I am a bit disappointed in how I feel this morning. I actually am feeling pretty depressed.
Drinking consumed a bunch of my free time and now I am wondering what I am going to do with all this sober time.
I am sure I drank out of boredom and being lonely. That has not changed by being one day AF.
So day 2 actually looks like it is going to be harder than day one as I am faced with the reality that my life is still boring and lonely I just don't have the alcohol to numb out those feelings.
I did not sleep very well and I am pretty tired and down as I am sure you can tell by my writing this am. I guess I had this unrealistic thinking that I was going to wake up this morning feeling wonderful with butterflies flying out of my butt like some Disney movie.
But I do have one day AF and today is another day and I just need to keep focused on what I am trying to do here.
If any of you can relate to my rambling on here I would love to hear from you.
Maybe a cup of coffee will help.
Sorry if it appears that I am whining but I have been known to be a great whiner.
