fantastic thread....I was a wine drinker.....that first sip (gulp) would go down my throat with a heavenly warmth. Then the warmth would spread as it entered my bloodstream...that all took about 3 minutes. After that, I was simply CHASING THAT FEELING NEVER to return again, never able to relax. So, when I think I want that 3 minute feeling again, I stop where I am and think about what comes AFTER those 3 minutes.....slurred speech, unable to connect with my husband and kids (and not really wanting to either = isolation), passing out for about 3 hours....waking up feeling dizzy with a terrible headache, unable to fall back asleep for HOURS.....dozing off for the last hour only to wake up feeling like I have been run over by a truck....going through the motions of the day without feeling the joy of being alive, or the gratitude for what I have in my life.....feeling depressed so wanting to just block all that out with WINE....and the cycle begins again.
what a complete waste. All for a measly 3 minutes. So stupid.