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Help with the mind battle

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    Help with the mind battle

    Hi there,
    I am ready to quit the drink and I would like some advice in getting over the mind battle. I am wanting to quit with a positive frame of mind, not one where I feel that i will 'never be allowed to drink again' which of course sets up a mind frame of anxiety and a sense of being hard to do. I want to give up comepletely, I have 2 young boys to think about, take care of completely and to love fully present. I have quite a bit of anxiety and have been like this since I was a little girl. I want to embrace the benefits of being without something that always demands more of me, whilst never getting enough. I see-saw every day between feeling so excited thinking about living without the drink, to a real sense of un-ease as to how I can deal with anxious feeling when they arise, eg, bills, not mortage, my feelings of shame for being a Mother that drinks etc, etc. Has anyone tried the for Mothers only Hypnosis Cd that Roberta has produced, as with postage this would be $150. I am willing to pay this if you feel there is real benefit. Anyone had any other CD's that they feel really impacted their frame of mind and eased the mental chatter. I can't believe how I can go from feeling so excited and motivated to by the afternoon questioning my ability to live in happiness without being able to 'escape' my thoughts when i feel a need to.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Help with the mind battle

    hi neney,ive never tried the cds but im sure someone will be along shortly to give you advice on that,i just wanted to say welcome to you,i also deal with anxiety but i finally got to the point where drinking was just making me sick and more anxious,stick with this site you wont regret coming here,it has helped me tremendously
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Help with the mind battle

      Thanks paulywogg for your support. All helps right now. Thank you.:thanks:


        Help with the mind battle


        Hi Neney. I am also an anxious, worrier! I have 2 great teens (16 and 17) and want to be "present" for them! And my hubby too! It takes some time and redirecting but NOT drinking is AWESOME and makes me feel LESS anxious in the long run. I m feeling very strong and in control more and more! Good luck to you and keep the faith. You will get all kinds of great advice and support here:h. Just read, read, read around the forums here. Newbies nest is a great start!!

        Live in the "NOW". :h



          Help with the mind battle

          Neney...I have not used the CD's either, but I've been here for 3 years and everyone swears by them...come over to the Newbie's nest, we just had some discussion about them, or you can do a thread search on the use of the CD's...this site isn't the easiest to navigate but even I can do a search!!! I didn't want the charges to show up on my credit card, so I went the long way around and just white knuckled thru it. They seem to help a great deal!! Wish I'd had that tool....

          Since you've been drinking, have you tried to stop before or is this your first serious quit?

          Every single one of us have the resolve of Atlas in the morning, but by lunch time we are wondering why we were worried about a little drinking...after all, tomorrow IS another day. This is Addiction Head talking. Dick Head, as I like to call him. He makes you think things are black, when you clearly know they are white. He makes you think you don't have a problem, when you know without a doubt you do....This is the voice of addiction!! I have the impression this is your first I'm going to proceed as if that is the case, ok?

          The first thing you have to do is get control of your mind. Set yourself a quit date and by gosh dig your heels in and do everything you can do to get thru day 1. How? Start by controlling your thoughts. You are going to have MindChatter...BAD!! When you start to hear the Voice that tells you to have a drink...CHANGE your thinking immediately. Name off your cousins. Recite the Pledge of Allegience...say The Lord's Prayer, whatever it is that makes you think of something other than AL. This takes practice and concentration. Do not accept the words.."I just can't do this" because they will come. When you get a thought about drinking, stop in your tracks and say, NO, HELL NO, Alcohol will NOT take another day of my life!!! If you have ever seen a dog focused on a's the same thing..once they get 'fixed' on a thought, they have tunnel vision...same with us...only a clap of the hands or a good YELL will get the dogs focus off the ball. Same applies here....Get your thoughts OFF of AL some kind of way!!! Set yourself to a task...Bake some bread, or make some cookies. Rearrange your furniture so your head is thinking about that instead of AL....most of all, keep yourself hydrated and FULL! Eat, eat, eat! You know how when you've eaten so much you say....dam, I can't eat another bite? That full! Go to bed early if you have to...whatever it takes to get thru Day 1. Then....rinse and repeat!
          I can't stress the power of the Newbie's Nest strongly enough....I'm 2 years sober thanks to Lav and that nest!!! You can do it, too! We ALL know what you are going thru....and we all started with Day 1!! Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest


            Help with the mind battle

            Hi, neney:
            also want to just welcome you,

            I am also a big worrier, very anxious person. That was my worry too about quitting alcohol, what am I going to do about my anxiety?

            I think everyone's different and other MWO members found other things to help their anxiety. Read up on what worked for others, try different things..... What worked for me is l glutamine powdered form from gnc which comes in punch flavor... But I even have anxiety about if it is safe long term.... So do your own research and find your own way out,.... Good luck!
            Alcoholic (or Ally)

            "Only a fool knows everything.
            A wise man knows how little he knows."

            Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


              Help with the mind battle

              Btw, I'm also learning meditation now, a friend here sent me Dwayne dyer getting the gap book / cd, and the meditation part is as easy as saying aum.., when stressed or have mind chatter....
              Alcoholic (or Ally)

              "Only a fool knows everything.
              A wise man knows how little he knows."

              Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.


                Help with the mind battle

                Hi Neney, I have had positive results with hypnotherapy. Unfortunately the therapist I was seeing is retired from private practice, so she wouldn't bill my insurance. Even with her reduced fee of $80US, several hundred dollars a month cash for therapy is out of the question with my tight finances. Anyway, I've asked around and personal messaged some people, and another MWOer is sending me some hypnotherapy CDs from Wendi Friesen ( to try. If I like them and find them useful, I will buy my own set. In the meantime, if you want to keep in touch via private message, I can burn and send you copies to try to see if they work for you, once I get them myself.


                  Help with the mind battle

                  Hi Neney! All of the above advice is great - also check out the toolbox for more ideas.

                  I just want to add that right now you shouldn't be worrying about the anxiety that comes when you think about NEVER drinking again. It's a very daunting task if you think about it like that. Right now, in the early days of your quit, focus on not drinking that day. Don't worry about the days to come - you'll face them eventually. Focus on the day, hour, minute that you are in and tell yourself that you are not going to drink at that time. When you do really want a drink, come to the Newbie's Nest and tell us all about it. We'll see you through.
                  Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                    Help with the mind battle

                    Thanks to everyone for being so awesome her. What support and kindness-hats off to you all!! THANK :hYOU!!!!


                      Help with the mind battle

                      I did buy the Cd's. They never helped me....but that does not mean that they can not help you. I sold mine to a member if you do buy them and don't like them...I think you will find someone to buy them.

                      I too am a Mom of two boys. We really don't understand the uheveal untll we quit.

                      I already know that your kids are more important than booze.....but, if you are anything like make all kinds of excuses....You want make what you have done....easier to handle.

                      I will not sucks. But being sober now is all that matters.

