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Really want a drink.

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    Really want a drink.

    I am so tired. I think I drink because it gives me that pick up i need somedays. I know the end result but I am sure craving that feeling of that first drink....

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Really want a drink.

    rednose;1450501 wrote: I am so tired. I think I drink because it gives me that pick up i need somedays. I know the end result but I am sure craving that feeling of that first drink....

    Your addiction wants a drink..... YOU want to get sober.

    Remember this Rednose and you will be able to get through this


      Really want a drink.


      All I can say is what you already know. That first drink will lead to so many more and regrets. You will end up having to go through day 1 and day 2 again.

      When it gets really, really bad, I tell myself. Okay, I won't drink today, I'll rethink it tomorrow.

      You will also be surprised how quickly the craving for that first drink goes away if you concentrate on something else.

      Take this one day at a time, Rednose. Visit the Newbies Nest or any other thread and give yourself some time to feel better. You aren't even through all the withdrawals yet. It takes about four to five days, at least for me.

      Hang in there,
      AF April 9, 2016


        Really want a drink.

        Cinders;1450518 wrote: Rednose,

        All I can say is what you already know. That first drink will lead to so many more and regrets. You will end up having to go through day 1 and day 2 again.

        When it gets really, really bad, I tell myself. Okay, I won't drink today, I'll rethink it tomorrow.

        You will also be surprised how quickly the craving for that first drink goes away if you concentrate on something else.

        Take this one day at a time, Rednose. Visit the Newbies Nest or any other thread and give yourself some time to feel better. You aren't even through all the withdrawals yet. It takes about four to five days, at least for me.

        Hang in there,
        This is what they must mean one minute at a time.....

        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


          Really want a drink.

          Hang in there Rednose - you're doing so well.
          There are a million reasons not to have that drink, think of all the reasons you started this in the first place.
          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


            Really want a drink.

            Red, Kuya wrote a wonderful post...dang it, can't remember where it was...but that first feeling of drinking is what we ALL want so badly. Unfortunately, we don't leave it at that, we go for more and more and more! Let me go see if I can find that was really good...hang in there til I get back! B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Really want a drink.

              Hi Rednose

              If your tired drink coffee, eat chocolate, anything that will help. One drink might make u feel better but it will surely only make you more tired! Good luck x
              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
              Day by day


                Really want a drink.

                Gatorade anyone?
                I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


                  Really want a drink.

                  Well, I am sorry to say, I've come back empty handed...I can't find that wonderful post. But you know the drill. Hells Bells, if we could just take that first drink and walk away, none of us would be here!!! Try and change your direction of thinking....don't go down that 'Happy Path'! Stay the course and you will never regret it. As long as you feed it, it's yours. I hope you'll join us over in the Newbie's Nest, we have folks over there in their first couple days...well, we have them in all stages of quitting, so jump on in!! Don't give in today no matter what and no matter who!!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Really want a drink.

                    I use to drink to have false energy, or to calm my anxiety.... Of course I over drank, then it made my anxiety worse. I remember when Marioman said he drank for as many reasons as there were leaves on trees. I thought brilliant, as I'd never heard it put that way. It's so true!.... I luv ~ luv my trees.

                    I use to drink cause I thought I was going to have degenerative PAWS. Well I almost died. I only have intermittent ones. Which is common. My tolerance for alcohol went down as my liver was not well. I even knew how to trick the paws timing to, just so I could think better. I'm smart, but was so scared. It was all fear & I was lieing to myself. I was more afraid of living then dieing. So, glad to have chosen to step out of fear & am living now. That there were good, patient & loving people who held my hand & helped me. :h

                    Red & anybody else out there, look this isn't going to be easy in the beginning hun, but your a lot tougher then your giving yourself credit for. Look at all the suffering you've already endured??? I mean we folks have been thru the battle zone with this fecking ethanol ~ poison. We are some tough people!... Plus were some of the most loving, smart, funny people around!!!... :h :l

                    I'm telling you can endure going one day, without one tiny little drink, the one drink that's going to get you plowed & keep you stuck in the endless cycle of "AlcoHell".

