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Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

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    Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

    ...and had an AWESOME time at both sober as a judge

    I've been alcohol free for almost 100 days now, so it wasn't that long ago that I would never have dreamt that I could attend such events sober nevermind actually enjoy myself dancing and having a brill time!!

    Me and my other half slipped away from the wedding reception before it finished as we were a bit tired and couldn't be arsed with some of the drunk folk by that stage haha. No-one even noticed we were gone anyway.

    Also, the club night was on a Friday and the next day I had a lovely chilled day with friends and the next day after the wedding, I was up early fresh as a daisy and went out for a 9 mile run (training for marathon). No way would either of those things have happened had I still been a drinker due to being horrendously hungover and ill.

    For anyone at the start of their journey who is fearful about the prospect of a social life without alcohol - it really is possible and, not only that, it can be very enjoyable - in my case, moreso than when alcohol was involved!!

    Just thought I would share, since I've not been on in a while and my last post was gloomy lol x

    Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

    Thank you so much for sharing! It is so nice to see that it is possible to be AF and still have a social life! I'm sure you did feel much better than your friends who drank all night. I'm only on day 9 and I'm starting to realize the benefits of waking up sober. Very nice. Looking forward to many more mornings of sobriety. Thank you again for sharing!
    Would you like you, if you met you?


      Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

      Thanks for sharing that JingleJo. It's great to hear these real life stories of how good these occasions can be.

      I'm going to a wedding in a couple of weeks and I'll come back to this post when I start wavering.

      :thanks: and :goodjob:
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

        JingleJo;1462227 wrote: ...and had an AWESOME time at both sober as a judge

        I've been alcohol free for almost 100 days now, so it wasn't that long ago that I would never have dreamt that I could attend such events sober nevermind actually enjoy myself dancing and having a brill time!!

        Me and my other half slipped away from the wedding reception before it finished as we were a bit tired and couldn't be arsed with some of the drunk folk by that stage haha. No-one even noticed we were gone anyway.

        Also, the club night was on a Friday and the next day I had a lovely chilled day with friends and the next day after the wedding, I was up early fresh as a daisy and went out for a 9 mile run (training for marathon). No way would either of those things have happened had I still been a drinker due to being horrendously hungover and ill.

        For anyone at the start of their journey who is fearful about the prospect of a social life without alcohol - it really is possible and, not only that, it can be very enjoyable - in my case, moreso than when alcohol was involved!!

        Just thought I would share, since I've not been on in a while and my last post was gloomy lol x
        Great job JJ!

        It is true, life goes on and is just as fun without alcohol! I do everything that I used to do; sporting events, concerts, weddings, parties, dinners out, the whole shebang. I can hang out in bars with friends. And I have more fun than I had when I was drinking because there are no negative consequences ever!


          Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

          YAY for JJ

          So good to hear.

          Don't be a stranger JJ, and remember where you come for a tuneup.

          Loving your work :h


            Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

            kuya;1462659 wrote: YAY for JJ

            So good to hear.

            Don't be a stranger JJ, and remember where you come for a tuneup.

            Loving your work :h
            Well done JJ.......:goodjob:

            I have a family party to go to next month and am really nervous....I have never been in a situation where everyone is drinking and I don't....not sure how I'm going to feel and if I really will be able to resist temptation!!!!

            Help...advice please


              Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

              Just sit back & enjoy the show. Really. It's going to be quite interesting. Take notes so you can remind everybody what silly shit they did ;-D

              s1179;1463071 wrote: Well done JJ.......:goodjob:

              I have a family party to go to next month and am really nervous....I have never been in a situation where everyone is drinking and I don't....not sure how I'm going to feel and if I really will be able to resist temptation!!!!

              Help...advice please


                Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

                Thanx newone......Will bear that in mind.....Will def post nearer the time to gather un courage


                  Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

                  s1179;1463071 wrote: Well done JJ.......:goodjob:

                  I have a family party to go to next month and am really nervous....I have never been in a situation where everyone is drinking and I don't....not sure how I'm going to feel and if I really will be able to resist temptation!!!!

                  Help...advice please
                  I have just come home from a wedding and it was awesome sober. As far others drinking it made no difference to me, I ate, chatted, danced, was the 'life and soul' of the party. Nobody gave a damn if I was drinking.

                  A very unexpected high was going to the bathroom after dancing for ages, very hot from the activity, and looking in the mirror. Usually there would be a bloated, sweaty, lined face with smeared makeup. Tonight I looked at the same face that had arrived, I looked fresh faced, attractive and only flushed with fun. I actually smiled at myself with pride.

                  And tomorrow ...... No hangover......lunch at my son's guilt, shame or remorse, just a fabulous weekend and fun.



                    Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

                    You go Girl!! fresh faced and attractive


                      Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

                      kuya;1463758 wrote: I have just come home from a wedding and it was awesome sober. As far others drinking it made no difference to me, I ate, chatted, danced, was the 'life and soul' of the party. Nobody gave a damn if I was drinking.

                      A very unexpected high was going to the bathroom after dancing for ages, very hot from the activity, and looking in the mirror. Usually there would be a bloated, sweaty, lined face with smeared makeup. Tonight I looked at the same face that had arrived, I looked fresh faced, attractive and only flushed with fun. I actually smiled at myself with pride.

                      And tomorrow ...... No hangover......lunch at my son's guilt, shame or remorse, just a fabulous weekend and fun.

                      AWESOME KY :yay:
                      Just the type of thing we love to hear - the day to day coping - brilliant !!


                        Went to a nightclub AND a wedding reception at the weekend...

                        I love reading these positive posts- it's very inspiring and gives me something to look forward to! Good for you JJ and Kuya!
                        It's always YOUR choice!

