Day 12: clean and feelin better, only now the kids are ill. Still, at least I am on my break. I have to say I am feeling a bit chuffed I have managed 12 days. That's very cool! i am still a wee bit volatile though! I really do wonder still if I have a problem, though I know I do. I still wonder if any of the recent illness was come down effects, although I did genuinely have the worst flu and chest infection for many years now. I was reading another person's blog and depression was discussed and since al is a depressive, I wonder if I was subconsciously depressed before, will my mood change? I had a dream last night that there was a school reunion, and I did drink in that, but again it was like most other people there were not drinking but I was wacking them back and kept going for a top up from a dodgy cupboard of supplies I had. It was only a dream but, that's who I am, never been able to moderate. I have never been a conventional girl, always a bit naughty, always done my own thing, but not real badass. I quit school at 16 and was workin in a local restaurant, again drinking at the end of a shift, worked in pubs and saw 'real alcoholics' because that is the image of an alcoholic to me, not my image, because they are, in fact very different. it was not until I had genetic counselling for a family rare genetic disease (I was the lucky one but my dad, and two sisters were not) that I stopped living as I wanted, happy go lucky, worry free, that I got my Masters, had children (since no genetic risk) and now suddenly I am 40 (but feel and often act 16 totally!!!) and wtf? all these years from like 11 or 13 years old to 40. Thats some booze!!!!!!!!!!
No announcement yet.
Honeysuckle's Log book
Honeysuckle's Log book
Day 12: clean and feelin better, only now the kids are ill. Still, at least I am on my break. I have to say I am feeling a bit chuffed I have managed 12 days. That's very cool! i am still a wee bit volatile though! I really do wonder still if I have a problem, though I know I do. I still wonder if any of the recent illness was come down effects, although I did genuinely have the worst flu and chest infection for many years now. I was reading another person's blog and depression was discussed and since al is a depressive, I wonder if I was subconsciously depressed before, will my mood change? I had a dream last night that there was a school reunion, and I did drink in that, but again it was like most other people there were not drinking but I was wacking them back and kept going for a top up from a dodgy cupboard of supplies I had. It was only a dream but, that's who I am, never been able to moderate. I have never been a conventional girl, always a bit naughty, always done my own thing, but not real badass. I quit school at 16 and was workin in a local restaurant, again drinking at the end of a shift, worked in pubs and saw 'real alcoholics' because that is the image of an alcoholic to me, not my image, because they are, in fact very different. it was not until I had genetic counselling for a family rare genetic disease (I was the lucky one but my dad, and two sisters were not) that I stopped living as I wanted, happy go lucky, worry free, that I got my Masters, had children (since no genetic risk) and now suddenly I am 40 (but feel and often act 16 totally!!!) and wtf? all these years from like 11 or 13 years old to 40. Thats some booze!!!!!!!!!!
Honeysuckle's Log book
So what happened with your lapse? What were the triggers? What was the experience of drinking like and what was the experience of sobering up like?
What can we do to work on these triggers that make you drink? Let me know how I can help?
I find “mindfulness” truly helps me when I have a trigger. If you have an iphone I can suggest some apps.
Keep strong Pink Power Ranger ….. ZAP, BOW, BOO (or whatever noises they make)
If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.
Honeysuckle's Log book
Honey Suckle ... some and talk to me. Thinking about you.
How is everything going?If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.
Honeysuckle's Log book
Hey Hun,
You were doing great and you made a bad decision.
-The good news is you racked up a few days no one can take from you,
-You now know you can do it,
-You have more knowledge and exp,
-And as long as your alive you can make a better decision
You have the chance to make a better choice NOW.
I don't know if your still drinking but the ground work is still set for a quit...I say this a lot but. BACK ON THE HORSE. Consider yourself a better rider than before.
Hope to see you around again sooner than later. You have a positive and strong aproach that made a much appreciated contribution.
