I've been alcohol free for almost 100 days now, so it wasn't that long ago that I would never have dreamt that I could attend such events sober nevermind actually enjoy myself dancing and having a brill time!!
Me and my other half slipped away from the wedding reception before it finished as we were a bit tired and couldn't be arsed with some of the drunk folk by that stage haha. No-one even noticed we were gone anyway.
Also, the club night was on a Friday and the next day I had a lovely chilled day with friends and the next day after the wedding, I was up early fresh as a daisy and went out for a 9 mile run (training for marathon). No way would either of those things have happened had I still been a drinker due to being horrendously hungover and ill.
For anyone at the start of their journey who is fearful about the prospect of a social life without alcohol - it really is possible and, not only that, it can be very enjoyable - in my case, moreso than when alcohol was involved!!
Just thought I would share, since I've not been on in a while and my last post was gloomy lol x