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Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

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    Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

    .... and please don't poop on me for this...

    This Senior member thing? When I first started, I though the Senior Member thing ~
    meant a year 'active' on the boards. Or, you were of a coming of age thing.... I did not realize that it was merely granted on the number of posts?

    I have to say, and NOT discredit to those who have their 'Senior Membership", BUT~ I am not sure that Quanitity Vs Quality should NOT rule in this case. There are PLENTY of members who have been on here- consistently, and for a long time, but maybe not daily, that contribute real quality posts for us all. The "one word" replies to posts, as some are clearly able to do because of proximity to a computer and daily accessibility to a computer, should not contribute or imply or count towards "Senior Membership" status on this site. Am I wrong to think this way?

    The senior membership seems to imply experience, wisdom and leadership amongst a group.... and I have to tell you- there are alot of members who meet this expectation of label of "Senior", with far less then a "1000" posts.... and a few that get there by.... well- alot of quanitity and not alot of substance or guidance for the rest of us....

    Just an observation,

    "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison

    Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

    Well, as the person on the boards with the most posts I guess I feel qualified to answer.....the Sr. Member status as I understand is merely a function of the the way the website program is made. There is no real status tied with it. For some reason at 1000 posts you become a Sr. Member. When I realized I was the first Sr. Member I thought it was very funny (and no I did not reach 1000 posts from one worded posts, I feel I have reached out to many, many new members here in support, and I tend to always find something to post to) and we have continued on in the "light-hearted fun" that goes along with each member reaching 1000 posts. I do not think any of us deemed Sr. Member think we have contributed more than any other members on the board, and I could not agree more that there are many on this board that do not post as often and yet provide us with such wisdom it is unreal and yet they are no where near 1000 posts. I guess I would just say to not let the title get in the way. It means nothing.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

      GO Skoots

      Hey Skoots!

      Nice avatar by the way....

      I actually agree with you. There's been many times I've read a post with an interesting topic only to wade through the many 'one worders' or 'good onya's' to get to the useful & purposeful feedback that can actually help & inspire someone.
      Don't get me wrong, the encouragement displayed on this site is extremely important & something we all need... but a lot of it could be PM'd to the person in question as a personal support system rather than as a post. Quality rather than quantity is best for everyone I think....

      Hope you're having a great day & just to let everyone know I've had 7 AF days out of the last 10. Yay! :award: :bow :rays: very happy with that...

      tech XX


        Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

        Sorry, could not disagree more. I think seeing even simple words of support is what makes this site what it is. If we kept those short snippets to PMs much of the "feel" around here would be lost. I think we each bring our own way of supporting people to this site, be it simple worded answers or something deep and profound. Frankly, I welcome it all. It has what has helped me, and I am sure many others, get to where we are today.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

          At the rate I'm going I'll be senior before I'm af!! LOL I love to come, read AND post to whatever is appropriate to me at the time. I LOVE replying to the word association game - it creates a laugh for me, and that's very important!! I have also posted about three smileys today - for the fun of it, and that's why I love coming to MWO as well. Like Lush says, it's not important. Have a great day all, and well done Tech! That's brilliant, keep up the good work.
          :rolleyesmonkey: Tahlula :rolleyesmonkey:
          Trim the tree to let in the sunshine...


            Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

            Have a great day too Tahula.

            Lush you gorgeous babe you, I think when Scoots reads the explanation, s/he'll get it.

            Tech, that's fantastic about your 7/10 AF's. Well done! I'm exactly the same as you, so YEAH to both of us.

            Maybe we could also start an annual celebration based on first date post too. I know I'll be posting a big happy Yahooo when I've been here for 12 months. 11 months to go! lol

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

              I agree with Lush. The Senior members don't request the title it is given to them by the Administrator (RJ) after they've posted 1,000 posts. All of the posts are valuable to this site and all of the members are valuable to this site.
              Enlightened by MWO


                Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                I must go with lush on this one....Being a senior member doesn't bring any special privileges with the title ( for goodness sake limey head, put that crown away, if the other senior members see it they'll get jealous and want one..) Sorry for the interruption, It doesn't matter how many posts you have written, sometimes one or two words can be as helpful to you, the poster, as it can be for the person it was directed at..

                I have posted plenty of one worders, but I have also posted stuff which goes quite deep, I have posted stuff on here which I would not discuss with anyone else...

                My way of doing things on here is for every ?1/$1 I take out I try to put ?2/$2 back, now if you get a thread which is on a roll and everyone is joining in, sometimes one word in a post is enough, its just a bit of fun, and who knows, that one word or one line could just help someone when they need it.....

                Lastly, we do get a lot of guests just looking at this site, we want them to know that as well as being a serious place, a place to come and get all the help and support they may need, its also a place to come to when you need a bit of cheering up, or to share a joke or two... We all have a part to play here at MWO and long may it continue to be like that....

                Take care, Louise xx
                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life


                  Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                  Hello all
                  I agree being a senior member brings no special meaning other than we have posted a lot. I know that I have welcomed many new members and try to get around the boards as much as possible just to let people know I am out here and available to them. So I believe that whether you post 10 times of 30,000 times as long as you are here that is what matters. I have shared my inner most feelings, I have shared my darkest moments and trials and like Irish said information that even my nearest and dearest doesn't get to hear because I find the support I need when I come to this place.
                  I have been in serious posts and not so serious posts. I find that one way for me to wind down is too joke around with all of you...what a great release from a stressful day. Hope that all helps.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                    As far as the one word "words of encouragement" I say YES! I'm not usually a novelist.

                    I hate to see that someone makes an effort to reach out and not get alot of responces. This is a difficult disease & a huge step to post. Sometimes a "good job SeaBreez" is all I need to make myself feel better. Show someone cares. So why not spread the luv? I use PMing for more "personal" issues.

                    And I am huge clipart junkie-so send me a smiley and I smiley

                    We all know who the true seniors are. True wisdom knows no numbers.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                      I am not a senior, but want to get my 2 cents in, for all it matters. I found these boards when I was beaten down, shattered, without a shred of confidence and above all without hope.
                      When I had 1, 2 or 3 days AF, some one liner from a member meant the world to me. There is nothing profoundly literary if somebody says "Way to go Lori", but man, it feels like penicillin on a wounded soul and it is healing.

                      I try to pay back as my time permits. I don't know who said that laughter is the best medicin and we do laugh a lot here. Thank god for that, it is the greatest stress relieve one can think of. Even that I had to learn all over again. I was actually afraid to participate, for fear of saying the wrong thing. That's the lack of confidence we harbour and alcohol did that to us.

                      To all you juniors, seniors, beginners or whatever else you call yourself, let me take off my hat for sharing your life, your story, your humor and your boundless compassion. Thank you. So, Skootie and tech, if somebody sends you a one liner, consider it a gift.

                      At my age I don't care to be senior anything, but I can hardly wait to post my "100AF". That's the only thing I am counting.

                      Love to all,
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                        That felt so good, I'm speechless...

                        :armsaround: :huggy :wow3: :cheering :
                        Reach deep, find your will power.


                          Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                          Hi All, Tech :goodjob: on your AF

                          I've had a lousy day and signed on here to cheer myself up, this hasn't quite done it for me though....

                          If anyone has ever posted and not got a single reply then they will understand how bad it makes you feel ......

                          When I first joined here I was at my wits end, My first few postings didn't get many replies, a simple 'welcome' would have made my day .......

                          The amount of words isn't important, I've done short replies, and essays, but only use pm's for more serious issues. the fact that someone will reach out and spend the time to reply to me makes my day, so please dont encourage people to post less, it's what keeps me smiling xx


                            Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                            Betty hope your day gets better sorry you're having a tough one.
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Can I Be Major Party Pooper Please?

                              Oh My Goodness!

                              I think that some people got the wrong idea of where I was going with this... and you are right! Alot of my dissappointment in finding out how one becomes a Senior Member was do to a misconception or what I read into what the Senior status meant.

                              ABSOLUTELY- One liner words of encouragement are FANTASTIC and should continue and I welcome them myself on a crap day!

                              Where I was lead astray was in the MANY Threads of Celebration and Kudos when one reaches this status, and that was confusing to me. If the status is simply an administrative function and carries no benefit or esteem.... the fact that it is recognized in this way does in fact carry some clout- especially to us newbies out there!

                              Anyways, I meant no disrespect and I do love this site... Thanks for your input and PM's that I recieved... it was just a little thing that was bugging me and rather than bottling it up inside (no pun intended ), I thought I would share!

                              "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison

