, voices I am ready for you!



                          My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                          Red, sorry to hear you're struggling. You started just after me as far as I recall and you were sailing along so well. That proves you have it in you. Just keep reminding yourself why you don't/can't drink. :l

                          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                            My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                            Red! I love your energy!!!! I'm smiling as I read your posts. Good for you putting your foot down and staying one step ahead of the voices its great that you know your pattern and are being vigilant. You have it in the bag hun! Keep posting!!!


                              My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                              Day 4 - done!

                              So day 4 is done and after all that the voices didn't even show up! Result!! Went straight to the gym after work and swam a mile so feeling pretty pleased with myself, not to mention shattered.

                              Moni, thanks for the encouragement, yes I did start around the same time as you and I can't believe I let my 17 days go so easily. But I am back and feeling quietly confident this time. You have done so well, you are an inspiration.

                              Decided, thanks too for your support and I agree wholeheartedly with what you said on your thread about establishing regular positive behaviours. We can all take control of our behaviours and nail this thing, we just have to want it enough.

                              With that said, tomorrow = Yoga

                              Not forgetting my little boxer dude to keep me on the straight and narrow of course


                              Good luck everyone, we can do this!

