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Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds

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    Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds

    Thought this was interesting and that many could relate....

    Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds


    More info at: Recovery 2.0 with Tommy Rosen - en*theos Virtual Conferences

    All hail the committee: that not-so-unified, loud collection of voices in our heads. You know the committee. It seems to wake up before you. It goes to bed after you. If you didn?t know any better you might think the committee was actually you. Well, thankfully, it is not.

    The committee is in part the result of a society mired in the energy of addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, sex and gambling, not to mention too much caffeine, sugar and online social networks! One hundred years ago, our ancestors took in the same amount of information in their entire lifetime as we now do in about a month. Now that?s a sobering thought!

    For some people, the chatter is louder than for others (me, for example). There was a time in my life when that chatter overwhelmed me. It was my master. Then about 7 years ago, I was turned on to a form of Yoga called Kundalini. The promise of all spiritual paths, 12 Steps included, is transformation. With Kundalini Yoga, the transformation was quick, precise and thorough. I was about to discover the neutral mind and life was about to get really, really good!

    Within the powerful teachings of Kundalini Yoga, there lies an illuminating description of the 3 minds ? negative, positive and neutral, which has relevance for anyone who has ever wished there was a way to turn off the committee and get to the heart of you. Say you have a decision to make like should you cross the street or not. The negative mind will show up saying things like, ?are you sure you want to cross the street? There?s a lot of traffic and you might get hurt? What?s so special across that street anyway?? Meanwhile the positive mind kicks in. ?Look over there. It?s amazing across that street. Let?s go over there. Doesn?t look dangerous to me. It?s an adventure. Let?s have at it.? The negative mind, despite its name, is neither bad nor good. Rather, it is the part of your mind that tells you the reasons not to do something. It is the protective part of your mind. People who are too heavily in their negative mind are over-protected. They are risk-adverse and will miss some opportunities that life presents, but they rarely get too burned. The positive mind, on the other hand, is also neither good nor bad. It simply tells you the reasons to do something. It is the creative, adventurous part of your mind. People who are too heavily in their positive mind rarely miss opportunities because they see and embrace most of them as they arise. These folks have exciting lives, but they usually have a hard time committing to a long-term process and because they take risks, open themselves up to a good ass-whooping from time to time.

    Then there?s the neutral mind, which we access by getting still and quiet. The neutral mind listens to the testimony of both the negative and positive minds and then from a centered place makes its decision,, which is always the right one because it honors and bends toward the will of your highest Self ? that part of you that is aligned with your higher power.

    When we are balanced in all three minds, we allow our inner calling to come through.

    So ask yourself, do you have a decision to make today? Do you tend more toward the positive or negative mind? How about taking 3 minutes sitting still, closing your eyes, breathing deeply and allowing the input of both your positive and negative minds to come in without interference. Do not try to make an answer come, rather allow it to come. Be patient. Accessing your neutral mind is a new habit that requires you to build the skill of meditation and stillness. Once you act from the clarity of the neutral mind, you are immediately able to live in the full expression of YOU and to let go of the results of your actions. Enjoy your freedom!

    Tommy Rosen

    Tommy Rosen is the co-producer and host of The Recovery 2.0 Online Conference taking place from March 17-21, 2013. The free online conference features 30 top professionals speaking about all addictions and recovery from diverse perspectives including 12-Step Recovery, Buddhism, Yoga, Diet and optimal health.
    I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!

    Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds

    interesting post
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds

      Good post Rainy....Thanks!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Recovery From Addiction and The 3 Minds

        I don't know all kinds of yoga yet but I'm about to learn kyria yoga (? Sp) . A psychiatrist I used to know semi retired to part time teaching yoga, so that her patients wouldn't just rely on drugs all the time. I hope I can successfully quiet this crazy busy mind of mine instead of drugging it....
        Alcoholic (or Ally)

        "Only a fool knows everything.
        A wise man knows how little he knows."

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