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A good learning day.

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    A good learning day.

    I have learned a bunch today from peoples posts and caring support.

    This quote made me realize some of what I am going through.

    kuya;1457185 wrote: Don't try too much too soon. It is a common mistake when people get sober to try and change their whole world re diet and fitness and 'doing'.

    You have been poisoning yourself for a long time and healing takes energy, energy needs good food, healing needs rest.

    Be kind to yourself or you risk feeling burnt out and we all know what that leads to.

    It takes about three months to repair, limit your horizons to gentle self love.

    Acting like superhumans is what got us into this mess.
    What I have learned today.

    I want to lose weight.

    I want to eat better

    I want to exercise more.

    I want to be a better friend.

    I want to be a better boss.

    I want to be a better brother

    I would like to have a happy healthy relationship.

    I want to be more helpful and less self centered.

    I want to be a better person on this planet.

    But the most important thing I have to be for any of the above to happen is to be and remain Alcohol free first and foremost.

    Thanks for the support and Thank you Kuya for reminding me that I don't have to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    A good learning day.

    Good post, glad you are learning
    If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


      A good learning day.

      Wonderful reminder! Glad you are doing better this evening Red! I think we both struggled a bit today. Cheers to another day poison free!
      "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


        A good learning day.

        Great post rednose!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          A good learning day.

          Kuya is very right; you need to take this slow. One step at a time, and right now the one step you need to focus on is not putting alcohol in your mouth. It's good to have goals, but focus on that one goal for now.

          I too wanted many other things in my life at the time I quit drinking, but taking alcohol out of the equation set off many chain reactions in my brain and body. I needed time to let things settle and become my "new normal" before I could move on. My emotions were all over the place and I was rocked by depression at times. Learning how to deal with emotions without my usual numbing agent took months, and I'm sure I'm still adjusting. I've felt some major shifts in my body and thinking along the way, but at 10 months I felt a general lifting of spirit and was finally able to address my diet and lack of exercise. And now at nearly a year I continue to feel better and better.

          All you need to do right now is not drink alcohol and deal with the crap life throws at you booze free. Continue to do that and eventually your body will tell you when it's time to do more.


            A good learning day.

            Excellent post! Slow and steady wins the prize. LOVE your way back to health. :goodjob:
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
   Tool Box
   How to get a sobriety plan


              A good learning day.

              I REALLY need that as a reminder....I want everything NOW which has been a big problem in the past. So, I am treating myself at times like I have had surgery (the surgical removal of alcohol) so I need to let my body and mind repair. At other times, I treat myself like I have the flu. If that means I go to bed at 8pm (really, go to bed and watch TV or read a book by myself) under the guise that I don't feel well, then so be it! My family will survive....better I be in bed reading than on the coach passed out!!

              I am pampering myself. Taking everything NICE AND SLOW. How relaxing!! Such a big change from before when I couldn't fit enough crap in the day so that by 5pm I needed a drink to slow down and check out. Now I just take it slow all the time.
              I just won't anymore


                A good learning day.

                Oh how I can relate to all of the above! I got a very sharp reminder of why I should never drink again when I had to take my dog to the emergency vet 15 miles away at midnight last night. My lovely pet is fine, its just an infection but if I had been in the comatose state I'd have been in 3 months ago the consequences could have been very different.

                Even after almost 2 months off the stuff I still feel a bit shaky and as if I am getting a cold/flu and have often been in bed by 9pm (not normal behaviour). A chat with the practice nurse on Monday was quite reassuring as she said all of what's been said above about not trying to diet or exercise suddenly, the body is coping with enough.

                All I need now is for my partner to accept the changes are forever but somehow he just can't
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  A good learning day.

                  spiderwoman;1457920 wrote: Oh how I can relate to all of the above! I got a very sharp reminder of why I should never drink again when I had to take my dog to the emergency vet 15 miles away at midnight last night. My lovely pet is fine, its just an infection but if I had been in the comatose state I'd have been in 3 months ago the consequences could have been very different.

                  Even after almost 2 months off the stuff I still feel a bit shaky and as if I am getting a cold/flu and have often been in bed by 9pm (not normal behaviour). A chat with the practice nurse on Monday was quite reassuring as she said all of what's been said above about not trying to diet or exercise suddenly, the body is coping with enough.

                  All I need now is for my partner to accept the changes are forever but somehow he just can't
                  Spider I am so glad that your dog is OK. I have 3 mini dachshunds and 2 of them saw me while I was drinking. :upset: The 3rd one I got myself as a sobriety gift. I look back now and wonder if some emergency would have happened to one of them when I was drunk what could of happened? Thank God they will never have to worry about that. I am SOBER and plan to stay that way. This time 4 sure!

                  Give your partner and yourself time to see that you are committed to creating a happy sober life. Rome wasn't built in a day. To everything there is a season. Let the healing continue! :l
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan


                    A good learning day.

                    its true red,trying to do too much,too soon has derailed me in the past,i need to be boring for awhile or else i get too anxious,lets just take it slow ok? hey spiderwoman im glad youre still around,and still doing great! glad your dog is o.k,my daughter is gonna have her baby this month,and as we know it can happen anytime of the day or nite i REFUSE to get my buzz on just in case ya know? you guys take care
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      A good learning day.

                      paulywogg;1457949 wrote: its true red,trying to do too much,too soon has derailed me in the past,i need to be boring for awhile or else i get too anxious,lets just take it slow ok? hey spiderwoman im glad youre still around,and still doing great! glad your dog is o.k,my daughter is gonna have her baby this month,and as we know it can happen anytime of the day or nite i REFUSE to get my buzz on just in case ya know? you guys take care
                      That's exciting news about the baby Pauly. You'll be the "best sober Pauly Nana" :goodjob:to watch over your grandkids as they grow up. I see you are from Vegas. I used to go there yearly for the gem and mineral shows. It's been years. now that I'm sober, I may try rock-hounding again.
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        A good learning day.

                        Really like this post Red, thankyou


                          A good learning day.

                          sweetpea29;1458086 wrote: Really like this post Red, thankyou
                          Thanks Sweetpea...:thanks:

                          All things in time if I am Alcohol free