                    Yes you can & you will do it!!!!... It will get easier hun!!!.. Trust us who've been thru this & made it to the other side where there's hope, freedom & contentment in sobriety ` recovery!

                    Read & post away. I didn't have much time yesterday either, but was lurking a bit in the Nest & saw some grrt things happening over there, plus some funny piccies of a cute & ugly doggie. I want to give her ~ him a kiss. Beautiful families!

                    Now you go pamper yourself & don't drink just for today!!! "No Matter What ~ No Matter Who" ~ "Not One ~ Not Ever"

                    You got this thing. If we can do it, so can you!!!... :l


                      Really want a drink.


                      You've already gotten so much wonderful advice...just remember it will not stay this hard forever...if it did, nobody would succeed. Just don't drink today, worry about tomorrow...tomorrow.
                      We are all rooting for you. I know you can do this. Hang in there.
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Really want a drink.


                        Just play the scenario forward in your mind. You have that first drink, and enjoy it for maybe 15 minutes, but then you spend the rest of the evening trying to chase that fleeting 'aahhh' feeling, but you never get back there. Instead you drink too much, pass out, wake up in the middle of the night with panic, then feel crappy in the morning. And realize you are right back where you started. Nothing gained.
                        AF since 6JUN2012


                          Really want a drink.

                          Thanks all... Tough night but I am going to make it. I don't want to start over at day one.
                          It just amazes me how much my body and mind craves that fix....

                          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                            Really want a drink.

                            I think this is the post that Brydie was referring to Rednose.......hope it keeps you stronger :h

                            To ODAT and those struggling to get past the first days on days and when they see people getting congrats on reaching multiple days and think it came easy............... I pulled this post up for might help you through these early days......I hope so


                            I see you keep falling over at day 2 or 3. I assume you know from everyone here that the first seven days are the worst, but of course you don't really KNOW how much better you will feel so there is no incentive to stick it out cos your brain is screaming

                            DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK DRINK

                            You read my previous post of 23 years of failed day ones. Sometimes my work meant I would go 2 nights AF and they were sleepless and I felt exhausted but I couldn't understand why they were actually not too bad. Then I would have day 3, promise myself that if I could do 2 nights working I could do a third, fourth, fifth FOR ME. But I never could because I had convinced myself it was too hard, I needed to sleep yadda yadda yadda.

                            I eventually made myself so sick and tired that I knew I was gonna die if I kept this half a bottle of vodka a day habit going. So I got my son and his girlfriend to move back in, had a big song and dance about it, set up umpteen safety nets and started the first quit of my life.

                            I started that first week in absolute terror, convinced that by day 3 or 4 or 5 at the latest I was going to be having DTs, hospitalized or a basket case in some way. Those first 5 days were hard, mostly because I was holding my breath , waiting for all hell to break loose.

                            Truth is by day 5 I felt fine, tired and a little out of body aching but my days were AWESOME I was sober! The feelings some describe as cravings are, IMHO better described as simply your body shedding alcohol. Your brain knows from years of practice that you can reverse this process and stop the pain by drinking alcohol. Your poor brain, the primitive part doesn't know that it will stop in a few days. Your poor alcohol sodden primitive brain only knows how to stop it NOW..... BY DRINKING MORE ALCOHOL.

                            This is where you ladies are at, the alcohol leaving is causing you fear, no pain just FEAR. This is your battle, to stick it out cos your intellect brain has the benefit of US people telling you it WILL stop.

                            But you wanna know what hurts most is when I look at my sons who had to grow up watching me suffer and helpless to stop me.......


                            So ladies ...get back on your horses and start again,Please


                              Really want a drink.

                              Hi Rednose, I see such determination in your last response, I admire you, despite the cravings, you are still determined! Go for it! I hope it gets easier for all of us!!!! We can and WILL do this. Just keep remembering why and how bad you would feel after the drink, is is worth it? Find other stuff to divert any attention at all, be it a substitute soda, a 'personal' pleasure or a random website of useless information that you end up on for two hours

