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So ashamed...

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    So ashamed...

    I thought I was doing OK. Last night I had a relapse. I bought some wine and pretty much got wasted. I had a fight with my husband which I can't remember what I said really, I don't know what time I went to bed and I sent an email off to someone which I should not have saying something mean to them. I did not even remember doing that at all till I got the reply this morning. I felt like complete utter shit. I dumped the last glass of wine that was left in the bottle down the sink, I feel so low. I now know that I don't even think I can have a casual glass of wine, or anything like that. I have to just cut it out completely, but it's become such a daily thing for me that I'm finding it really hard.

    So ashamed...

    On a nother note I did start vitamins, I got some really high quality "Greens" which have all the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and everything else in there my body needs to start detoxing it all from my body and to become generally healthier.


      So ashamed...

      Don't feel low. We all have relapses. Start a fresh today. someone said on here fall down 7 times, get up 8 times. In my case its fall down 999 times and get up 1000 times!!! I have sent emails that i shouldnt and have emailed again the next day appologising. People respect honesty. Don't worry, you will get there. I am also one of those people who can not touch a drop without going on a binge, its a shame but something i have to accept. Be kind to yourself today and don't expect too much from yourself. B


        So ashamed...

        Thank you Bella. I was almost crying this morning, I just can't believe I let myself get this far with it.


          So ashamed...

          me,like bella cannot have a social drink ive got to get completely wasted i fallen out with my nearest and dearest but thats repairable its your health youve to think about dont be ashamed of relapse shit happens pick yourself up dust yourself down and put it down to experience weve all relapsed at some point or other to quit things dead would be ideal but in a real world that doesnt happen rehab have a %96 failure rate in scotland as most people lapse or relapse so dont beat yourself up over it stay with the forum and things will work out for you try to forget the clouds overhead and think positive who knows this could be your first day for the rest of your life smile and the whole world will smile with you i dont know what vits you take but to repair alcohol damage to nerve ends vitamin b strong and thiamin is what we get up here in scotland we are all with you so be strong and hang in there my:h goes out to you best of luck from mitch inner heelandz o scotlan
          Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


            So ashamed...

            Hey GG, shame is such a useless emotion. just be glad you're back here. we've all done it. best foot forward, start again...

            don't know it you are doin the whole MWO programme as I see you are a new joiner, but for what it's worth, I struggled for weeks and weeks before I got my "goodies" (supps, hypno cds, kudzu and in my case topa. since then it has been MUCH easier). we all have our own way of doing things here, but I can vouch for the fact that the MWO programme does work if you want to add some tools to help you with the fight.

            best of luck, and do not give up. keep on keeping on.



              So ashamed...

              Message to GG

              Hi GG,

              Congrats getting here. When it comes to embarrassing ones self I think there's a pretty big que going on here. Its amazing the dumb things we do when drunk! Take strength in knowing that you are now facing your weakness positively and in good company through MWO. You can stick your finger up at alcohol and kiss those embarrassments goodbye. It takes a while to forgive yourself for irriversable booze blunders. I'm still waiting BUT I have faith that the day will come and meanwhile all participants here are helping me stay on the straight and narrow and reframe from letting the lows swallow me up!

              Good luck matey. Keep in touch
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                So ashamed...

                GG, don't beat up on yourself, I myself last night had 3/4 bottle.instead 2 glass due the frustration of my evening. Laundry list of things I won't bore you with. We just seek escape. Try again today, Like riding a bike. I must have rode my bike into the same old apple tree about 100 times before I realized I could turn the wheels. At least you email; I don't like to type so I call leaving drunken voice mails or keeping people on the phone when I can tell they don't want to be. Thank goodness I haven't done that since Jan.
                Be good to yourself today


                  So ashamed...

                  Sorry Elizabeth, I called you GG. I guess you can see how the morning is going so far


                    So ashamed...

                    Damn, It is GG, So scattered I am!! My dog chewed his leg down to the muscle trying to get to his vet on the phone. He has done this before. He is 11 year old a pom/chow mix and as nuerotic as his owner.


                      So ashamed...

                      Hello and welcome GG.
                      You have come to a really grand place. All the help you will need is right at your fingertips.
                      DO NOT DO THE GUILT THINGY . It is totally counterproductive. Guilt and shame drags us down, until we end up in another dimension.
                      Kate summed it all up. You can do this and you are a beautiful person.
                      Blow the dust off your cuff and start a new day. It gets easier, believe me.
                      Love Lori
                      *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                        So ashamed...

                        GG~ that was yesterday, today is a new day. You can not change yesterday -you can change today & tomorrow & the next & there after. That's a million for 1. The odds are in your favor. Grab the bull by the horns. Take good care of yourself .
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                          So ashamed...

                          Pick yourself back up and do it again. We have ALL FALLEN down so many times we need shin guards. Just start over....luckily, that choice is available to us.


                            So ashamed...

                            G.C. I could be You!!

                            Just like you, I also drank more than I should have last night. No reason, just hanging with friends and playing scrabble. I start out being good (not drinking) then give in. They stop after two and I keep going long after they all run off to bed for the night. I'm 41 years old... when will I learn. But you know what, today is a new day, the sun is out in Seattle for a change and I'm going for a RUN!!!! AHHHH such punishment.....Can't wait to get off this ridiculous roller coaster. BTW , I read the book. take the vitamins, listen to the cd's and take TOPA. Can't afford any of it, but justify the expense by reducing the amount of wine I buy. I also had my husband move all of the hard alcohol out to the rat infested garden shed. NO WAY I'M GOING OUT THERE! HANG IN THERE. WE CAN BEAT THIS.


                              So ashamed...

                              GG, Welcome, you are going to love it here, unless of course you like negative feedback. None of that here. Only positive vibes. Like wannabe says, if the sun can shine in Seattle anything is possible. lol.
                              Reach deep, find your will power.

