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Trying, not succeeding

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    Trying, not succeeding

    Hi there,

    I need help. I can't seem to stop, although I "want" to. Life is so hard and I feel like I have to be so strong for my family, but I can only do that if I have the solice of alcohol. I have two children with disabilities, two more besides, all under 12. My husband is depressed and unable to work. I am trying to shoulder it all, and I cannot, but what is the choice? My current choice is dealing with it all myself and drinking for release. Not going to work long term. I feel sick and scared.

    I will try tomorrow for Day 1, but it's Friday. I can already hear the excuses in my head.

    Thank you for reading.

    Trying, not succeeding

    Hi Kaljo :l
    Your family situation sounds very tough, truly, but you did say yourself that using alcohol to escape your problems is only a temporary fix and trust me, in the long term, it is just making things worse. Why don't you come on over to the newbies nest where you will find tons of advice and support. I think a good place to begin is by working up a plan to get yourself through the day without depending on alcohol. There is a link to the toolbox in my signature line. Good luck, Kal!



    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Trying, not succeeding

      Hey Kaljo :welcome:

      As star says - skip into the newbies nest. There's both people there who are just starting out as well as wise old timers to over support and helping hands. Star's right too - the booze will make it all worse in the long run, though I totally hear how it's very tough for you right now. :l

      Oh - and do click on the toolbox link in Star's signature. A wealth of good suggestions in there.



        Trying, not succeeding


        Yes - you need to come join us at the newbies thread!

        But I will state here - I am a medicine person. I am one for using medicine for cravings (for me it's Topamax) and Ativan for post withdrawal syndrome (seizures, etc) and anxiety, as my signature states!

        Post on the Newbies, and I'll give you my thoughts to your situation!



        There is a whole thread dedicated to other medicines.
        I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


          Trying, not succeeding

          OH, heck yeah, Kal, if you think medicine would be of benefit, I also say use it. We need every tool we can get to fight this battle.



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

