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Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

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    Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

    As I posted somewhere here that I had decided to get a check up from, I sought out a new Doctor as I was not entirely happen with my last Doctor as I have over the past several years had some health symptoms...I don't want to go into the entire list. But chronic fatigue and digestive issues seem to be the top of my list, which I have always attributed to my drinking. I have also had some other really weird and unexplained symptoms. In which my previous Doctor basically told me it was more or less in my head. I was completely honest with my Doctor about my alcohol thing I could have done. She did not judge, we talked about it. My blood work was off....she asked if I had traveled over seas at all. A couple of years ago I traveled Thailand....she then did a fecal test. Folks I have Round worms, I am relieved to know that I haven't been crazy this whole time. I was so freaked out this entire weekend.....I just want them out of me! I of course slipped yesterday, this news was something I was not prepared for. I feel like a jerk for the slip but also know that It cannot happen again as I start the brutal deworming process today. My doctor made it very clear that if I do not adhere to this program it will not work which means NO ALCOHOL PERIOD. I feel like a jerk for the slip.
    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
    ~Author Unknown
    AF since February 4, 2013

    Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....


    are your other symptoms unexplained pains in many parts of your body, especially joints??
    This could be Fibromyalgia. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is often linked to Fibromyalgia.
    Many people get told that it's "all in their head" by doctors. Mine told me I had the flu... then when I complained about some other pains, she said I didn't stretch my muscles right. Lucklily, I have seen another doctor who thinks that I might have fibromyalgia. So now I'm going to be in the process of getting various tests done to eliminate other conditions.
    AF 6 years
    NF 7 years

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step


      Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

      The thing with MWO is that practically everyone here has done the same thing in the past. Not talking about having worms. :H But it's a rare person who makes the journey without a slip. You are not a jerk, you are addicted to alcohol. That's all. And you're working on it. Be proud that you're addressing the issue and know that you're doing your best. I think it took me 4 attempts to seriously quit after joining this site before it stuck. And there are others who have been working on quitting for years. It is a process and learning how to deal with startling health news and weddings and promotions and loss and death without alcohol is all a part of the journey. You are going to do this. I know you will. Do you believe you will? Because that's all that matters. :l


        Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

        WHy do you feel like a jerk? so you slipped up...cant say it isnt a big deal because it is very important have answered yourself in your alc..end of..get your health back for yourself..take care
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

          I hope this doesn't sound patronizing, but it sounds like it should actually be a relief to know that your symptoms are from a roundworm infection and not damage that you've done to your body by drinking. Infections can be eliminated, unlike some damage drinking does to your body.


            Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

            I am so glad that you are taking care of your health concerns. What a relief to find out it's something that can be cured quit easily. maybe you should ask your Doctor about an RX for Antabuse. When you take that it takes away your choice about drinking. You just can not drink on Antabuse. It's a nice safety net to have.
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
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              Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

              Hippyman;1456791 wrote: I am so glad that you are taking care of your health concerns. What a relief to find out it's something that can be cured quit easily. maybe you should ask your Doctor about an RX for Antabuse. When you take that it takes away your choice about drinking. You just can not drink on Antabuse. It's a nice safety net to have.
     Doctor said that she feels that my craving for alcohol is due to the sugar that I need. I don't have my test results infront of me but my blood sugar level was alarmingly low, she had the lab run it again because she thought there was a mistake. When it came back again at an alarmingly low rate.....compiled with all of my other crazy symptoms she knew there was something going on. She said she was baffled by how it is that I am able to function with such low blood sugar. Hence the other tests she ran. She said that by no means wanted to say that I didn't have an issue with alcohol.....she said she sees a higher rate of alcohol abuse in people who have worms because the worms rob them of their nutrients and creates a viscous cycle. She gave me something to help with the sugar cravings, said to continue checking in here and I have to go into her office once a week to check in to see if they have to increase or decrease the deworming medications as well as the other medications she put me on. Plain and simple she said that drinking is not an I go from here.
              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
              ~Author Unknown
              AF since February 4, 2013


                Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                I would have to agree with everyone else. What a sense of RELIEF you must feel!! If you don't YOU SHOULD!!!
                And wouldn't it be simply marvelous if your alcohol craving was due to your worm issue? But don't bet on it. You want to be AF so just continue with your journey. You know what you want....a silly slip up is not going to stop you!!! Look forward, not behind.
                I just won't anymore


                  Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                  OneRed, :h

                  That news came from so far out in left field, it's no wonder you slipped. But I think it's fantastic that you recognize it and instead of carrying on slipping you are right back at it despite the news.

                  Super Proud of You!! Not certain I could have done that :l
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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                    Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                    Kradle123;1456854 wrote: OneRed, :h

                    That news came from so far out in left field, it's no wonder you slipped. But I think it's fantastic that you recognize it and instead of carrying on slipping you are right back at it despite the news.

                    Super Proud of You!! Not certain I could have done that :l
                    You aren't kidding......what makes it worse is that I have a phobia about bugs. So knowing that I have these things in me is really really freaking me out. Drinking just isn't an option, they steal my nutrients and feed off of the sugar alcohol is sugar. I need to stay strong!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the support.
                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                      I can't believe you've had them for 2 years? That's crazy. Sometimes it's good that we just keep digging for the answers even when people think we're nuts. Good for you. I second what Hippy suggest with the Antabuse prescription. It has saved my life as well.

                      AF since 12/26/13

                      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                        Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                        onered,what a huge relief! now you can really focus on getting healthy
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                          Well done for pushing and seeing another doctor. Do t be freaked out, we are full off and covered in all sorts of bugs good and bad ;0) the docs will sort it out in no time and how great that you have a simple answer to your health issues.
                          Brilliant motivation to stay sober too. Good luck x
                          AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                          Day by day


                            Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                            jenniech;1456851 wrote: I would have to agree with everyone else. What a sense of RELIEF you must feel!! If you don't YOU SHOULD!!!
                            And wouldn't it be simply marvelous if your alcohol craving was due to your worm issue? But don't bet on it. You want to be AF so just continue with your journey. You know what you want....a silly slip up is not going to stop you!!! Look forward, not behind.
                            I am not betting on it, that's for sure! I do feel a sense of relief after giving some thought today. All though I am still pretty creeped out. The meds are making me feel a little yucky though. Not as bad as a hangover. . Eyes are on the prize. P.S. my dogs fecal sample came back I am pretty sure I most likely got it when I was in Thailand. :H thanks for the support!
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013


                              Freaked out, upset, and screwed up.....

                              Hang in there red, I'd be so totally freaked out too. You are going to be fine and probably feel a lot better!

