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My 30 Day Accountability Thread

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    My 30 Day Accountability Thread

    Thanks Merry.

    Well today is day 13 and I finally had the longed for sleep - 12 hours yay! obviously some serious catching up to do. But I've been wavering a bit since I got up, taken all my supps of course but feel like something is missing but I'm not sure what. Anyway I'm going to keep my head down and plough on - reading Pauly's post on the physical affects of drink minus the buzz has helped. I will keep on fighting this.



      My 30 Day Accountability Thread

      Red Riding Hood;1453502 wrote: Thanks Merry.

      Well today is day 13 and I finally had the longed for sleep - 12 hours yay! obviously some serious catching up to do. But I've been wavering a bit since I got up, taken all my supps of course but feel like something is missing but I'm not sure what. Anyway I'm going to keep my head down and plough on - reading Pauly's post on the physical affects of drink minus the buzz has helped. I will keep on fighting this.

      Attached files [img]/converted_files/2042242=7333-attachment.jpg[/img]
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        My 30 Day Accountability Thread

        Day 14

        Well yesterday I honestly thought I would be coming on here today, tail between legs, looking at starting again at day 1. Yesterday afternoon was just awful, for two hours I was in such a fug, I was thinking, well I'm clearly going to drink today, so I might as well just go and buy some wine right NOW and get it over with.

        BUT somehow I managed not to. I played the tape through right to the end, over and over again (thanks again Paulywogg) and after a while the antsy feeling just faded away. Just like that, I actually felt it fading, like it was a physical force leaving my body. I've had cravings before (obvs :H) and I've been aware of them not being there later but I've never actually felt one go before.

        So I live to fight another day



          My 30 Day Accountability Thread

          Great job Red. You are inspiring me. Today will be day 2 for me. I made it thru last night I'm scared of tonight. I think because I drank and smoked so much Tuesday night I felt so horrible all day night that I didn't have any


            My 30 Day Accountability Thread

            I will also play plloywogs as I know soon I will get the cravings


              My 30 Day Accountability Thread

              Day 16

              Day 16 and still going strong. No cravings yesterday or today, so far.

              Sleep is getting better too, I actually fall asleep as soon as I put my head on the pillow now which is nothing short of a miracle. Of course I used to go out like a light when I was drinking too but that wasn't sleeping, that was passing out... Until 3am of course and we all know how that one plays out. Now if I wake up in the night I just roll over and go back to sleep

              Keep fighting everyone!



                My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                Day 18 has not been fun. I've not suffered with cravings exactly, not even voices, just a sort of emptiness, like a void that needed filling, which has lasted most of the afternoon and has only really just eased now at nearly 10pm. Thanks mainly I think to plenty of food and in particular, copious amounts of chocolate. And I don't even have a particularly sweet tooth. I wouldn't say I feel better now but I feel like I've got through something, even if I'm not sure what.

                Day 17 was fine though, hopefully day 19 will be too.

                I hope everyone else is doing well.



                  My 30 Day Accountability Thread


                  I drank last night.

                  No excuses although I have had some major emotional stuff going on the past few days, I just needed to fill the void and I knew it was coming. One thing though, I won't be doing it again in a hurry. OMG, I can't believe I used to do this on a regular basis, ughh!

                  Back in November I managed 17 days, this time I made it to 18 days. The difference is though it took me a couple of months last time to get my act together to start again. Not this time though, I am straight back on the wagon, BIGTIME!



                    My 30 Day Accountability Thread

                    Good to hear LR, this thread is great to keep you on track.

                    Now get back on the horse, and in Pauly's words, stop picking the scab off and let yourself heal !

                    Third time's a charm

