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Boy do I want to go out and drink.

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    Boy do I want to go out and drink.

    Ok it is Saturday night about 7 pm and I am really wanting to go out and
    Drink right now.
    Had big blow up with ex girl friend and I know that is what she is up too.
    I know this is crazy thinking but wanting to go bar hopping and show her .
    But no I am laying in bed with my two dogs and angry as hell.
    Tomorrow will be day five if I can keep from going out and taking that first
    This is hard. Damn Alcohol keeps calling my name.
    I think I would just be drinking out of anger and hurt.
    But isn't that why we all drank at times?

    Feeling like sh-t

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Boy do I want to go out and drink.

    Oh, you are so lucky to have 2 dogs! I only have cats and really dream of having just one dog. Focus on how cathartic your dogs are for you. Go on long walks with them. Talk to all the wonderful people you can meet when walking your dogs. Make sure they are healthy and getting enough exercise - you will too!
    "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass...It's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Vivian Green


      Boy do I want to go out and drink.

      Hi Rednose! I know how you feel. Great job on not going out. :goodjob: If you feel like chatting, I'll go into the chat room. Sometimes it helps to just vent.
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Boy do I want to go out and drink.

        rednose;1451229 wrote: Ok it is Saturday night about 7 pm and I am really wanting to go out and
        Drink right now.
        Had big blow up with ex girl friend and I know that is what she is up too.
        I know this is crazy thinking but wanting to go bar hopping and show her .
        But no I am laying in bed with my two dogs and angry as hell.
        Tomorrow will be day five if I can keep from going out and taking that first
        This is hard. Damn Alcohol keeps calling my name.
        I think I would just be drinking out of anger and hurt.
        But isn't that why we all drank at times?

        Feeling like sh-t

        Totally with you on this one, Red but my trigger is my son and oddly enough having to do everyone's f^*^%%# ing laundry...:mad-door: I couldn't find my iPad to come here and vent or read or something so I just folded towels and fumed...

        When I had my blow out with my best friend I actually felt somewhat reliieved...sounds bad but really it had been coming. I still love her but realized she and her situation, good times or not were becoming an excuse for me to drink. Not certain what your relationship is with your friend but the extreme emotions they can incite in us certainly push our AL brain into high gear.

        Stay close and watch a good mystery on tv or Netflix .

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Boy do I want to go out and drink.

          Drinking AT people doesn't make you feel any better. Trust me, I did it for years!
          What will make you feel better is developing an attitude of gratitude. You have 5 AF days, be happy, be proud of yourself
          Don't let your ex take up anymore of your head space. Watch a movie, read a book, just don't drink & you will feel proud of yourself tomorrow. Don't listen to the damn monkey mind!!!!

          Wishing you much strength!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Boy do I want to go out and drink.

            Do NOT I repeat DO NOT have a drink! It is not worth it, you are stronger then that.

            Get out of that bed and go for a run or do some push ups, do something active and the feeling of booze will go.

            Else try some guided meditation
            If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


              Boy do I want to go out and drink.

              Lavande;1451238 wrote: Rednose,
              Drinking AT people doesn't make you feel any better. Trust me, I did it for years!
              What will make you feel better is developing an attitude of gratitude. You have 5 AF days, be happy, be proud of yourself
              Don't let your ex take up anymore of your head space. Watch a movie, read a book, just don't drink & you will feel proud of yourself tomorrow. Don't listen to the damn monkey mind!!!!

              Wishing you much strength!
              Kradle, thanks for the support. Just full of rage
              Right now.

              Halt. Not hungry, Angry as hell, Lonely, not tired.
              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                Thanks you all. I feel like throwing a temper tantrum.

                I will not drink today. Only 4 hours left to go.
                All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                  Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                  Keep checking in every 30 minutes or so and let me know how you are going! I will continue to check this thread. I will be here for the next 4 hours so go and kick some arse!
                  If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                    Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                    I feel you...similar situation.ill be around for hours I'm sure if u wanna talk.


                      Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                      Thanks, I am not doing great but I am not going
                      To let a unhealthy relationship make me drink.
                      But boy this sucks. You doing ok?

                      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                        Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                        decided;1451252 wrote: I feel you...similar situation.ill be around for hours I'm sure if u wanna talk.
                        Thanks, I am not doing great but I am not going
                        To let a unhealthy relationship make me drink.
                        But boy this sucks. You doing ok?

                        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                          Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                          Still kicking it?
                          If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                            Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                            martye;1451262 wrote: Still kicking it?
                            Still sober still angry. Drinking was how I would
                            Deal with my anger a lot.
                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Boy do I want to go out and drink.

                              Hey yah, I'm fine. Just frustrated as hell! I went to the store and stocked up on candy heheh, now I'm warching cartoons. Going to the store pissed of before closing time was kinda weird though. If I had been distracted or forgotten for a second that I don't drink anymore I'm pretty sure I would have waled right to the beer fridge without a seconds thought until it was too late :S ....sooo I'm throwing a tantrum alone in bed with 12 bux worth of sugar and my trusty netflix account. Lol. Glad your toughong it out with me, usually when people post when they are feeling at risk they get over the hurdle, so good call!

                              You mentioned that you think your ex is provoking you or something to that effect? What do you mean if you don't mind me asking.

