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    new here.

    Hi there,

    I'm new here. My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years. I've always known he was a bit of a heavy drinker but I never thought too much of it. I don't drink at all so I always assumed I was over reacting.

    The other night he broke down and told me he's been drinking a 60 every other day for almost a year. I had no idea. He never seems intoxicated and he functions perfectly. He doesnt drive (he got pulled over slightly over the limit last year and we havent renewed his dl yet).

    He has asked me for help. I've been making tons of calls and gotten little help. So here I am looking for some methods to help him break the cycle. He's tried to do this on his own once but the pain and feeling like he was going to have a heart attack was too much for him.

    Hopefully we can find some answers here.

    new here.

    Dammit sorry for the double


      new here.

      Hi cupcake! Your doing so much comming here to find help he's luck to have your support, as so many people have to do it alone! You should encorrage him to make a profile of his own and take the first step in getting getting himself sober. There are so many people with greeat advice and positive advice for him to draw from here. With some time and commitment on his part he could have a quit plan up and running in no time if he's ready to make the change.

      My idvice is to keep encorraging him and communicating how proud you are of him taking responsability for his life etc. This is however something you can't really do for him but can support him in doing himself

      Also don't forget yourself in the process! Its important that you have your own support and look after your own well being while aiding him as well if your going to be there for him. You can get a lot of insight on what to expect and what he might be going though bu reading and posting here also.

      This place Is a gold mine of experience that can be useful and comforting for him if he is willing to give it a go, so you've already done wonders in helping

      Nice to have you (and hopefully him) around!


        new here.

        I agree... you can support him, but he really has to do this for himself. You can't spoon feed him the help.
        I will be sober so I can be clear and remember being a mommy and so I can be in the best place God wants to place me. I will be here! now! FREE! 12.5mg Topamax AM&PM, Ativan until safe from withdrawal syndrome & for anxiety. Thank God I Am Done!


          new here.

          Thanks everyone for the warm welcome.

          I will talk to him, but he's not into the whole online community thing.

          I know I can't fix it for him, but he asked me to find out whrre to go and what to do because he's embarassed to make the calls on his own.

          I just want to be as supportive as I can. I'm very proud of him for taking these next steps. I know it must have been hard for him to tell me.

          Originally we were going to go to a detox centre but they wanted him to get a withdrawal protocol first. Without a family doctor I havent been able to find a clinic that will help him unless the worst happens first.

          We will likely head into a clinic this week to at least talk to someone


            new here.

            P.s. Sorry for the typos/spelling runnon's etc I'm usually pretty bad with writing but walikng and typing on a cell dosent help! Lol anyhow I think you got the idea.


              new here.

              The online part is just an exchange of information. And an anonymous place to ask questions/ express himself, all the work is done with himself ( weather it be a clinix or AA or cold turkey etc.) He doesent even have to post, but he can get some answers by reading. If he doesent like the online communities and is too embarrassed to get help himself he may hjave to chose the lesser of the 2 evils at some point. Getting to a clinic to ask questions is a great start let us knoiw how it goes and good luck to both of you!

