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food for thought and afirmations?

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    food for thought and afirmations?

    Found this on another forum and thought I would post it here incase it spoke to anyone.
    Even for the pettiest things .

    How important is it really? .

    Is this a life or death situation ??.

    I mean do I really need to involve myself ? .

    Is it worth losing my peace over ??

    Is my opinion or input really all that important to what is going on here ??.

    What am I gonna lose if I just stand back and let things just pan out ??.

    What will I gain if I say my piece or have my way ??.

    Am I really just doing it to stroke my own ego, to be one up on someone else ??.

    Will getting involved make a difference in a situation ??.

    What if I truly have no control over what has happened?? .

    Do I have any real power over other people or their attitudes and choices ??.

    Maybe it is a cause I should stand for and maybe accepting it would be like ignoring something where I could have made a difference .
    Can I avoid the concequences of what I have alreay done?

    What I can do is change today and that will change my future .

    If I want to know about my past, I look into my present conditions. If I want to know my future , I look into my present actions.

    I am where I am at right now because of the actions I've taken, or maybe, the inaction I've taken . That is a humbling thought .

    I am an alchoholic not a bad person, and I need to accept that. If I keep drinking the result is my own fault.

    But it would be unacceptable if I chose to continue on in my active drinking knowing now of the progression and where it will most undoubtedly lead me .

    I can't undo a single thing I have ever done, but I can make decisions today that will take me to the life I want and towards the healing I need

    So try to Love yourself. Be gentle, kind, respectful, sincere. If you carry that out, you might inspire others with that attitude .

    Life is hard. It gets even harder when you think it is really hard, and gets easier when you set your mind positive. If I change my thoughts I can change my life

    food for thought and afirmations?

    Decided Thank you so much for the post! Lots of thoughts here!:thanks::h


      food for thought and afirmations?

      Hey Boozer! My pleasure I saw it and felt the same way so figured I'd share it here.


        food for thought and afirmations?

        Decided, I am back on day 1 today and that was just what I needed. thanks!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          food for thought and afirmations?

          Hey Daisy, I read some of your posts and it seems like you are doing really well with the quit sipite the setback. I'm glad you got right back to it despite what's going on. That's a serious sign of strength and you should be proud of that. Not saying to forget how it happened because its a learning exp, but today is a new day and you chose to deal with it a new way! :X


            food for thought and afirmations?

            Decided, How are you really going? I am still struggling. Not drinking anywhere near as much as I used to before meeting MWO, but have one hell of a lot of work to do to be AF! Lets us know more.:l:l


              food for thought and afirmations?

              Hi Molly, I thought the same thing when I saw the post too! There was quite a bit of religious talk also that I chose to remove so that everyone could relate (I myself am not relegious either).

              Boozer, I'm on day 35 AF, I felt more elated when I first quit because I didn't think I could do it and stick with it. ( I'd tries and said I was going to for years). Once I got over the novelty of it, life set in and I realized that I have a lot of things to sort through, repair and a lot of personal development and growth that was stunted by my drinking.

              At times its extreemly frustrating, discouraging and seemes over whelming as if I'm never going to get there, then I remind myself that that's life! Literally you stop living when you stop learning and having to deal with new experiances. I've also learnt to work on retraining my mind.

              For every exp. That makes $me want to shoot someone, give up or drink, there are usually 3 positive things going on that I've chosen to ignore. Even on the worst of days, when before I go to bed every night I can say " blah blah blah this sucks that's a pain in my arse blah blah etc" but can always end with . "Well! At least I'm not drinking anymore" and that usually comes with a whole list of other positive things I can smile about in the face of adversity. That's Something I think us alkies have over people who have never lived though what we have/ do. No matter what any day you don't drink, you have that in your back pocket.

              I have a thread journal called " I decided" and I usually post rediculously long entries fairly often lol if your bored you can check it out and get an idea of how its been going.

              Boozer, I yo yo'd with my drinking for years and one day I just decided to go for it, just for one day and it worked. The big diffrence was that I prepaired myself for the worst. And accepted that it was going to be hard. I read all the scary stories about withdrawl and how hard it was, I watched alll the movies I could find, I got all the supplies I needed, and I just accepted the fact that I was about to experiance hell on earth and that I was going to fight throug it for one full day and if I made it out alive I'd do it again. Eventually poisoning myself and going back to being drunk scared me more than any withdrawl symptom or event life could throw at me.

              Sorry, another long post, but you asked! Lol to awnser your question : it really is going great, I'm proud of myself, I didn't think I was this emotionaly and mentaly tough. I was lying to myself all this time and now I get to pick up where I left off in life. Its a pain in the butt sometimes and I just want to stay in bed every now and then, I have anger issues that are waaay better now and my anxiety and depression are almost non existant most of the time. I'm impacient with myself and wish I could just catch up on and fix everything yesterday lol. I stay up until 7 am some times...I don't exersise consistantly or eat as well as I know I should, and my place is still a WAR zone ( man I need to tidy up) I'm lonley, bored, up to my ears in debt, losing people I'm close too, zero job security, a long list of things to do and little motivation to do them.

              ...I'm freakin happy. I only changed one thing and I'm genuinly content. And that's the way I think about alcohol.


                food for thought and afirmations?

                decided;1459625 wrote: Hi Molly, I thought the same thing when I saw the post too! There was quite a bit of religious talk also that I chose to remove so that everyone could relate (I myself am not relegious either).

                Boozer, I'm on day 35 AF, I felt more elated when I first quit because I didn't think I could do it and stick with it. ( I'd tries and said I was going to for years). Once I got over the novelty of it, life set in and I realized that I have a lot of things to sort through, repair and a lot of personal development and growth that was stunted by my drinking.

                At times its extreemly frustrating, discouraging and seemes over whelming as if I'm never going to get there, then I remind myself that that's life! Literally you stop living when you stop learning and having to deal with new experiances. I've also learnt to work on retraining my mind.

                For every exp. That makes $me want to shoot someone, give up or drink, there are usually 3 positive things going on that I've chosen to ignore. Even on the worst of days, when before I go to bed every night I can say " blah blah blah this sucks that's a pain in my arse blah blah etc" but can always end with . "Well! At least I'm not drinking anymore" and that usually comes with a whole list of other positive things I can smile about in the face of adversity. That's Something I think us alkies have over people who have never lived though what we have/ do. No matter what any day you don't drink, you have that in your back pocket.

                I have a thread journal called " I decided" and I usually post rediculously long entries fairly often lol if your bored you can check it out and get an idea of how its been going.

                Boozer, I yo yo'd with my drinking for years and one day I just decided to go for it, just for one day and it worked. The big diffrence was that I prepaired myself for the worst. And accepted that it was going to be hard. I read all the scary stories about withdrawl and how hard it was, I watched alll the movies I could find, I got all the supplies I needed, and I just accepted the fact that I was about to experiance hell on earth and that I was going to fight throug it for one full day and if I made it out alive I'd do it again. Eventually poisoning myself and going back to being drunk scared me more than any withdrawl symptom or event life could throw at me.

                Sorry, another long post, but you asked! Lol to awnser your question : it really is going great, I'm proud of myself, I didn't think I was this emotionaly and mentaly tough. I was lying to myself all this time and now I get to pick up where I left off in life. Its a pain in the butt sometimes and I just want to stay in bed every now and then, I have anger issues that are waaay better now and my anxiety and depression are almost non existant most of the time. I'm impacient with myself and wish I could just catch up on and fix everything yesterday lol. I stay up until 7 am some times...I don't exersise consistantly or eat as well as I know I should, and my place is still a WAR zone ( man I need to tidy up) I'm lonley, bored, up to my ears in debt, losing people I'm close too, zero job security, a long list of things to do and little motivation to do them.

                ...I'm freakin happy. I only changed one thing and I'm genuinly content. And that's the way I think about alcohol.
                I'm pasting that in my book, Decided...and I'm looking up your thread. I needed to hear that today ALOT! :l
                On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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       newbie nest


                  food for thought and afirmations?

                  Excellent post! :thanks: My favorite new book about affirmations is called "The present Moment" by Louise Hay. If I catch myself thinking a negative thought I randomly open the book and use those words to get me back on the right track! :l The Present Moment: 365 Daily Affirmations (9781401911942): Louise Hay: Books
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan


                    food for thought and afirmations?

                    Hey Kradle! I'm glad you found that helpful forcing myslf to think positivly was/ is the harderst part but its the only thing that actually works. If I didn't retrain my mind I would have still been chasing my tail. The more you do it, the easier it gets and sometimes you feel like a corn ball but the truth is life is but a series of projections we make.

                    Hippy, I'm glad you enjoyed it also! You exemplify the power of a positive mindset.

                    The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions (behaviours and thoughts)and expecting a diffrent result.
                    "Do what you've always done and and get what you have always gotten"

                    I'm a bit tense tonight (general life stuff getting at me) and the fact that you lot draw from exp remind me of how good it feels to be srong when I wanna take it easy. I'm going out tonight with friend who love to drink and I'm thinking long and haed about how I'm feeling and what I may face. Preping myself mentaly for adversity and keeping my mind focused on having fun WITHOUT the concequence.

                    What am I going to drink? How will I decline a shot? What is the reason I'm going?

                    Soda and cran, no thanks but you go ahead, I'm going to get dressed up, look good, dance and flirt for some cute guys....and help my friends pick up girls ( wing woman) lol. Going to make sure to take my b vitamins before I go to keep the mood up, and bring cab money incase I want to leave early.

                    I thought I'd share this here so people know its not easy. Its work, and a lot of planning self talk(debates arguments lectures,pep talks)EVERY DAY EVERY NIGHT. But it becomes a habit that replaces the old habit of drinking. And just like it got easier to drink all the time it gets easier to be positive instead of negative when thinking and feeling.

                    Don't be discourraged. Give it time, at least as long as you've been drinking. ( Its only fair).

                    Wish me luck tonight. Ill let you know how it goes.

                    Hugs and kisses and POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!! ( Not the bottle) Your world is yours.


                      food for thought and afirmations?

                      I haven't been a "social" drunk in years...and I get the feeling that a lot of us here are like that. Found this post and what's interesting to me is that this persons observations were pretty much those of a fly on the wall in our own homes often when no one is looking...the number of time I stumbles and fell on the way to the bathroom...or almost missed the bed compleetly when passing out...scary things I try to forget to keep the mood positive. But also some of the best thoughts to scare or shame me str8 every now and then:

                      I'm a musician and often play in bars. A few years back it was around 4AM, I was dead tired, and just sitting at a table waiting to be paid. I watched a guy stumble into the bathroom (door was open), kind of fall into a wall, unzip his pants and work hard at somewhat successfully making use of the urinal. He got himself zipped up, looked around, regained his balance, and stumbled out. For some reason it occurred to me like never before that his brain had been damaged. It was completely impaired. By alcohol. By choice. This guy chose to come out this Friday or Saturday night, and make himself brain damaged. Nothing more, nothing less. The same exact thing I did thousands of times. What the hell is wrong with us for wanting to do that? I believe alcoholism is a disease. I don't want to do that to myself anymore, and haven't thankfully for decades.

