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I want to help one person quit Alcohol

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    I want to help one person quit Alcohol


    Before I stopped drinking for good, I was a regular visitor to this site. Even now I see some of the names who were there at the same time as me and many are still struggling with their problem. I was lucky because I hit onto a method that stopped me from drinking for good. Not only that, I don't ever crave for a drink. In fact I didn't crave even when I had my last glass of wine !

    I do intend to write a book on how to stop in the near future, however I would like to try out my method on one willing person. Whoever that person is ( male or female) I will share my experiences and secret by email. I don't need to know who you are or where you are. I don't need personal information or details and I certainly don't want money from you ! I just want to prove that my method works.

    If you want to give this a go, put a message on here with a little detail about your situation and I'll pick one to try my ideas. Of course, that person can report back to the others if they so wish. OK let's see what happens !

    I want to help one person quit Alcohol

    Careful, Timpin! This could be considered spam.

    My suggestion would be to join us over in the Newbie's Nest...there are plenty of people who need help there. I've been there for 3 years...and if there is a magic bullet, I'd love to see it myself. We aren't lab rats here...we are people with a common problem.

    I try my best to help new people each and every day here. I am all ears. Thanks, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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      I want to help one person quit Alcohol

      i was thinking spam too,if you really had the answer you would wanna share it for free and in the openess of the forum
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        I want to help one person quit Alcohol

        Hi Timpin!

        I recongnize you from way back. I'd love to hear the "secret" as well. I try to be as helpful as I can by offering real-life experience and advice. Drawing people in with the hope that there's a magic bullet can be misleading and disappointing. If you've got the answer, I'm sure we'd all love to hear it.


        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          I want to help one person quit Alcohol

          Well, it's certainly not spam. Look at my join date. Seriously only wanting to try and help someone get their life back ! As for treating people like lab rats..... Really don't know what to say to that ? Sorry to have bothered you all.


            I want to help one person quit Alcohol

            Here is your post from October last year. You have done an awesome job after a long battle.

            I am sure you will have people willing to try, and I hope, for their sake you can do as you say. Remember though that most volunteers will be the 'quick fix, no pain' folk, or folk early in their quit who would have done so anyway.

            There are many here you know well who still struggle......they are your best bet, rather than new folk. You could have simply PMed them.

            Hi Everyone.

            Just thought I would look in on you all. Last year I spent many evenings reading the threads in the hope that I could find a way to stop drinking for good. Well, I found a way and stopped drinking AL on 3rd November last year. My friends told me it would be a huge mountain to climb ! Since November 3rd, I have not had any alcohol ( and not craved for it at all ) and switched to drinking Blackcurrant and Soda. I lost nearly fifty pounds in weight and have recently climbed two mountains !

            Now I walk five miles every day and feel fantastic. Seems a lifetime ago since I was feeling depressed and suicidal. Unlike many who struggle with stopping, I found it easy to do, once I got my head around things and decided what I wanted to do and how to achieve it. I also managed to save around ?5000, money that would have been poured down my throat.

            Now I have no interest in AL yet I can go into bars and socialise. And it all started by visiting this site !

            To those who are struggling with AL, let me tell you that it is do-able and also a lot easier than you might think. It all starts here though !


              I want to help one person quit Alcohol


              You didn't bother us! Please stick around...I think we'd all like to hear what you have to say. You never know when a comment will be just what someone needs to hear...that's the beauty of this place. So please keep posting...we want to hear more from you!

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                I want to help one person quit Alcohol

                I understand the feeling of wanting to help others stop the madness. But why do you only want to help one...??? I also get the lab rat analogy. I tried all kinds of things to stop drinking. I think most of us have tried most everything we can think of to stop. This site gives us a place to read how others did it and thru trail and error find our own way out.
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
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