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Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

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    Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

    What Red said.

    Go the Red!

    G bloke.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

      FlyAway;1463355 wrote: I must say that I am surprised, after you stated twice in your other thread that you didn't have another quit in you right now. I really hope that this one is for you and not for your ex and a dream you have of your reunion or not for the people here who have been rooting you on. You need to do this because you want this for you. You need to learn to love the person you are; then you will truly have something to offer another person.
      Thanks Fly, No this is not for the ex, I will be 100% honest about this. I really don't want her back, it is just that she does not want me back which is what hurts my feelings, Makes me feel unwanted, not good enough, abandoned and all those feelings that come up.
      If she said yes and came back I would not want her to be honest. So yes I am being a big big baby and am letting someone else have power over how I feel.

      God?s honest truth. I guess it is time for me to grow up a bit..

      rednose :thanks:
      All things in time if I am Alcohol free


        Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

        NoSugar;1463397 wrote: Hi, Red

        The threads you have started ALREADY have helped me - so thanks!
        Thank you NoSugar..... I am glad to be of help to someone.

        All things in time if I am Alcohol free


          Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

          RunningCourage;1463400 wrote: Hey Mr Red,

          Awesome attitude. Good to see you getting down and dirty with the AL fight. You can do it. And as you say, sure don't so much focus on the days, but instead on how you are gradually becoming a way better Red than the drinking Red.

          My first quit I was a little obsessive with the counting of the days. This quit - my focus was on me getting better in all areas of my life, and this remains my priority, thus to do so I need to be AF. The counting of the days is now a wee aside, a wee "Ooohhh, look at that!"


          Thanks for the support. It is about being the best person you can be. And in my case I am a better person when I am AF. I just need to remember that.

          I need to keep the bigger picture in mind and the days will come.

          All things in time if I am Alcohol free


            Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

            You just made my afternoom Welcome back !!! You live you learn your grow or you just die. Hugs and kisses!


              Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

              DimensionDrifter;1463365 wrote: Well it's great that you did not really get drunk or seem to enjoy it that much... So that's progress indeed! When I slip, it's not a slip at ALL! It's a dive head long into the rivers of ancient Babylon! So I wish I could just slip like you did! Or just not at all is even better! Congrats on a short small slip!
              I am not glad that I drank but I am glad that I did not go out and get so plastered that I did stupid things. I hope I can remain AF. But I think this has ruined my drinking. Every time I made myself a drink I felt guilt and remorse.

              rednose :thanks:
              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                Hi red glad your doing better. You had a real rough week that's for sure. I too slipped several times and also felt the guilt and remorse and just plain yick from it and now that I'm sober more than not. I really love life better sober. Its tough believe me. I'm just trying for 1 day at a time and doing okay with that


                  Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                  Strong can be Weak!

                  My goal right now is to make most of the summer Booze Free! But if and when I do slip.. I need good people around me! I need to be reminded of the wall of sh*t that falls on you! Because I will just go crazy if I don't watch it! I will try to make it all summer without drinking! Right now it's easy for me.. because I feel like sh*t! Booze disgust me right now.. It's ironic that when I'm very strong and feel like I can run like a cheetah is when I'm the most weak! If (If I slip, I will post it, and you guys stop me from drinking the second day) If I go into day 2 the mayhem will begin!


                    Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                    Oh boy....summer..haven't thought about that one.. I'm with you drifter


                      Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                      Happy to see you back Red. You sound really positive. X
                      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                      Day by day


                        Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                        As is often said.......the last drunk is as good as it gets.

                        Welcome back to the path to sanity


                          Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                          Welcome back Red. You now have another tool to use if temptation strikes - the memory that all drinking did for you was make you feel like crap.

                          For newbies like us, sometimes this site reminds me of the peloton in cycling, with riders taking it in turns to take the lead so others can rest a little bit in the slipstream. I was drafting behind you there for a couple of weeks while you were doing all the work and dragging me along. Now it's time for you to tuck in behind if you like and let the rest of us pull you along for a while.
                          There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                          You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                          I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                            Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                            Glass Half Empty;1463555 wrote:
                            For newbies like us, sometimes this site reminds me of the peloton in cycling, with riders taking it in turns to take the lead so others can rest a little bit in the slipstream. I was drafting behind you there for a couple of weeks while you were doing all the work and dragging me along. Now it's time for you to tuck in behind if you like and let the rest of us pull you along for a while.
                            Glass, I love that analogy! I will keep that image in mind as we work on all of this together.

                            And just think of all of us in those Lycra suits... . I think I will be on Garmin since they are very committed to being drug-free! What team is your favorite?


                              Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                              NoSugar;1463561 wrote: Glass, I love that analogy! I will keep that image in mind as we work on all of this together.

                              And just think of all of us in those Lycra suits... . I think I will be on Garmin since they are very committed to being drug-free! What team is your favorite?
                              Jeepers NoSugar, if I'm riding at the front there's no way I'll be wearing lycra, the peleton would take one look at me and cycle as fast as they can in the opposite direction! If anyone's going to look at my rear end it needs to be encased in something a little more supportive. I wonder if Spanx does cycling gear? :H

                              BMC is my fave team, but only because of Cadel. I'd be devastated if he was ever found to have cheated. And Orica Greenedge is 2nd. They say they have a hard-line anti-doping stance but then so did 'he who shall no longer be named'.

                              Rednose - on ya bike and start peddling!
                              There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                              You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                              I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                                Back on the wagon, Let's ride.

                                Hi, Glass

                                It is a bummer when our favorites retire, isn't it? I have never heard anything bad about CE so perhaps his legacy is safe. My husband adores George H. so it was sad that he turned out to be one of "Voldemort's" minions... His retirement wasn't as honorable as Evans'. Anyway, I will be happy when the races are back on TV.