Honeysuckle's Log book
To Decided and Martye
I just want to say that I do actually appreciate your support, not that I actually deserve it. Yes, I didnt get passed 12 days, so...need a new plan. It is too easy to say start again. It took a huge effort to start last time. I thought..oh, I will just drink socially, but the problem is, .. i want to drink every night. I'm so bored of even dealing with this crap.
Honeysuckle's Log book
Glad you checked in
Its hard to start again but its doable, you've already proven that. You don't have to "start over" just keep going. Now you know that you can't drink socially. It sucks for a while but it is what it is. You don't nesisairaly need a new plan either just need to stick to the one you have no matter how hard it is. Like anything else you have to practice if you want it to get easier.
Its normal to be upset and dissapointed with yourself for making a bad desission but you don't have to keep adding to it. Accept your situation your mistakes and yourself, and give yourself a chance to make it right.
Honeysuckle's Log book
So you have learned early on that social drinking is not possible for you. Better now than months down the line.
Honeysuckle, I can't
Play piano,
Pole vault
If I tried VERY hard I could learn, if you were VERY disciplined you could moderate, but for most of us here moderating is HARDER than quitting.
You are depressed for two reasons, disappointment that you drank and BECAUSE you drank. It is a depressing drug.
Get back to it and remember how bad you feel today.
please don't stop coming here because of a slip. Of course you are disappointed and down, but isn't this the point of this forum. People slip because we are human. You are learning a new skill, it takes time, and sometimes mistakes.
Add up in your mind all the alcohol you DID NOT consume since AF, that is your sobriety bar tab.
I think a lot of people get disheartened because they thought they were GOING BACK to their old self before problems with alcohol, but it is not like that. You can never be that old person again, you are someone else now,whether you like it or not. The recovered you is someone completely new, if you were to return to the old you then you would drink again! Capiche?
As some here know I love analogies so I imagine this like learning a totally new skill like, say,ice skating. You wouldn't expect to get on the ice first time and be winning an Olympic gold next year. Some people starting with you are better at it than you, but most will slip and fall at some point. Others may not fall but will have to grab on to someone tight to stop themselves falling.
And us novices will watch the skilled skaters and envy them their skill and want to be them. But remember, they have put in years of hard work and practice and they,too, had many a fall at the beginning
The kind and giving ones like K9, Lav Byrdie and many others give their time to keep coming to the rink and helping and teaching, supporting and picking us newbies up off our arses.
Leaving now means you are trying to practice alone. Hey that might work out but you run the risk of getting frustrated and feeling very lonely. If you could have done this alone then surely you would not have been here in the first place.
And lastly, if you stop coming, there will be one less person to pick ME up if I slip on my arse. I and others NEED to see you get back up cos it gives us all hope.
Honeysuckle's Log book
I think I'm not going to stop comin here, so dont stamp on my face, but I AM going to give moderating a shot and see what happens. Never tried that one before. I always feel like I am not an addict but someone with a habit. Is there a fine line? I wonder! I think there is a moderation section somewhere, I'm going to knock on their door.
Honeysuckle's Log book
honeysuckle;1463896 wrote: I think I'm not going to stop comin here, so dont stamp on my face, but I AM going to give moderating a shot and see what happens. Never tried that one before. I always feel like I am not an addict but someone with a habit. Is there a fine line? I wonder! I think there is a moderation section somewhere, I'm going to knock on their door.
Go chat with Eve11, she is very supportive and kind.
Come back if it is not working.
This is your way out, no need to apologise.
Read Patrice's thread on moderating also. Knowledge is power.
I wish you courage :h
Honeysuckle's Log book
Hey Honeysuckle
"Don't stamp on your face?" Noone here would do that to a lovely person like you!
So you drank again. It's not the end of the world. You can continue to do what is best for you.
Go and knock on the door of moderation if you must. NOT TO START a conflagration here, but I think quite often it's a fools errand-for those of us who simply cannot moderate. You amy or may noe be in that group. Only you can know. Based on your previous posts I rather doubt it.
I hope you stick around and find what you are looking for.