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Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

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    Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

    I have cut my drinking by more than half over the past few days. I am feeling tired aroung lunch, not from being hungry. My intention is to follow up with G.P appoint as I went for the blood tests today. Can you tell me how long until my body starts to feel vibrant again? I have been drinking everyday for the past 2 years excessively. Ready to quit, just doing it safe until I knwo I can go 'cold turkey'. I take vitamin b complex, fish oil and calcium tablets. Any other suggestions on what may assist me feel good? In a really good mental place to give up, just want to find this as easy as I can make it for myself through nutritional support etc.
    Thanks all you good people.

    Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

    I'm 8 days in AF and it took me until about day 4 or 5 to regain my appetite. I remember the first few days, I literally had to force food down and doing so made me want to retch. Perhaps others can offer concrete advice, but alcohol always killed my appetite and for me, it took going AF for a few days to regain it. Food just didn't appeal to me as long as I was drinking. I would suggest starting off with things easy on the stomach. Simple broth based soups are good, provided they aren't too salty - you don't want anything interfering with your re-hydration. Lean protein such as tuna or chicken and lots of leafy dark greens suchg as spinach or kale. They're packed with nutrients. If you haven't been eating much while you've been drinking you don't want to throw anything at your stomach that's difficult to digest.


      Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

      You can go cold turkey with your doctors help, just look after yourself.

      If you want yourself back, go cold turkey with your doctors support battle for about 3-5 days and then it is onward and upward.

      *I am not a doctor
      If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


        Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

        13 days wlll feel the foggy effect leave you. A hangover is one have to get through that.....13 days and your system will feel so much better.


          Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

          Hi Neney
          I am 7 days sober today and still not feeling very vibrant ! Thanking God I have made it this far though, I am taking all the same supps as you plus a good quality milk thistle and a multi vitamin, intact I'm surprised I have not started to rattle. I am also drinking lots of lemon water to keep hydrated. We must remember we have abused our bodies over a period of time, so I suppose it will take some time for us to feel tip top again.....
          I wish we'll in your AF journey



            Tired after weaning off alcohol, how to feel vibrant again?

            Neney ..... Be patient, you will feel better in some ways quite quickly, some healing, the emotional stuff takes time.

            It doesn't feel nice to be tired but just try to rest as much as you can. Remember you are recovering from a life threatening illness. If you don't develop some patience you will get sick again.

            I notice that impatience is the undoing of many....don't let it be yours.

