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Seeking help for husband

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    Seeking help for husband

    We live in CO. I cannot afford a lawyer. I am documenting everything that takes place and he has done a lot of stuff wrong. I am writing things down, taking pictures, etc. I am afraid to death because he has a lawyer and I don't that I may get screwed, but ultimately he is making mistake after mistake and I am sober and providing all I can for my son. I'd like to believe that a judge will see that and the lawyer won't matter but who knows. I have no money. He wants to fight me for partial custody but he is never sober, so why would a judge give it to him?


      Seeking help for husband

      Wow that is rough. I don't get the moving out either. I hope clarity can be found somewhere in all this for your sake and your son!


        Seeking help for husband

        Hi AJ, I have tried this drug and just a half of pill made drinking GLASS of wine suck, I could only have one wine and it was awful and the next day I was out of it. Your husband it not using it correctly, if he was then alcohol would taste like shit. You need to take care of yourself and your son right now. There is NO MAGIC PILL. you either want to stop or you don't. I actually liked my wine tasting god awful but I'm not good with meds so I stopped on my own. Have fallen here and there but I keep getting on the horse.
        AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
        AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days


          Seeking help for husband

          AJ, take it from a women who knows, I've worked for lawyers and went through a horrible divorce. I've learned one thing, act as a lay person (on your own behalf), they give you more. You do not need a lawyer, you need to document everything and be HONEST and you will win. How dare he put you through his drunks and leave you to care for your child...just like that. He's an alcoholic and you can't save him, save yourself.
          AF since 8/29/12 Goal 30 day-screwed up on day 9
          AF since 9/9/12- Goal 30 days
          STUMPY IS A LADY!


            Seeking help for husband

            stumpy;1450686 wrote: AJ, take it from a women who knows, I've worked for lawyers and went through a horrible divorce. I've learned one thing, act as a lay person (on your own behalf), they give you more. You do not need a lawyer, you need to document everything and be HONEST and you will win. How dare he put you through his drunks and leave you to care for your child...just like that. He's an alcoholic and you can't save him, save yourself.
            Hi Stumpy: I respectively disagree. Going pro se is not a wise move. A good lawyer on your husbands side will bury you. Docs, timely submission of really complicated paperwork gets very messy. Plus your husband is going to yo paint you in the worst possible light. Judges also are pressed. Alot of them don't have time to look at everything.

            Remember that the court system s set up as an adversarial arena and you simply need a good defense. One option might be to go in and ask your husband for a collaborative divorce. This at least shows you are willing to work with him.

            Sorry to sound so doom and gloom but forewarned is forearmed. Will check back later, hon. You can Do this!! :l

            PS consulting with an attorney is often free of charge.
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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              Seeking help for husband

              How is everything tracking?
              If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.

