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Would Like your opinion..

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    Would Like your opinion..

    Hi All, Hope you are all enjoying the day AF.
    Here is my situation. Over the years of my drinking I did collect a large collection of wines from all over the world. I am not going to pour them down the sink and I have had no interest in going and opening a bottle for myself.
    I had friends over for the first half of the Superbowl and they asked if I had anything to drink.
    I said sure and went down and picked them out a nice bottle of Red wine. They drank 3/4 of the bottle and left after half time. I poured the rest down the sink and thought nothing of it.
    Am I playing with fire here? Is there anyone else here that has had this situation and what did you do about it???

    Hope you all had a safe and AF day..

    Many Thanks day seven is almost behind me. On to the next goal. 14 days.

    rednose. :thanks:
    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Would Like your opinion..

    If you are strong enough, then you are strong enough.

    I have had alcohol in the house and it doesn't bother me.

    Some won't chance it.

    Know thyself


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      I have booze in the house as well, including some nice wines that you speak of. When people come over they either BYO or have some of mine. It makes me happy to see people enjoy and not abuse booze.

      If you think it is a huge strugle ask someone, a friend / parent to store them all for you?
      If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


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        I too have an extensive wine collection. I don't worry about it going to waste, though, because my wife is a moderate social drinker, and I figure I can always entertain with it. It seems like a waste to pour it down the sink. If you really don't want it around, I would use them as gifts (of course to people who don't have a drinking problem). One of my college mentors and his wife had amassed quite an extensive collection of wine by the time he died. The plan was for the two of them to drink it in their retirement, but unfortunately he passed away before they had a chance. Given its value, I know she had some high-end restaurants that had expressed an interest in buying the entire collection as a lot. She was also entertaining the idea of auctioning off the entire collection as a lot. If what you have is genuinely valuable, you may want to consider that route.


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          kuya;1456449 wrote: If you are strong enough, then you are strong enough.

          I have had alcohol in the house and it doesn't bother me.

          Some won't chance it.

          Know thyself
          I agree. I have AL in the house and since I know its not for me, I have no issues with it. I say as long as its not an issue, then keep it for guests, if you start to struggle due to it, then dump it/get rid of it.
          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


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            I think in the early days of becoming Sober,it could be just to tempting. When we have been sober for sometime then having booze in the house and offering it to others to drink,whilst abstaining ourselves,I think is a good thing. It just reinforces that some people JUST CANT drink or dont want to.


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              Hmmm... I used to live by myself and if I had booze in the house I would have drunk it. I presently don't live by myself and there is LOADSA booze everywhere, but it doesn't bother me. It aint mine. I wont drink it. Not tempted.

              As Kuya said - know thyself. And as Boozer said, be really wary so early in a quit.

              Perhaps though rednose, you have already decided - you don't drink. Therefore to have AL in the house is by-the-by...


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                I have a wine rack full of good wine that I walk past about 50 times a day. I'm not getting rid of it for a few reasons, one of which is so that I can offer guests a drink if they want one.

                But the main reason is that having it here reinforces that I'm in control, not the wine. If I have to get rid of it, I'm giving it power it doesn't have. It can sit there as long as it likes but it can't make me drink it, only I can do that!

                That said, only you know whether it's too much for you or not and if you have doubts then maybe putting it somewhere out of reach may be best for a while.
                There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                I didn't come this far to only come this far.


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                  Glass Half Empty, My thoughts exactly. It reinforces who is in control. But in the early days of a quit one must be extra careful.


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                    boozer;1456548 wrote: Glass Half Empty, My thoughts exactly. It reinforces who is in control. But in the early days of a quit one must be extra careful.

                    I also think the closer you put yourself to temptation, the more vigilant you need to be about your triggers and how to avoid them. If you're going to have people drinking in your home (whether you supply it or they bring their own) you need to make sure you have lots of non-alcoholic drinks and snacks available. If you're hungry and don't have any other options available it might be too hard to resist.
                    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                      Would Like your opinion..

                      Tkanks I thought I would get some good opnion from you all.
                      I really appreciate it.

                      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                        Would Like your opinion..

                        Glass Half Empty;1456491 wrote: I have a wine rack full of good wine that I walk past about 50 times a day. I'm not getting rid of it for a few reasons, one of which is so that I can offer guests a drink if they want one.

                        But the main reason is that having it here reinforces that I'm in control, not the wine. If I have to get rid of it, I'm giving it power it doesn't have. It can sit there as long as it likes but it can't make me drink it, only I can do that!

                        That said, only you know whether it's too much for you or not and if you have doubts then maybe putting it somewhere out of reach may be best for a while.
                        Glass half empty.

                        Really llike the part where you are in control not the wine. It is a great reminder.

                        Thank you rednose :thanks:
                        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


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                          kuya;1456449 wrote: If you are strong enough, then you are strong enough.

                          I have had alcohol in the house and it doesn't bother me.

                          Some won't chance it.

                          Know thyself

                          I agree with Kuya. I find I often do!

                          I have had booze in the house during this entire past year. I got to the point where my desire to not
                          drink became stronger than my desire to drink. It's not an issue for me. But for others and probably many newbies, it would be an issue. If you can have the wine available for friends and then have the strength to pour the leftover down the drain, I'd think you're able to abstain and having it in the house is okay. If you're too tempted, I'd give the bottles away if you can't bring yourself to pour them down the drain.


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                            I have got several litres of both dark rum and whisky in the house in commerative porcelain decanters..they will not be opened..the day I get the urge to open them ,they will be smashed up..however I agree with ..if you want to drink you will find something, the trick is to be strong enough to say no
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Would Like your opinion..

                              I have the same problem. I live near Napa Valley and collected some very nice wines. So I made this plan: I am planning to give them away to friends. Until then, they are going to storage. I think it's too difficult for me at this stage of my sobriety to have them near me.

