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Day 4 Starts

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    Day 4 Starts

    Good Morning all you AF people. Today is the start of day 4 for me. The last little slip I had was at day 4 so I am going to be well aware of that. I really am wanting to make it to 7 days in a row the onward and upward from there.
    I have to take a trip back east next week to Maine to visit my mom in the nursing home. It is a really sad place for me and to see her in there. And I always feel like drinking when I leave there. So I am going to buy an I pad so I can stay in touch on this site while I am away with nothing to do.
    Maine is a trigger for me for sure. Friends know I am coming home and are emailing me to get together and have a beer or ten.
    Why don't people call you up and say hey lets go get a lemonade or lets go for a walk.
    So I am preparing myself for the trip and am going to use the same line as I did last night. No thanks I am on a strict diet and Alcohol is out for me until I lose the 25 pounds I am aiming for.

    I also have a offer to go to Cabo with some friends but I am going to pass on that. Somehow Cabo and not drinking don't seem to go well together. Maybe next year when I am on more solid ground I will take the trip to Cabo..

    Got to get my run in today. I am sure the dinner last night did not help with the pounds.
    But I did not drink and for that I am very grateful.

    I appreciate all your support. I wish I was more help to you all.

    rednose :thanks:
    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Day 4 Starts

    Good luck on day 4 rednose you can do this!! Keep using same line. I may have to start usxing that as well. Been invited to superbowl party Sunday. I know I'm not strong enough to not drink yet. Just the thought of going scares me and the


      Day 4 Starts

      I also know the moment I turn down a beer all kinds og questions will be raised and I'm just not ready yet to really open up about it to them


        Day 4 Starts

        Make some plans for the Maine trip that do NOT include alcohol. Since you know it's going to be a trigger you are ahead of the game. You can get through it AF and you will!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Day 4 Starts

          rednose;1454277 wrote: So I am going to buy an I pad so I can stay in touch on this site while I am away with nothing to do.
          Lucky Rednose!! I'm just waiting to find an excuse to buy one of those!! (Surely I can afford one fairly soon using AL savings...).

          Maybe a benefit of being AF on your trip will be your ability to really be present with your mom and remember it clearly. I think that even if painful, it is so important to capture these memories. I regret not clearly remembering some important (both good and bad) times with people who are important to me.

          Have a safe, AF trip!


            Day 4 Starts

            I am starting to realize that my threshold for pain is around four days. I drank at four days last time and I am finding myself wanting to reengage in my previous unhealthy relationship.

            Any thoughts on this?

            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Day 4 Starts

              Keep busy and hang around here if things get going fast in your mind. Go see your GP when you can. There are meds to help with the cravings. One moment at a time.


                Day 4 Starts

                Day 4 did me in for a long time too
                it gets better, I promise
                and CONGRATS!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  Day 4 Starts

                  day four for me was always a downfall for me too for some reason,i think because they say it takes 3 days for the al to leave your system,so its kinda natural day 4 would be hard i guess,youll get through it just take it easy
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Day 4 Starts

                    Liquor store closes in one hour. I need to stay away from that place. Alcohol is not the answer, It is my problem.
                    All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                      Day 4 Starts

                      Don't do it rednose don't go. You will be glad in the morning and feel great. I almost went after work for the 12 pack it was tough. S figgety and irritable as I was i. Let it go don't go to the liquor store


                        Day 4 Starts

                        Alcohol. Causes the problems. Hang in please


                          Day 4 Starts

                          Ask yourself .... Honestly....where is the pain? Where does it hurt?

                          There is no pain.....there is wanting.

                          Tough it out.....tomorrow you will be so proud


                            Day 4 Starts

                            How are you


                              Day 4 Starts

                              I'm only 8 days in, and even though the cravings have subsided it's funny how when driving around, the word "liquor" on a storefront marquee still jumps out at me as if I'm still on the prowl for my fifth of vodka.

