I am ready to quit the drink and I would like some advice in getting over the mind battle. I am wanting to quit with a positive frame of mind, not one where I feel that i will 'never be allowed to drink again' which of course sets up a mind frame of anxiety and a sense of being hard to do. I want to give up comepletely, I have 2 young boys to think about, take care of completely and to love fully present. I have quite a bit of anxiety and have been like this since I was a little girl. I want to embrace the benefits of being without something that always demands more of me, whilst never getting enough. I see-saw every day between feeling so excited thinking about living without the drink, to a real sense of un-ease as to how I can deal with anxious feeling when they arise, eg, bills, not mortage, my feelings of shame for being a Mother that drinks etc, etc. Has anyone tried the for Mothers only Hypnosis Cd that Roberta has produced, as with postage this would be $150. I am willing to pay this if you feel there is real benefit. Anyone had any other CD's that they feel really impacted their frame of mind and eased the mental chatter. I can't believe how I can go from feeling so excited and motivated to by the afternoon questioning my ability to live in happiness without being able to 'escape' my thoughts when i feel a need to.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.