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So ashamed...

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    So ashamed...

    Thanks everyone, I am so happy I found this place. I'm wanting a drink right now.. I have a bottle of champagne in the fridge that I am dying to 'pop'. I'm staying away from the kitchen and the fridge, my dishes are all piled up...


      So ashamed...

      Hi GG. Suggestion... glue yourself to the computer. Read and post, read and post, read and post. Great time killer and great way to find inspiration. The dishes will wait. Mine are always still there when I finally make my way back to the kitchen. Oh how I wish they would land themselves in the dishwasher.
      :rays: mdb :rays:

      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

      Lots of work yet to do!


        So ashamed...

        Come on now GG, you don't need that nasty old champagne.... it will just give you a raging headache. Not sure what part of the world you're in, but what about a walk to get your endorphins going, or cleaning out a junk drawer ( come on.... we've all got em')
        Me.....I'm off to get a brazillian wax to get ready for the weekend away with my husband... YIPEE! Now for that, I should have a drink... but I'm going for a Starbucks. Stay strong...... steps....


          So ashamed...

          Hey simeybear... you are hysterical. Sorry... but you have just made me laugh for the first time in ages. Don't ever lose your sense of humor. Its magic.
          A BushBaby with Attitude


            So ashamed...

            GG - if you tried to count the number of times I've fallen down only to try to stumble up the next day - well, who can count when you can't even remember. It's a large number. My shrink always tells me one step at a time and you will move forward. It works - one foot at a time.

            When you're a drinker like we all are, you can spend your whole life beating up on yourself for things you've done and regretted. (By the way don't forget that the nondrinkers do things they regret also). But that's the past. We can't change the past, but we can change today and tomorrow.

            Our loved ones have a tremendous capacity to forgive us and we should have a tremendous capacity to forgive ourselves also.

            Today is new. Tomorrow is better.

            Keep posting.

            :h :h :h
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              So ashamed...

              OY Simey, you are having a day!

              GG: somewhere there is a thread about all the embarressing things we have done and after I wrote mine I had to got back and delete it a few days later. It was just THAT bad. Trust me, we have all been there. A new day is here my friend!!!!
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                So ashamed...

                GG, I too found MWO today and found a couple friends in the chat room. I woke up once again wanting to cry and feeling ashamed and a failure.
                I am going to stick with this site and probably buy the CD's and book right away.
                Don't go away, stay with me on this and maybe we can be two newbies waking up empowered very soon with testimonies of success like others.
                I hope to see you on line and am sooo hoping we can help eachother. I'll need some new friends to change the deathstyle I've been trapped in.
                I will watch for a reply from you. Remember, I'm in the same place today and have decided to track my drinking on the calendar electing abstinence at least till the end of the month to start.
                I'm confident your visit here, like mine, can be the start of the better way we both wish to live the rest of our lives. God Bless us all!!!


                  So ashamed...

                  Start again ! Don't give up. Our lives are based on mistakes. Ponder the pencil, it's made with an eraser. Ok,,,,,,,,,,Enough said.......IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    So ashamed...

                    GG. These embaressing moments will go away. Trust me. Trust the people on here. So many great success stories. Oh, and I've I done the email thing, voice mail thing. You name it.

                    dain - excellent first post. It is a great idea to motivate one another on this journey.

                    where does this go?


                      So ashamed...

                      Hi and welcome,

                      Don't waste any energy beating yourself up - use the energy to post on here and to resolve to figure out how to beat the bottle.
                      Guilt is not good - learning from our mistakes is.

                      You will get all the support you can handle here!


                      Welcome to you too!

                      "Deathstyle" I like that description - I will remenber that!!!

                      Hope you too find what you are looking for on here!

                      Take care

                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        So ashamed...

                        Welcome, Dain

                        Wishing you the best of luck on you new journey. Take your time. Relax. Don't beat yourself up. And don't forget to laugh once in a while. Life can be funny.:welcome:
                        Reach deep, find your will power.

