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Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

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    Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

    Betty - just seeing your avatar and all of your hugs means the world to me. The extra words are just bonus!
    :rays: mdb :rays:

    Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

    Lots of work yet to do!


      Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

      Hi Folks,

      Just want to say - let us pray as well - sticking together is one thing, but having God around constantly is glorius. I am going to take my own advice actually. The devil is the one that makes us do these horrible things to ourselves....
      Let us push him out of our lives by leaning on God, HE IS THE ANSWER!
      I do feel like a hypocrite here, but if we all work together across the web, miracles will happen - I have confidence in this....


        Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

        I am a bloke and I have lost count of the imes that beer is the first thing I have to eat then home for a goofd dinner
        "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


          Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

          further thoughts

          I really think it would be helpful if you don't call yourself a freak!
          Though I know I have felt the same at times.

          There might be things you don't like about yourself but no one is perfect. You should keep trying to improve but also accept that these things are part of you at the moment, but that could very well change in the future.

          Another thing i thought about after I posted...
          I have been reading a bit about "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction", which seems to have some promise for anxiety and binge eating and seems focused on improving the relationship with the self. You can google it to find out more.

          And finally, someone told me something very valuable once after I had gone for years thinking I was doomed. He explained that people with depression tend to think this way, excessively negative about the self and the prospects for the future. I started to realize that this was indeed the case, I had a bleak picture of myself and yet others saw me in such a more positive way. Once I realized that this negative thinking was part of the depressive psyche, and how odds it was with perception of others (aside from the drinking periods that is!) i felt a lot better and more intellectually aware.

          HE told me that I might see myself this way but the world didn't. That was refreshing.

          Since then, reading up on Buddhism, I am focusing on how to be a good friend to myself and it feels a lot better.


            Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

            DingDong, although I've never had an eating disorder like anorexia or binging/purging, I can relate to your "eating" habits. I too am a BEER/pizza/chips/cheese/salt/grease person. I usually drink a beer when I first get home to curb my hunger ... typically followed by many more ... the beers followed by eating something that is really bad for me after I get sufficiently loaded.

            I desperately want to break this habit. I am having limited success, but am trying to focus on the positive. Since I've discovered the MWO website about a week ago, I've taken about one step backward for each two steps forward, which is more progress than I've made in the past 15 years. Although my initial goal was abstinence, I'm not giving up. I really want to make a change in my life. Please feel free to email me and we can provide support to each other.

            Hang in there. We can do this!


              Sinking myself in a different way... Help!

              Mustdo FYI my doctor told me just WEd that he prescribes Topa for both alcohol and eating addictions....Kate is onto something there. I'd definately look into it and ask your doctor for advice and a checkup. whatever you do, beating youreself up is no solution.
              take care,
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

