Last week Tuesday ? I was still drunk and very scared I had just realized that I had a problem, If you can remember ?My wonderful supportive Husband had asked if I had a drinking problem? and I had said yes ? ( I wish he was supportive) but never mind I am doing this for me and my kids not him.
Wednesday ? I was again Drunk but a good drunk I was in a good mood and full of jokes- The Prune was born, and striving to become a plum. (I stayed home)
Thursday ? day 1AF ? so positive, I was going to do ? with out the book, without the supplements ? I was going to do it. (stayed home)
Friday ? day 2 AF ? I was scared, had a meeting (team building) I had to leave my ?Safe zone? I know there were going to be drinks on offer ? I could have just asked for a soda ? but no what did I do ? In true Kimmy form ? I drank and I drank ? 8 hours later ? well we all know what happened ? you were all there for me.
Saturday ? back to day 1 ? but a lot wiser, a lot quieter and a lot sadder.
Today is day 4 AF well tonight will be and I know I will make it ? I am meeting a friend for lunch and we are going to a MilkyLane (ice cream bar) we are going to have milk shakes ? I have started to tell everyone that I can?t drink, some I have told that I am an Alcoholic and others just that I am giving my body a break. TRUTH ? I am an Alcoholic ? and to tempted
Enough of that ? so this has been my short trip ? on sups and reading the book ? Getting Kudz for the weekend and staying away from pubs and social events.
Thank you for listening and reading -