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day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

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    day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

    Good morning to you all.
    I made it through day seven without a problem. So now I am on to my second goal of 14 days in a row but as they say one day at a time...
    It is kinda fun to watch other people drink and feel like I don't have to be part of it.
    You can really see when the alcohol starts to kick in. It is a good reminder for me.

    Getting ready mentaly for the trip to Maine to see my mom. I am feeling stronger everyday.

    Thank you all for helping me rach my first goal of 7 days in a row AF.

    rednose. :thanks:
    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

    :happy::happy:You are doing great. Make sure you have a sobriety plan in place. The future is so much brighter and filled with joy when you're sober. :goodjob: one week and >>>> onward we go!
    rednose;1456705 wrote: Good morning to you all.
    I made it through day seven without a problem. So now I am on to my second goal of 14 days in a row but as they say one day at a time...
    It is kinda fun to watch other people drink and feel like I don't have to be part of it.
    You can really see when the alcohol starts to kick in. It is a good reminder for me.

    Getting ready mentaly for the trip to Maine to see my mom. I am feeling stronger everyday.

    Thank you all for helping me rach my first goal of 7 days in a row AF.

    rednose. :thanks:
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

      Good going, Red.


        day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

        Ya see, THATS the kind of attitude that will go a llllllong way in beating AL. I love the way you are setting some smaller, very attainable goals, and how they get just a little bit longer after each success.......LOVE IT!
        Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



          day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

          Great job, just don't allow yourself to get too confident. It's easy in the beginning to think "surely I can have just one now" and find yourself in a world of hurt.

          Being mentally prepared is key. I think so much of this journey is about your mind. It is interesting to observe drinkers when you're not drinking. Totally different perspective, isn't it?


            day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

            What a great way to look at things: that you are getting stronger every day. Good luck on your trip.


              day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

              Sorry I have not been on much today. Trying to get ready for the Trip to Maine.
              I am still AF and it is day eight. Yahoo..............

              Keeping my eye on the prize. Everyday AF is a blessing and for that I am so grateful.

              Oh one more thing. I am starting to have a hard time controlling my food intake. I am sure it will pass but it is
              messing with my weight loss program.

              So many thanks and wishes for you all.

              See you all in the morning..

              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                Woot woooot!!!! Don't worry about the food, I stocked up on fruit and low cal foods that I could continuously snack on without worrying. Did a lot of substituting of high cal faves with a bit of creativity. Also chromium picolate helps a lot with carb cravings and metabolism! (Great for building lean muscle mass as well). Oh! And drink aloooot of water!!! Your eating more and its easy to get backed up while your system gets back on track if you know what I mean...yah. I didn't take that advice seriously enough. Omega oils are a great idea at this time too.


                  day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                  Btw, after day 7 it seems to fly by


                    day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                    Don't try too much too soon. It is a common mistake when people get sober to try and change their whole world re diet and fitness and 'doing'.

                    You have been poisoning yourself for a long time and healing takes energy, energy needs good food, healing needs rest.

                    Be kind to yourself or you risk feeling burnt out and we all know what that leads to.

                    It takes about three months to repair, limit your horizons to gentle self love.

                    Acting like superhumans is what got us into this mess.


                      day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                      Kuya, you are so wise. So many people on this site are such "all or nothing" people. They expect to be perfect at whatever right away, including sobriety. Let the knowledge that you are human and imperfect wash over you. You can do this, but it will be hard, and ugly, and wonderful, and soooooo worth it.

                      Love yourself and take care of your imperfect being. For you are worthy of love, even though you are imperfect. We are all damaged and imperfect in our own ways. We are here to love and take care of one another.
                      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                        day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                        Thanks you all. I am a all or nothing type of person. If a little is good than more must be better of course. It is no wonder I was a heavy drinker.

                        Thanks for the caring.

                        Grateful rednose.
                        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                          day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                          kuya;1457185 wrote: Don't try too much too soon. It is a common mistake when people get sober to try and change their whole world re diet and fitness and 'doing'.

                          You have been poisoning yourself for a long time and healing takes energy, energy needs good food, healing needs rest.

                          Be kind to yourself or you risk feeling burnt out and we all know what that leads to.

                          It takes about three months to repair, limit your horizons to gentle self love.

                          Acting like superhumans is what got us into this mess.
                          Thanks Kuya. Do you do this for a living or something???
                          Your post are always so right on the mark...

                          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                            day 7 behind me, now for 14 days in a row....

                            Rednose.......keep up the great work!
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013

