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Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

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    Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

    kuya;1455926 wrote: Oops cross post odd ...we must be synced !
    Teehee - was just thinking that!


      Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

      I still get them, I would say its pretty normal for us to crave something that was such a part of our life.

      Had one on Friday, I was off work, home alone, and for some daym reason I started remembering how I used to act.......and it sounded like a good idea.

      I know its not, in fact its a horrible idea, but yet the idea found its way into my thoughts. Although I get the urge from time to time, this one was a little stronger than yeah, Id say you are normal......just keep on keeping on.
      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



        Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

        Yeah Nelz....I forgot boredom is a huge trigger. I am dreading winter for that reason....ATM I am outside till 10pm being active.


          Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

          Jingle Jo - yesterday was day 80 for me. I had nightmares Friday night and woke up crying yesterday morning. This didn't stop. I deliberately opened the curtains, began airing the house but found myself back in bed crying and watching old episodes of the United States of Tara! I should have been doing a college assignment but couldn't find it inside myself to start. I don't have to cravings for alcohol but do have the longing for the comfort of a bottle of AF wine to open next to the fire in the evening. It doesn't bother me in the slightest there is no alcohol in it, I think it's some form of memory comfort or something.

          Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


            Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

            I remarked to a poster the other day, one who has slipped repeatedly but hardly ever logs in, that I dedicated 4 hours every night for 23 years to becoming an alcoholic so the TWO hours a day I spend here to get well is NOTHING. I am prepared to do this for minimum two years.....the period I read to be relatively safe against relapse. Quote from Kuya

            I love this analogy Kuya.

            Stay strong Jingle!!! :h
            Live in the "NOW". :h



              Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

              Dont do it!!!

              I'm one of those as Byrdlady said that listened to Dickhead. (The AL addiction voice). PLEASE don't do what I did and listen to it. One drink led to three to a bottle, to a box, and it took me FOREVER and many bottles of L-Glutamine to get me back on track after a relatively easy quit. If i could go back, I would never have listened to the "I can moderate" voice as this quit has been harder. Please do me a favor and learn from my mistake! You are doing SO GREAT to make it this long. Hang in there!! Life is better AF!


                Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

                Yep same here. Had a drink 2nd December to celebrate laying off and getting fit. I had just run my first 5k race at the age of 45. Two months later and I was in a hole. Pulling myself out now on day Nine but as a Beatle said "Christ you know it ain't easy, you know how hard it can be"
                Last drink 6th September 2013


                  Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

                  Softy;1456230 wrote: Yep same here. Had a drink 2nd December to celebrate laying off and getting fit. I had just run my first 5k race at the age of 45. Two months later and I was in a hole. Pulling myself out now on day Nine but as a Beatle said "Christ you know it ain't easy, you know how hard it can be"
                  How long had you been off it?
                  Basically I think from reading here is that each time you're reaching a goal, you need to have another in sight. And to stay focused. Can't take the eye off the ball.

                  Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                    Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

                    I hadn't been off totally but I had got it under control to the point that i was conscious of what i was drinking and managing to drink without heading to the abyss. It was hard but I had a weekly fight to stay in control as part of my fitness regime. Once I had "achieved target" I took my eye off the ball and BANG! I have been as bad as ever wanted to be in the past and sort of found a way of modding. I realise that modding though is definitely harder than complete abstinence.
                    Last drink 6th September 2013


                      Sudden overwhelming thoughts and desire for alcohol

                      Now that I am five months my next goal is a year. During that time my focus is fitness and self love and care.

                      Nearly half a year has flown past. Has it been easy, no. But now I look forward to my days and the rest of my life with excitement.

                      If I am brutally honest when I was drinking I wanted it to be over......not in a suicidal way, just that every problem encountered left me feeling 'what's the point in all this?'

