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I think it's time...

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    I think it's time...

    Hello, I am new here. As of 9pm yesterday I have decided to quit drinking. I am married, and a mother to 5 beautiful children. I am also a RN so I know what kind of damage I am doing to my body by drinking.
    On average I drink at least one sometimes two bottles of wine a night (and I'm not talking the little bottles). This has been going on for over 2 years.
    I feel happy and worry free when I am drinking until the next morning when I feel ashamed and have a headache.
    My biggest fear if for my children to grow up and tell people that their mother is an alcoholic.
    Right now I am feeling sad, anxious and angry and it is really hard for me to not go get a glass of wine right now. Ughh! Anyways thanks for reading.:new:

    I think it's time...

    Hi Stacyluh - lots if nurses and other care givers here, and lots of mums too! You will find many folks doing the same thing as you and winning the battle.
    There will be some great peopel who will jump on nd welcome you - have you been to the newbies nest? That is a great place to start out - and lots of good ideas in the tool box.
    Good luck to you, well done for signing up! Great first step :welcome:
    “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


      I think it's time...

      Hi Stacyluh - lots of nurses and other care givers here, and lots of mums too! You will find many folks doing the same thing as you and winning the battle. I am also an RN and a mother:l
      There will be some great people who will jump on and welcome you - have you been to the newbies nest? That is a great place to start out - and lots of good ideas in the tool box.
      Good luck to you, well done for signing up! Great first step :welcome:
      “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


        I think it's time...

        Hey I am a mom with 5 kids 15 and under ... Been drinking too much for years but managed to function at high level. I'm on day 8 AF ( alcohol free) ... Fly over go newbies nest and get a lot of support. I hate that morning shame and headache more than anything and I also loved the worry free feeling of drinking. Was up to 5,6,.... Sometimes 10 beers a night lately and starting to forget things.... Scary... Come join us


          I think it's time...

          Icanwithoutacan;1461287 wrote: Hey I am a mom with 5 kids 15 and under ... Been drinking too much for years but managed to function at high level. I'm on day 8 AF ( alcohol free) ... Fly over go newbies nest and get a lot of support. I hate that morning shame and headache more than anything and I also loved the worry free feeling of drinking. Was up to 5,6,.... Sometimes 10 beers a night lately and starting to forget things.... Scary... Come join us
          My oldest is 15 as well. I thnk I will head over to the newbies nest Thanks!


            I think it's time...

            I am on the same page

            I am in the same boat - full time professional, two beautiful kids, and wonderful husband - I would alcohol to cope whenever I am stressed out, or tired, of angry, or I fell I want to have fun. It has started affecting my life and my relationship. I need to stop - this is the second day.

            But I am so scared I won't be able to stay away from alcohol. I can use all the help and support you can give me.

            I almost feel my friends and family will feel I am a 'failure' because I cannot control how much I drink - once I started there is no end until I pass out

            I want to be a better mom - I want to be present and not offucsated by drinking....

            i am desparate to make a change and scared I am not equipped to do so ....


              I think it's time...

              eg-73...head on over to the Newbie's Nest...the link is below in my signature line...also you will see the Tool Box. There are 100's of tips and coping skills to help you thru the first challenging days. So glad you found us...we can help you!!

              Stacy, I saw you in the nest this morning and didn't get a chance to say hello and welcome!! So glad to see you! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                I think it's time...

                welcome Stacy
                I am from Florida too!!
                the newbies nest is great...and you can join some of us on the "One Step at a Time" thread too!!
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem


                  I think it's time...

                  you too eg-73!!
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem

