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Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

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    Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

    Good morning to you all. Well I am here AF starting day four. Day 3 was a B---h.....But somehow and by the grace of god I stayed AF and I got up today with more hope that my
    mind will come out of this fog and the shakes and cold sweats will start to lessen.

    I have been thinking about my drinking in very simplistic terms. If any of you can relate to this please let me know.
    Somewhere in my life I came to realize that drinking made the pain go away so I would drink. Problem is I would almost always do something stupid while I was drunk. Such as lie, cheat, make up some grandiose story about something or just plain act like an ass.
    Next comes the waking up with the shame of my drunken antics of the day or night before.
    Then the cycle repeats itself so not to feel the shame or deal with the lies and so on and so on.
    I don't know when I got on this ride but I know it started along time ago.

    Drink to feel good, get drunk and do something stupid, wake up with shame and start drinking again to no feel the shame and embarrassment...
    What a cycle of insanity....
    Oh And I almost forgot. Somewhere in there I became addicted to Alcohol....

    So today I did not wake up wondering who I pissed off the night before or what dumb ass
    thing I might have done or said.

    Very glad to be starting day 4 AF.

    Thanks to you all for your support. I would not be here if it were not for the support and kindness.

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

    Morning rednose! You're sounding a little better today. I hope the withdrawal symptoms are starting to ease.

    Yep, I can definitely relate to the vicious cycle. It's like a merry-go-round that is fun in the beginning, but then it starts spinning too fast and you want to get off but you're not sure how. You just have to take the leap -- the bruises only last for awhile.

    Hope you have a good Day 4!
    AF since 6JUN2012


      Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

      pixie;1450901 wrote: Morning rednose! You're sounding a little better today. I hope the withdrawal symptoms are starting to ease.

      Yep, I can definitely relate to the vicious cycle. It's like a merry-go-round that is fun in the beginning, but then it starts spinning too fast and you want to get off but you're not sure how. You just have to take the leap -- the bruises only last for awhile.

      Hope you have a good Day 4!
      Thanks Pixie. I hope you have a great day.
      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


        Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

        That must feel great not wondering who you've pissed off.

        I would drink....I still am not sure why...boredom, habit, I don't like myself, not sure. I was never a mean drunk.....always very funny, social, easy going. I guess I liked myself more....but it would get too far and my husband and kids said I acted stupid or embarassing.

        You sound like you are healing. The WD symptoms don't last forever. Just don't forget how they feel or who you feel when you wake up the next morning after and're body will get cocky and think that it's ok to have one or two, but it won't stop at that. So always remember the shitty feelings, they will help you!



          Good Morning... Day 4 begin's


          Thanks for the support. Did you feel exhausted in the beginning? I swear I could sleep all day
          on the couch if I let myself. I know my body is going through shock and trying to repair a lot of drinking but I did not think I would be this tired...

          rednose :thanks:
          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


            Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

            :goodjob::goodjob:Rednose the first couple of weeks I could (and sometimes did) come home from work, cook dinner and go to bed and sleep. I coud do it easily, it helped me avoid people who kept telling me I didn't have a problem.

            As loads of others have said, treat yourself as if you are ill and need lots of care and rest.

            You're now over the hump to a week - congrats

            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

              rednose;1450972 wrote: Phin

              Thanks for the support. Did you feel exhausted in the beginning? I swear I could sleep all day
              on the couch if I let myself. I know my body is going through shock and trying to repair a lot of drinking but I did not think I would be this tired...

              rednose :thanks:
              You know, I was pretty damn tired. I feel pretty good now. I normally get up super early for my job, so I am tired anyways, but at the beginning of detoxifying my body, I felt very tired. I also slept because it took away from time I could have drank.....know what I mean? A time filler so to speak


                Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

                The tiredness and insomnia are almost ubiquitous Rednose.

                Your body has adapted to running on a different fuel have literally turned your body into a food/alcohol hybrid. All your enzymes for metabolism have changed. That switch over took years......the change back is quicker but still takes time.

                While changing back there will be fatigue.....go with the flow and sleep more


                  Good Morning... Day 4 begin's

                  kuya;1451011 wrote: The tiredness and insomnia are almost ubiquitous Rednose.

                  Your body has adapted to running on a different fuel have literally turned your body into a food/alcohol hybrid. All your enzymes for metabolism have changed. That switch over took years......the change back is quicker but still takes time.

                  While changing back there will be fatigue.....go with the flow and sleep more
                  Thanks Kuya... I appreciate the reminder.
                  All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                    Good Morning... Day 4 begin's


                    I have found the shakes and most of the sweats end by day 5 or 6.

                    I still have night sweats, even a couple weeks out. Not sure if it is alcohol related or age related.

                    My alcoholism has reached the point where I always black out when I drink, hence I have no idea what I have said or done while drinking. My husband assures me that "evil Cindi" appears, though.

                    I love waking up in the morning remembering falling asleep the night before and not worrying about finding out what I said or did.

                    You will get some strength back soon. Please make sure you are taking vitamins, eating well, and keeping hydrated with fluids. That will make all this go by faster.

                    AF April 9, 2016

