I am ready to give up the drink after 2 years of everyday drinking. I have had past drinking problems but not like this. So, what started this for me? Financial issues. I am 37 and built my own home at 25. It was a big flat block and 4 bedrooms with a rumpus room and I owed less than $90,000. I was proud but my life was not happy, I had lost my Mum to cancer and this had a massive impact on me. Having experienced quite a sheltered life I needed to learn new life skills and really how to be an adult. It was quite a co-dependant relationship and my Mum depended on me greatly. I sold my home at 30 for $425,000, walking away with $325,000. I married and moved into my Husbands townhouse that he owed the full amount on ($250,000). I didn't know that he had $30,000 in personal debt, but I never asked either. I paid for our wedding, our honeymoon and ultimately the $10,000 engagement ring he brought me as I was sick of the debt. We put the townhouse on the market so we could build a home. We got a contract which we were assured the buyers had already had finance approval it would not be an isssue. On the day the contract was to go unconditional finance fell through. I was pregnant and on one wage. We had to sell the block of land less the interest we paid and less the commission for agent, less the downturn in economy. I started working 5 nights a week and had my second son in the January. I started drinking after he was born as the loss of my dreams was really big to me. Now we owe i would say $220,000 on a townhouse worth $280,000(haven't been able to look at home loan for past year now). I have gone from having $325,000 to having $50,000 if we sold up after commission. I honestly don't know how to deal with my life. I don't know if I trust my Husband to want a fiancial plan. I love him and this is what makes it hard, he is compassionate and a wonderful Dad. Money just doesn't seem to be the thing for him, happiness is more important. I am all for happiness, but without security this is hard for me. Please if you can offer you support and help me on my journey I would love for you to help.
Many thanks. God Bless:new: