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    If you stumble, STOP, try to relax and....BREATH. Take stock in what your priorities are. IMO... Recovering from alcoholism is a process. It's a journey back to health and wholeness. Most people find that in the beginning, they stumble along the way. If that happens, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and >>>>> back up on the wagon you go. Keep your eyes straight ahead on the prize. Ahead there is a happy, healthy and sober future. There is little to be gained by looking back and self loathing. Alcoholism is a powerful and cunning disease. It can be beaten. I KNOW IT CAN BE!!! Next step is to try to be your own best friend. You wouldn't beat a friend up who had stumbled so don’t beat yourself up. That will only erode your self-esteem. Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself as you would be for others around you.

    Ask yourself how would a MWO friend support me and help me in this situation?
    I can assure you that here at MWO we will be here to add support.
    When you are talking to yourself, what are you saying? Try to talk to yourself and say the words that we would say.

    Ask yourself what you can learn from your stumble and if there is a lesson in this situation. Then take that new knowledge you gained and move forward once again. Watch out for triggers and avoid them like the plaque.

    Most importantly NEVER QUIT QUITTING and you will succeed! Alcoholism CAN BE OVER COME
    There are many long timers here that have proved that to me!!!

    Red....Hippy wrote this a little while back, it helped me and I hope it helps you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on that horse!
    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
    ~Author Unknown
    AF since February 4, 2013



      The very fact that you started this thread tells me what you really want. If you wanted to give up the fight, you wouldn't have bothered. Come back as soon as you are ready....
      I just won't anymore



        Join Date: Dec 2012
        Location: S.E of the beautiful USA
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        Newbies...If you stumble???
        If you stumble, STOP, try to relax and....BREATH. Take stock in what your priorities are. IMO... Recovering from alcoholism is a process. It's a journey back to health and wholeness. Most people find that in the beginning, they stumble along the way. If that happens, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and >>>>> back up on the wagon you go. Keep your eyes straight ahead on the prize. Ahead there is a happy, healthy and sober future. There is little to be gained by looking back and self loathing. Alcoholism is a powerful and cunning disease. It can be beaten. I KNOW IT CAN BE!!! Next step is to try to be your own best friend. You wouldn't beat a friend up who had stumbled so don’t beat yourself up. That will only erode your self-esteem. Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself as you would be for others around you.

        Ask yourself how would a MWO friend support me and help me in this situation?
        I can assure you that here at MWO we will be here to add support.
        When you are talking to yourself, what are you saying? Try to talk to yourself and say the words that we would say.

        Ask yourself what you can learn from your stumble and if there is a lesson in this situation. Then take that new knowledge you gained and move forward once again. Watch out for triggers and avoid them like the plaque.

        Most importantly NEVER QUIT QUITTING and you will succeed! Alcoholism CAN BE OVER COME
        There are many long timers here that have proved that to me!!!
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! =TOOL BOX Newbies Nest
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013



          Red.....pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on the AF horse! You stumbled.....Hippyman wrote this Great post and I for the life of me am going to try like mad to figure out how to paste it over here.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013



            Senior Member

            Join Date: Dec 2012
            Location: S.E of the beautiful USA
            Posts: 1,563
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            Newbies...If you stumble???
            If you stumble, STOP, try to relax and....BREATH. Take stock in what your priorities are. IMO... Recovering from alcoholism is a process. It's a journey back to health and wholeness. Most people find that in the beginning, they stumble along the way. If that happens, pick yourself up, brush yourself off and >>>>> back up on the wagon you go. Keep your eyes straight ahead on the prize. Ahead there is a happy, healthy and sober future. There is little to be gained by looking back and self loathing. Alcoholism is a powerful and cunning disease. It can be beaten. I KNOW IT CAN BE!!! Next step is to try to be your own best friend. You wouldn't beat a friend up who had stumbled so don’t beat yourself up. That will only erode your self-esteem. Be a kind and supportive friend to yourself as you would be for others around you.

            Ask yourself how would a MWO friend support me and help me in this situation?
            I can assure you that here at MWO we will be here to add support.
            When you are talking to yourself, what are you saying? Try to talk to yourself and say the words that we would say.

            Ask yourself what you can learn from your stumble and if there is a lesson in this situation. Then take that new knowledge you gained and move forward once again. Watch out for triggers and avoid them like the plaque.

            Most importantly NEVER QUIT QUITTING and you will succeed! Alcoholism CAN BE OVER COME
            There are many long timers here that have proved that to me!!!
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!

   Newbies Nest
   How to get a sobriety plan
            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
            ~Author Unknown
            AF since February 4, 2013



              Ok I just pasted Hippymans if you stumble's above. I hope that it was ok to do that. It has helped me on more than 1 occasion and I hope it helps you. I am thinking about you.
              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
              ~Author Unknown
              AF since February 4, 2013



                I'm with RC, think, write, record, appy, remember. And kuya makes a lot of sense...once you realize that you did the "impossible" it gets a bit scarry and confusing. Feels like new teritory.



                  Lots of great advice here. It is ok - just use these tips and get going again. :l

                  (Patrice, I copied what you wrote to save it. Thank you for the wise words.)
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15



                    Beautiful Post Happy Hippie !...

                    My Counselor use to have me role play & have me change chairs. I was to treat myself as I would a friend. I'd never treat a friend the way I Use to treat myself!... I'm not as hard on myself today, I'm loving, forgiving just like I would treat a true friend...

                    Happy Hippie is right it takes some of us many tries before it sticks..... We just hope the dragon ~ beast doesn't take to strong of hold, use heavy ~ heavy chains to hold you down.... In my experiences of many, the longer a person stays out there drinking, the harder it is to come back, but it can be done...

                    We just hope nothing horrible happens to you or anyone else in the process..... :h




                      Ok, Time to man up...

                      I was flying all day, I got up at 3:30 am east coast time and got to San Fran and got an email from my ex that really upset me and hurt me. I know poor baby Life happens.
                      Anyway the next thing I knew I was walking towards the bar and I ordered a double gin and tonic. I sat there for the longest time before I took a drink and thought to my self "What the hell are you doing?" then after about 5 minutes I took a drink and drank it down. I then proceeded to pay the bartender and walked to the gate and sat down and wondered to myself why the f--k did I do that over a woman who does not give a shit about me. Or was I just using it as an excuse to drink. I have not figured out the answer to that yet.
                      I got to the airport in my state and drove to the liquor store and bought myself a pint of gin and drove home. Then made a drink and drank it, made another and drank half of it and went to bed.
                      I only drank ? of the bottle which is still in the freezer. I like my gin ice cold.
                      I woke up with a huge headache and with the feelings of guilt and shame and was really pissed at myself for blowing 16 days AF.
                      So here I am with another tool to beat myself up with. Loser, weakling, drunk, and many more that don't come to mind at the moment.

                      Honestly don?t know if I want to start over again. I have enough tools in my tool
                      Box to beat myself with.

                      So there you have it in a nutshell. I failed and I am disappointed in myself.


                      All things in time if I am Alcohol free



                        Red, you only fail when you stop trying. I'm going to try to start again tomorrow - I've been tapering but had a really bad day yesterday. I've gotten rid of all the alcohol in my house, so get rid of the gin in your freezer. Let's shake this off and start over.
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



                          Rednose -

                          You are not a loser.

                          You are not a weakling.

                          You took great courage in starting that road of 16 days. OK, you lapsed. And it's hard - this time will be harder... but keep writing it down. Write how shite you feel. If you want try and work out whether you drank because your ex made you feel like shit, or whether you used that as an excuse. Write it through. Work it through. You're good at that.

                          Write it through because yes, the next Day 1 may well be harder than the last one. But you are courageous. And it is the courageous who start their journeys - no matter whether they take a step and fall back, or whether their journey leads them to unimagined places.

                          Rednose I believe you have already started the journey. You can get up and do this. Just do it.



                            OK, Good for you for fessing up, reaching out & admitting you had a case of the poor me's, pour me a drink. Has happened to many of us Red!...

                            Now what are you planning on doing? You can sit in your pain, let her have control over you & drink some more & feck up your life, feel sorry for yourself, or do something positive about this. Of course having Valentino Day maybe makin it harder. I don't know? Just another money makin silly Holiday to me, but I'm 29.5 now.

                            It's time to hand over her issues to her & start lovin You Red!!.. I think a guy who's flying around in his career, has an avatar with two labs floating down the river must be doing something right!.... It takes time to mend a broken heart!...

                            That river out there when it comes to love is wide & deep.... There are plenty of fish in the sea. Concentrate on You, your life, your sober future. Learn new ways of coping with pain, seek help with this anywhere you want or need! Dump out the rest of the Ethanol ~ Poison! Your a smart guy!.....

                            Keep moving fwd. Ignore her insults, she's trying to get you to react & she did..... Tell her no more! Stand up for wonderful you!.... Learn how to respond, not knee jerk reactions...

                            Congrats on your 16 days. You will get them back & more Red!...



                              rednose;1462272 wrote: Ok, Time to man up...

                              I was flying all day, I got up at 3:30 am east coast time and got to San Fran and got an email from my ex that really upset me and hurt me. I know poor baby Life happens.
                              Anyway the next thing I knew I was walking towards the bar and I ordered a double gin and tonic. I sat there for the longest time before I took a drink and thought to my self "What the hell are you doing?" then after about 5 minutes I took a drink and drank it down. I then proceeded to pay the bartender and walked to the gate and sat down and wondered to myself why the f--k did I do that over a woman who does not give a shit about me. Or was I just using it as an excuse to drink. I have not figured out the answer to that yet.
                              I got to the airport in my state and drove to the liquor store and bought myself a pint of gin and drove home. Then made a drink and drank it, made another and drank half of it and went to bed.
                              I only drank ? of the bottle which is still in the freezer. I like my gin ice cold.
                              I woke up with a huge headache and with the feelings of guilt and shame and was really pissed at myself for blowing 16 days AF.
                              So here I am with another tool to beat myself up with. Loser, weakling, drunk, and many more that don't come to mind at the moment.

                              Honestly don?t know if I want to start over again. I have enough tools in my tool
                              Box to beat myself with.

                              So there you have it in a nutshell. I failed and I am disappointed in myself.


                              It is really up to what you want out of life. You can let alcohol keep hold of you and ruin any chance you have to being happy, healthy and sober or you can use any number of sobriety tools to stop the madness and regain your self respect? It's your choice. If you want my help, I'm here for you. You can PM me if I can help. :l
                              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                     Newbies Nest
                     Tool Box
                     How to get a sobriety plan



                                Red, you are human and we have all done that, lets all just try again! Lord knows I beat myself up every time! Why what good does it do, just do it again and feel good again!
                                Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some

