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Topamax's Side Effects re: Libido?

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    Topamax's Side Effects re: Libido?

    I've recently read the book, have become quite familiar with the website, have the starter pack of supps and hypno CDs coming in the mail probably today and tomorrow marks the one week anniversary of taking topamax. My doc has started by giving me the 25mg tablets but having me break them in half so I'm only on 12.5mg per night right now (though I've been taking the larger of the halves more and more each night). In a few days he'll have me go up to 25mg each night. I've already noticed, though, a drastic decrease in sex drive and wondering if anyone else has noticed this as one of the side effects? My boyfriend isn't very pleased with this particular side effect although he's putting it in perspective as he's extremely supportive and savvy as to my plight with alcohol addiction. From all that I've read and researched most side effects dissipate over time but I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has experienced the decrease in libido thing?

    Topamax's Side Effects re: Libido?

    Hi Zoe~

    In the PDR Health under Topamax it lists low sex drive as one of the side effects. I never really thought too much into in that b/c when I drank I was one "horny Ms. Thang" so taking the booze out of the equation took most of the "alcohol " sex out. Never really blamed the Topa on the reduced sex..
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Topamax's Side Effects re: Libido?

      Hi Zoe. I can't help with the side effects, as I am not taking the Topa. But I can say that as an AF woman I am not "in the mood" as often as I was with a good buzz on. It is a small price to pay, I suppose. Although my hubby would think of it as losing his right arm... Seriously though, as with everything else on this journey, I hope that I will find my way to a settled place where my body can relearn and rediscover things it once did without the help of alcohol... one being, finding that warm, fuzzy feeling of being in the mood. I wish you the best and hope you find a way to settle your feelings.
      :rays: mdb :rays:

      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

      Lots of work yet to do!

